Everyone Ships It (StickPrice) Part 2

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A/N: I'm still kinda in shock many of you are reading these oneshots...and my stories in general, I'm glad. I'm also amazed that I haven't got any rude or negative comments yet but I'm waiting, why I don't know, I have anxiety so yeah...

Anyway, Rupert and Henry are going undercover in the mission but they are extremely nervous. Rupert is in denial about his feelings and Henry feels depressed over his feelings, but someone decides to move on Henry which makes Rupert feel...something negative. Meanwhile everyone else watching them are having so much fun.

While everyone was in the helicopter, the General explained the plan again but not everyone was listening. Henry and Rupert didn't like wearing the suits but neither were willing to admit out loud, Henry didn't like the hair clip that was on his hair but Charles and Ellie seemed to like it on him. 

Rupert on the other hand, wanted to burn the suit he was wearing. Dave and Johnny reassured him he looked hot but he wasn't so sure, Rupert looked at Henry who was fiddling with his hair pin. Rupert hated to admitted it but Henry looks beautiful with that suit and hair pin, he shook his head as his face became scarlet.

Why did he just think that? His face became more red, Dave noticed this as he saw his best friend was red as a tomato. "Hey." he whispered, making Rupert look at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." lied Rupert, whispering. 

"You don't sound too sure."

"I don't."

"Why are you angry?"




Dave looked at Rupert for a moment, he then had an idea. "Is this about Henry?" he questioned.

Rupert's eyes widened when Dave asked about Henry, Dave saw the reaction that Rupert gave. Bingo, he thought. He knew Rupert has feelings for Henry but was in denial, Dave smirked when that one time he caught him flirting with Henry. Rupert thought he was alone but nope, Dave was listening to him.

"What about him?" asked Rupert, still whispering.

"Do you think he's happy being here?" Dave replied.

Rupert glanced at Henry who looked unamused to be here, "Nope." said Rupert.

Dave nodded as he watched Henry fixing up his suit, Henry looked beautiful in the suit and the hair clip added the extra touch. Galeforce cleared his throat to get everyone's attention again. He looked around to find everyone was staring at him but Rupert's and Henry's faces were red.

He smirked as he watched them fiddle with their suits, he then instructed them to put on their earpieces. Charles announced that they were there, Rupert exhaled a sharp breath as he stood up. Henry was anxious about the mission but Ellie reassured him, he'll do great.

Charles parked the helicopter into a secluded area where the building that the gala was taking place. Galeforce told everyone their places again while Charles opened the helicopter door to let Henry and Rupert out.

"Okay." said Galeforce. "Rupert and Henry, it's your job to stop the Toppat clan from getting more treasure."

Rupert and Henry both nodded as they got out of the helicopter, they walked to the mansion where the gala was held. It was a beautiful mansion, the mansion was painted white and gold, in the front there was two rows of flowers leading to the entrance, and there were already guests walking up to the mansion.

Rupert and Henry walked to the entrance of the mansion, they got in the gala and saw so many guests but didn't see any Toppat members. They mingled through the crowd as they searched for Toppat members, Rupert noticed that Henry was nervous as they were getting closer to the crowd.

Rupert led them to the buffet since there were a few people there, Henry wasn't looking at him while he was staring at his tie as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Rupert sighed to himself as he turned on his earpiece, "No sign of them, sir." he whispered.

"Keep looking." replied Galeforce, firmly. "We don't want the Toppat clan to get away with more riches."

"Yes sir."

Rupert stopped talking to the General and turned around to find Henry was gone, he began to panic slightly but stopped when he saw Henry dancing with a random guy. Ah, he was probably asked to dance when Rupert was talking to the General. At least, they were safe...for now.

Rupert watched Henry as he danced with a random stranger, Henry's hands were on the guy's shoulders and the guy's arms were around his waist. Rupert felt his eye twitched as he kept staring at them, he then felt a dark, ugly feeling brewing in his chest.

He crossed his arms as he grumbled, meanwhile with the others, they were enjoying this. Victoria saw that Rupert was jealous of seeing Henry being held by someone else. She smirked at Rupert while Charles and Ellie were having fun, they also noticed Henry's blushing face when he was asked to dance.

Galeforce was watching the entire scene in amusement, he can sense that Rupert wanted to intervene but had to keep up appearances. Henry politely excused himself from the man he was dancing with, he went to Rupert who was still feeling jealousy.

"Oi, yer okay?" asked Rupert, gently.

"Yes." replied Henry. "Just never expected to ask to dance."

"What? Really?"


"Never danced with someone before?"


"Really? Not even at a high school dance?"


Rupert was shock by the reveal, he never knew that. Judging by Henry's reaction to human interaction, he was never a social person. Henry bowed his head down in embarrassment after revealing a embarrassing secret.

"So..." said Rupert,tentatively.

Henry glanced up at him, "Do you want to dance with me?" Rupert asked, blushing.

Henry blinked owlishy at him for a moment, he never expected that. With the others, Victoria and Ellie squealed in delight while Galeforce and Charles watched them in amusement.

"Um....sure." replied Henry, using his voice. Rupert's face became more red as he heard Henry's voice.

Rupert gently grabbed Henry's hand as they headed for the dance floor, Rupert wrapped his arms around Henry's waist while Henry put his hands on Rupert's shoulders. They were both red and nervous, but they needed to keep up appearances.

They started dancing slowly, they were still nervous at first but quickly became more relaxed. Rupert and Henry were enjoying each other's company while they were dancing, they even got closer as they danced.

They were so focused on each other that they almost forgot about the mission, Charles spotted some Toppat members and quickly alerted them. Rupert and Henry followed the Toppats as they were sneaking off to steal.

Rupert and Henry stopped at a hallway when they lost them, Rupert cursed while Henry looked around for them. Charles quickly searched for the Toppats location and he gave them their locations, they both nodded.

They began heading for the locations until one of the Toppats went towards them, Rupert then began to panic so he decided to do something stupid...well stupid to him anyways.

He quickly grabbed Henry and kissed him, dipping him in the process.

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