Secrets and Lies (Calmin and Stickprice) Part 3

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A/N:I'm so glad that many of you are enjoying the Secrets and Lies oneshots, then again I'm so glad all of you enjoying my stories in general.

Also canon? What's that?

Rupert wished he hadn't gone out of bed, he saw Henry was so tired earlier this morning. Rupert offered him to get coffee to help him stay awake but he declined, he then was acting anxious. What's even more strange is that Calvin was also tired, he fell asleep and everyone tried to wake him up but couldn't.

Rupert took the liberty to wake him up and it was hilarious. Rupert loved his reaction as he slapped him, Calvin glared at him. Then Henry left with no explanation, Rupert searched for him a couple hours later but found him and Calvin in a...compromising position. He felt a dark feeling in his chest as he watched Henry was on top of Calvin, he wanted to say something but decided against it.

Rupert left and went back to the base, he stopped against a storage unit and took a pack of cigarettes. He knew smoking was bad for his health but he didn't care, he lit one cigarette and took a puff.

He hated feeling jealous but he can't help it, he has feelings for Henry. How? He doesn't know, you can't control who you fall in love with. He sighed sadly as he kept smoking, he then spotted June July walking slowly with her head down.

He raised an eyebrow at her, he sensed that something's wrong. Being the captain that he just got promoted, he decided to check up on her. He went up to her but she didn't see him, he stopped her. She didn't glanced up at him, "Uh...June...yer ok?" he asked, gently.

June froze but she still didn't look up, she trembled a bit. She finally looked up and her face was red, he felt her forehead and it was warm. "June? Yer okay?" he asked, again.

"Um...uh...I..." she stuttered.


"I...saw something that I shouldn't."

"Which is?"

"I-I-I saw Calvin and Henry...."



June hesitated for a moment, she's not sure if she should tell him. She saw his face and he did not look happy to say at least, might as well.

"IsawCalvinandHenryhavingsex!" she said, rapidly.

Rupert stared at her in confusion, what did she say? "What?" he questioned, in confusion.

"I saw Calvin and Henry having sex." said June, blushing and more slowly.

Rupert froze for a moment, did he hear that correctly? Calvin and Henry were having sex? That can't be right, Rupert was sure he was hearing things. He stared at her while she was not looking at her, he wanted to believe she was lying but he knows June for a while now. She's not a lier, she too good for that.

"Are ya sure?" questioned Rupert, lowly.

June blinked owlishy at him, she nodded yes. Rupert stared at her then he left her alone, he felt his body trembled as he walked back to his tent. His mind was telling him to be in denial, he then put two and two together. Both Henry and Calvin were both tired in the morning, they also looked ruffled.

He then got an idea, he's gonna do some detective work. He needed to know if he was too late that Henry moved on to Calvin.

Meanwhile with Calvin and Henry, they were finishing putting on their clothes. They had to wipe off the dirt and grass off their clothes, they head back to the base. Once they got to the base, Calvin and Henry glanced at each other.

"Thanks." whispered Henry, blushing. "I really needed relief."

"No problem." replied Calvin, smiling slightly.

Calvin then brang Henry close to like an one arm embrace, he then whispered to him, making Henry blushed furiously. Then they both their goodbyes and headed off. Henry was walking to the cafeteria when he bumped into Rupert, Henry quickly panicked.

"I'm sorry, Rupert." said Henry, apologizing.

It took Rupert a moment before a brief smile went across his face, "It's alright, Henry." replied Rupert.

"So...what's going on?"

"Just walking..."

"Is there something wrong?"


"You don't sound to sure." said Henry.

Rupert shook his head, "It's fine, Henry." he replied. "Everything's fine."

Henry didn't look convinced but he dropped the subject, "Ok, bye." he said, waving at Rupert.

But little did he know, he just confirmed that June wasn't a liar. Rupert started to heave heavily, his fists tighten as he blinked back tears.

"I can smell him." thought Rupert, angrily. "I can smell Calvin all over him! He's smells like the cologne that Calvin's wears."


Rupert felt the urge to shout, "GODDAMN IT!" he yelled.

For the next couple of days, things were normal. Well...normal for Charles, Ellie, Dave, and Victoria. However, they seemed to be worried for Henry, Calvin, and Rupert. Henry and Calvin are even more tired while Rupert was acting...sorta...strange.

Rupert spent most of his time alone, either sulking or being broody. He was feeling anger, sadness, and loss. He just lost Henry to Calvin, of all people. Victoria and Dave tried to get an answer out of him but he wouldn't say anything to them.

One day, Rupert was spying on Calvin and Henry. Calvin and Henry were just talking about random stuff, they weren't acting like a couple or anything. That was strange to Rupert, Calvin and Henry then got a call from Victoria. They both headed off to her while Rupert stood in his hiding space, stunned as hell.

"Oh, Calvin!" groaned Henry, in pleasure as Calvin pushed him against a tree.

"You taste so good." moaned Calvin, as he kissed Henry's neck.

Calvin unbutton Henry's pants while he kept kissing his neck, he then took out his cock and began stroking it. Henry moaned as he pulled his head back in pleasure. Calvin then put his other hand on Henry's neck while he kept stroking Henry's cock with his other hand. They kept kissing each other, their tongues fought for dominance.

Calvin stopped stroking Henry's cock making him whine in the process, Calvin then picked up Henry and set him on the ground. Calvin unbutton his own pants while Henry took off the remaining of his clothes, Calvin got out a bottle of lube after he took of his shirt.

He then put some lube on his fingers while Henry gazed at him in lust. Calvin put two fingers in his hole as he smirked at Henry, Henry hissed but got used to the pain quickly.

Calvin started scissoring him while pouring some more lube on his cock, he then stopped using his fingers and put his cock in. Henry moaned in pleasure as Calvin's cock was inside of him, Calvin didn't let him get adjusted as he started moving.

"O-o-oh, Henry." groaned Calvin, in pleasure.

"Agh! A-a-a-h!" screamed Henry, in pleasure as his prostate was hit by Calvin's cock.

Henry put scratches all over Calvin's back as he wrapped his legs around Calvin's waist, Calvin thrust harder and deeper.

Watching this from above and out of sight, was Rupert. The spiky-hair man looked heartbroken, mind and body going numb as he watched Calvin take away his lover. Someone that only belongs to him and only him.

At least, that's what his mind said.

The hurt, the anger, and the betrayal was all too much for him to take. Rupert slowly backed away from the scene, he didn't want to see it no more, and he didn't want his heart to hurt more.

But if he had stayed longer, he probably would've heard the soft whisper of "Rupert" instead of Calvin.

A/N: This is like a birthday gift to myself. And, for everyone cause I know how you guys enjoy reading my stuff.

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