Stickprice Week 2023 Day 5: Star-gazing

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A/N: I know I'm late, but I had to.

Henry looked up at the stars while sitting on a hill with grass.

The night sky was beautiful, and the moon was shining bright. Henry felt a slight breeze as he sat on the hill, he shivered and closed his army jacket. It was a little cold but that is to be expected since fall is coming, and it's getting chilly.

Henry saw the stars twinkling and shining bright like a diamond. His eyes were filled with wonderment as he imagined the stars as gems and jewels. He started getting excited about the treasures he imagined and wanted them so badly. However, his fantasy was shattered by reality setting in. He knew that he couldn't have that.

Henry sighed as he heard footsteps coming toward him.

Henry smiled as Rupert sat down next to him, Rupert brought out a lighter and cigarette. He lit up the cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke. Henry leaned his head on Rupert's shoulder as Rupert kept smoking and enjoying the night.

"How come you were late?" Henry asked quietly.

"I was dealing with the Bukowski twins," Rupert responded, "They were being annoying as usual,"

Henry laughed, "What were they bugging you about now?"

"Pranks as usual,"

"Of course,"

"One of these days they are going to run out of ideas," Henry said as he snuggled against Rupert.

"Yup and I can't wait for the day when they're crying and sobbing," Rupert responded with laughter.

Rupert looked up at the sky and noticed the stars shining like diamonds. Henry followed suit and he smiled, the stars were giving them a fabulous show. Henry's eyes sparkled as the stars kept twinkling and shining, his mouth was open in awe and Rupert noticed this.

"He looks so cute!" Rupert thought with a smile.

Henry looked over at Rupert who was smiling, Henry blinked in confusion.

"What?" Henry asked.

Rupert blinked as his face reddened, he was caught staring at Henry like an idiot. He looked away from Henry as he hid his face with his hat. "Nothing," he muttered.

Henry chuckled as he hugged Rupert, Rupert grumbled but returned the hug. Henry smiled as he felt Rupert's body heat seep into him. One of the things he loved about Rupert was his body heat and his face when flustered. They stopped hugging and resumed watching the stars.

"I heard we're getting two recruits tomorrow," Henry said after silence.

"Ya," Rupert replied absently.

"Since you're a captain, do you know their names?"

"I do actually,"

Henry blinked at him as he looked up at Rupert, "Really?" he asked.

Rupert nodded as he finished his cigarette and put it out with his boot. He turned to Henry, "Their names are Sniper and Medic,"

Henry stared at Rupert and Rupert stared at him back. 

"Sniper and Medic?" Henry said in disbelief, "Those are their names?"

"That's what I said after the General told me their names," Rupert replied.

"Are those their real names or nicknames?" Henry questioned.

Henry felt 'Sniper' and 'Medic' were pretty bad names for a child. If the names are their real names then they just had a bad childhood. 

"No. That's their nicknames," Rupert answered, "They have real names but they prefer to use nicknames,"


"I don't know,"

They fell silent again.

They kept staring up at the night sky until they went back to their tents to sleep.

A couple of nights later, Henry was lying down on his bed in his tent when he heard a buzzing noise coming from his phone. Henry sat up and picked up his phone. He smiled as he opened his phone. It was a text message from Rupert.

He got up and put on his coat.

He walked into the woods to find Rupert and after a few minutes of walking, he found Rupert sitting near a lake. Henry quietly went over to him and sat down next to the peaceful captain. 

Rupert was looking out at the lake when he heard Henry sitting down next to him. He looked to his side to find Henry smiling at him, Rupert felt his heart flutter when he saw that smile he came to love so much.

"More star-gazing?" Henry asked.

Rupert nodded.

"But why here?" 

"Look at the lake,"

Henry did as he was told, he stared out at the lake. At first, he didn't find anything special about the lake until he saw the reflection of the night sky and moon. The lake was giving a beautiful performance of the night sky and the moon. Henry could see the stars' reflection in the river and just like a couple of nights ago, the stars were shining like diamonds.

Rupert wrapped his arms around Henry while he was distracted by the stars, Rupert stared at Henry's awe face as he saw Henry's eyes were reflecting the stars. It was beautiful. 

The couple spent the rest of the night admiring the stars. 

A/N: It's been 84 years since I wrote something... I'm sorry for the hiatus. College has been draining me and being busy with irl. Also, I know this is super late but who cares. 

Btw, Sniper and Medic are ocs I have created a while ago. I will go into detail about them later. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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