Angry Sex is Best Sex! (Calmin)

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A Calvin x Henry one shot and the angry sex trope is one of my favorite sex tropes, and I want more of this ship. And...I don't like Calvin x Charles ship...I hate the ship. But that's my opinion.

Calvin Bukowski was sitting in Brody's Bar, he was drinking some kind of alcohol drink. He was only here by himself cause his brother was sick in bed, he could invite Drake or Josh but...Quentin might get mad at him. Calvin wasn't drunk yet but he wants to be, why you may ask?

It's about's about Charles' friend, Henry Stickmin. You see...Calvin and Henry don't get along for some reason. Ever since Henry joined the Government, he and Henry would bicker constantly. Why? It must have something to do with Calvin being in Charles' ex and it did not go so well. Henry didn't know about the relationship until he learned more about Charles, and he joined the Government.

Calvin kept drinking as the owner of the bar, Brody came by to give him some water. Brody was a young man whom was in his late 20s, his build was buff but thin, his hair was short with black with some dark blue streaks, and he was wearing a typical bartender. He was also wearing black-rimmed glasses and the frames were thick, his eyes were an icy blue, and his eyelids were heavy lidded.

His personality was of a nice guy with a laid-back personality, he has only one rule in his bar; Don't fight in the bar. He gets very angry and will throw anybody out of his bar no matter who it is. 

He saw Calvin taking another sip, he perked an eyebrow at him. "Problems?" he asked, in deep voice.

Calvin glanced up at him in confusion, "Huh...Oh! Nah, just...drinking." he replied, slowly as he bowed his head.

"Are you sure? By the way you're drinking, it sounds like you have problems."


Calvin groaned in frustration as he thread his fingers through his hair, he then glanced at Brody who was smirking in amusement. " see...I have this ex...his name is Charles Calvin." he explained, slowly. "And we used to date...but...I screwed up and now he hates me..."

Brody was listening to Calvin's story as he saw Calvin's face fell when he talks about his ex, "What did you do to cause your ex to hate you?" Brody asked, curiously.

"I don't want to talk to about right now." Calvin replied, sadly. "But here's the thing, he's not the problem."

"Oh? Then what's the problem?"

"He has this friend whom let's just say he was a former thief."

"Former thief?" Brody said, gingerly.

"Yeah, he was recruited by the Government to gather evidence." Calvin replied. "And after that, he joined the Government."

"So...what's the problem?"

"His friend also hates me and..."



Brody stared at Calvin whom face was red as a tomato, he also saw that Calvin look like he wanted to be anywhere but here. "Well?" Brody said, gingerly. "What else?"

Calvin then took a deep breath as he was about to plunge into cold water, "I...sorta...had sex with him." he admitted, shamefully as he bowed his head down.

Brody blinked in confusion, "What?" he asked, bewildered.

"I had sex with my ex's friend." Calvin replied, with more clarity.

"What!? Why!?"

"I don't know! We were arguing and the next thing I know, I was banging him so hard that he was clinging to me like a whore would do when they are getting banged."

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