This Is A Mistake (Stickprice) Part 3

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After the second time, they had sex, Rupert and Henry are wondering what's their relationship. Are they friends? Are they mutual? Are they rivals?  They are not sure, but one thing is for sure, they need to figure their shit out.

Henry didn't answer Rupert's question; he looked away from Rupert.

Henry was staring at a wall as he thought of a way they could do this; Rupert was still looking at him. There was an awkward silence; Henry was still thinking when he felt pain in his lower back. He winced in pain as he put a hand behind his back, Rupert saw this, and immediately his eyes held concern.

"Oi, are ya okay?" Rupert asked.

Henry glanced over at him in shock, he never expected Rupert to ask him that. Their relationship considers insults, fights, and more insults, and tells each other to go to Hell. Now the relationship is.... well... complicated. Henry nodded as he smiled slightly,  Rupert didn't look convinced because he had fucked him hard again. Rupert stood up and began putting on his underwear, Henry had to look away so Rupert wouldn't see his face.

Rupert finished putting on his underwear, he glanced down at Henry who wasn't looking at him. "Oi," Rupert said.

Henry looks over to see Rupert holding out his hand for him to grab onto, Henry grabs the hand, and Rupert helped him up. "Thanks," Henry mumbled.

Rupert nodded as he resume putting on his clothing, Henry did the same thing.

Rupert was tying up his bootlaces when he heard a knock on the door. Henry and Rupert stared at the door in fear and then at each other. "Bloody hell," Rupert muttered as he stood up.

Henry went to the door and look through the peephole. He cursed when he saw Charles and   Ellie at the door, Henry groaned as he glanced at Rupert. "Who's at the door?" Rupert whispered.

"Charles and Ellie,"  Henry responded, using sign language.

"Damn it," Rupert said in frustration. "What are was going to do? They can't know I'm here."

Henry thought for a moment then looked at Rupert, "Go hide in my room, I will attempt to get rid of them."  he commanded.

Rupert nodded and did as he was told, he headed toward the bedroom as Henry opened the door.

"There you are, Henry!" Ellie exclaimed angrily with her hands on her hips. Charles was standing beside her, looking very angry like Ellie.

"Yeah, we tried calling you and texting you but you didn't answer," Charles added in worry.

"You did?" Henry spoke, he took out his phone and saw he had a bunch of missed calls and texts. "Oh."  

"Since you didn't answer our calls, we decided to check up on you," Charles explained. "To see if you were alive or you were kidnapped."

"And we now know you're still here," Ellie said as she crossed her arms. 

"Geez, I'm sorry guys,"  Henry said sheepishly as he rub the back of his head awkwardly, "I guess I didn't hear my phone."

"Because you were too busy getting fucked by Rupert." he thought to himself.  

"Can we come in?" Charles asked, changing the subject.

Rupert who was listening to the conversation was panicking. He's hoping Henry wouldn't invite them in, but Rupert knows Henry can be an idiot at times.  "No," Henry responded quickly, making Rupert happy for that.

"Why?" Ellie asked suspiciously as she narrowed her eyes at Henry.

Charles blinked at Henry whose face was now red, Henry shifted his eyes towards his apartment to find an excuse to not let them in then he spotted his broken table. "I-I need to clean my apartment." Henry half-lied, he does need to clean but not his whole apartment. 

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