Everyone Ships It (Stickprice) part 3 Final

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A/N: The final part to Everyone Ships it, writing these oneshots is so much fun. 

Henry's eyes widened when Rupert kissed him, he also felt himself being dipped. Henry then closed his eyes and kissed back, Henry wrapped his arms around Rupert's neck while he felt Rupert's hand at the small of his back. They were enjoying their kiss far too much, a Toppat walked right pass them, muttering for them to get a room. The Toppat didn't noticed that they were in the Government, after the Toppat left, Rupert finally let go of Henry.

They were both panting heavily, their faces were red. Well...that kiss...was...unexpected, Henry turned away from Rupert. Henry didn't expect to kissed like that, he wasn't complaining though. Rupert on the other hand, he was blushing like crazy. He can't believe he did that! But...kissing Henry felt good, he wanted to kiss him since his police days. Of course, he hides his feelings by arguing with Henry. Henry fights back which Rupert didn't expect, Rupert glanced at Henry who wasn't looking at him. 


Rupert and Henry both jumped when their earpieces turned on, their faces became more red as soon they heard the General's voice. Then they heard more voices but the voices were laughing, they faces became more red like a tomato. If Rupert had his hat, he would already be covering his face. Henry covered his face with his hands, Henry wished he could die now. 

Rupert put then pushed the earpiece, "Yes, sir?" cracked Rupert. Henry giggled at Rupert's voice while Rupert glared at him.

"Did you boys forget about the mission?" asked Galeforce, annoyed. 

"No, sir." replied Rupert, lowly. Henry shook his head while Rupert was talking with the General.

"Good. Now get moving, we need to get the Toppat Clan."

"Yes, sir."

Galeforce left the call and Rupert sighed as he glanced over at Henry, Henry was red while he was looking at the floor. Rupert gently grabbed Henry's hand and they went to the Toppats location, they stopped when they reached the door the Toppats were in. Rupert held Henry's hand and he opened his palm, Henry was confused until Rupert tapped the plan in Morse code. Rupert pulled out a gun out his jacket while Henry did the same, Rupert slowly opened the door just a little. 

He peeked in and saw some Toppats stealing some things, Rupert turned to Henry who was looking at him seriously. Rupert did a hand signal and Henry nodded, Rupert kicked the door open. They both went inside with their guns pointing at the Toppats, "You're not going anywhere, criminal scums!" shouted Rupert, pointing his gun.

Henry pointed his gun at one the Toppats, the Toppats gasped in shock as they were discovered. One of the Toppats was wearing a blue suit, a blue hat, and he had blonde hair. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at Rupert and Henry.

"Don't be so sure." said the blonde, in a Swedish accent.

Rupert growled in frustration while Henry kept his eye on the other one, she was wearing a black business suit with a purple tie. She also pulled out a gun and aimed it towards them, she glared at Henry who glared back at her. They had a stand-off for a couples minutes until Rupert had enough, he was getting impatient. 

"Yer guys aren't going anywhere." said Rupert, lowly. "Now come with us and we won't have any trouble."

The blonde and the woman stared at them for moment until the blonde got out a remote control and pressed the big red button. There was suddenly chaos, the blonde shot his gun at Rupert but dodged it. Screams were heard from outside, the woman shot Henry but he also dodged.

Henry pulled out a pocket knife and threw at the blonde, the blonde dodged it. The blonde also pulled out a knife and started attacking him. He swung the knife, trying to get Henry while he was dodging him. Rupert tried to help Henry but a bullet grazed his jacket, luckily the bullet go through his shoulder.

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