Everyone Ships It (StickPrice) part 1

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A/N: Someone has keep commenting on my other Stickprice fics that the General secretly ships Rupert x Henry and everyone ships them too. And I thought that would make a nice and funny oneshot

Watching Rupert and Henry dance around each other was getting frustrating to everyone including the General. Rupert and Henry have feelings for each other but are in denial, Rupert claims he hates Henry but his thoughts and actions says otherwise.

Henry wants to be with Rupert but he knows it's unlikely to happen, why would Rupert go for him if he can go with someone like Dave or Victoria?

Everyone was in the cafeteria, Charles, Ellie, Dave, Victoria, Rupert, and Henry were just sitting around; doing nothing in particular. They were just talking about random stuff, everyone mostly joined the conversation but Rupert and Henry were not talking.

They stayed quiet for some reason, Henry was scrolling through his phone while Rupert watched him. Henry wasn't paying attention to him while on his phone but he did sense someone was watching him. He glanced up at everyone but they weren't paying attention to him, he then turned to Rupert who had his head turned.

Rupert quickly hid his face while Henry turned to him, his face felt hot. He covered his face with his hat, he did not want Henry looking at him at his blushing state. Henry was confused on why Rupert was avoiding looking at him, Rupert still wouldn't look at him.

Henry stared at Rupert for a few minutes until he went back to his phone. Rupert mentally did a sigh of relief, he lifted up his hat but still felt warm. He's hoping no one noticed his face but life has other plans, Calvin seemed to noticed his red face.

"Hey, Rupert?" asked Calvin. "Why's your face red?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and glanced at Rupert, even Henry glanced at him. Rupert growled under his breath while he felt everyone's stare, he looked at everyone but not making eye-contact at Henry.

"Uh....um....None of yer business!" exclaimed Rupert, in anger.

 Everyone jumped from his anger while Henry stared down at his phone, Henry felt uncomfortable and decided to leave. Charles and Ellie tried to call him back but he didn't hear them or he did, just pretended to not to. Charles followed him while leaving behind the others, Rupert was still angry as he watched Henry leave. Victoria saw Rupert that he was not looking at them but at Henry, she did two and two, and smirked evilly. 

Rupert saw her smirking and he became more red, "So...Rupert..." she began, slyly.

"Don't!" exclaimed Rupert,still angry.

The Bukowski twins came by to see what's going and saw that Ellie and Dave were snickering while Victoria had a smug look on her face. They also saw Rupert's face was scarlet and he was covering his face with his hat, what's wrong with Rupert?

"What's going on?" asked Calvin, oblivious.

"Rupert's angry." replied Ellie, snickering. 

"At what or who?" added Konrad.

"I don't know."

"He has feelings for Henry." said Victoria.

Rupert spluttered as he got up to leave but before doing that, he turned to everyone that was watching. "You can all kiss my ass." he said, angrily. Then he left. 

After he left, Victoria laughed while Ellie did the same. Dave shook his head at the girls while the twins looked confused, they eventually stopped and sighed. 

"Ok, what's that about?" questioned Calvin, still oblivious. 

"Rupert has feelings for Henry." said Dave.

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