This Is A Mistake (Stickprice) Part 6

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Rupert and the others are trying to stop the Toppat clan but Henry is sick and they need medicine for him. They also don't realize that someone needs their help. When they have found Dave, Dave tells Charles an interesting story about Henry...

Rupert led the others quietly through the Toppat base, they made sure to avoid Toppats while searching for medicine for Henry.

"How long do we have to keep doing this?" Gordon asked as he whispered.

"Till we find medicine and stop the Toppat clan," Rupert snapped, making everyone stare at him in shock. 

"Geez, I was just asking..." Gordon grumbled as he crossed his arms.

Rupert ignored him as they kept going, Rupert's anxiety was acting up but he didn't show it. 

The group stopped at an empty corridor, Gordon was on his laptop trying to find a medbay. John and Victoria were keeping watch while Charles, Ellie, and Rupert were waiting for Gordon. Rupert was getting impatient, he was tapping his boot and crossed his arms. Gordon and the others noticed this and frowned.

"Rupert, do you mind?" Gordon asked calmly, "I can't exactly concentrate when you're doing that,"

"Pfft," Rupert scoffed, "Oh I'm sorry, I'm getting impatient that this is taking too long,"

"It's not easy hacking into a notorious criminal organization," Gordon retorted, getting annoyed by Rupert's attitude.

John, Ellie, Victoria, and Charles felt the scene was getting tense and they saw Rupert did not look happy. 

"I know that but the more we spend wasting our time, the more Henry gets sicker," Rupert reasoned.

Gordon raised a hand to dismiss Rupert while he still hacking into the database, Rupert started growling as his golden eyes started turning red. He started clenching his fists as he felt his blood boil, everyone stared at Rupert as Gordon noticed Rupert's apparent anger. "You need to relax, homie," Gordon said to try to calm down Rupert, "If you are worried about Henry which I doubt that you do, he's in good hands with the others,"

Rupert heard what Gordon had said and his mind went blank then his rage returned. 

"Mother bitch, I knew it," Rupert turned away as he muttered in Russian. Ellie went up to him, "Calm down, thorn," she said gently,  "If you keep this up, you will alert the Toppats,"

Rupert grumbled as he was shaking, his anxiety was getting worse. Charles noticed Rupert's behavior and he was about to ask him what was wrong when everyone heard footsteps. Everyone glanced in the direction of the footsteps and found a group of Toppats. One of the Toppats saw who they were and brought out their gun, everyone else did the same. Rupert and the others started to panic. "What's the plan, Rupert?" Gordon asked and Rupert thought he heard some snark but he didn't have time to think about it.

Rupert was thinking of a plan as one of the Toppats started to aim at them, "Scatter!" he shouted as he bolted in a different direction.

"What?! That's the plan!" Gordon exclaimed as he and the others went somewhere else. 

Rupert ignored Gordon's response as he kept running, he stopped at a room near what looked to be a couple of jail cells. He panted as he looked around to see if any Toppat has followed him which they didn't, he breathed a sigh of relief as he closed his eyes. He let his guard down for a few seconds then he felt something touch his shoulder, he opened his eyes as he whipped out his gun.

"Woah! Rupert, it's me!" said a voice.

Rupert blinked as he looked at Charles who held his hands up, Rupert shook his head as he put his gun away. "Jesus Christ, Charles," Rupert said, annoyed, "Don't touch me,"

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