A Special Gift(StickPrice)

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A/N: I needed to write a fluffy StickPrice,  my Hanahaki StickPrice was getting me depressed so I needed to write something fluffy between these two. Also, this takes place after Foolish.

It was snowing in town and at the base, there were holiday decorations strewn around the town and base. There were people singing carols, shopping for gifts, people enjoying the cold weather. Yup, you know what that means...

It's the Holiday season!

At the base, Charles, Rupert, Henry, and Ellie were outside. They were enjoying the snow and cold...well mostly Charles, Ellie, and Rupert, Henry was not enjoying the cold at all.  He gets cold easily cause of his body type, he didn't mind the snow but he wished that it wasn't so cold.

Charles and Ellie were throwing snowballs at each while Rupert and Henry watched them in amusement, Rupert chuckled slightly as he saw Charles get pummeled in the face with snow by Ellie. Henry also laughed but he was too busy shivering from the cold.

Rupert glanced at Henry and saw he was shivering, he quickly wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him warm. Henry blushes as he leaned against Rupert for warmth, Rupert smiled as he went back to watching Charles and Ellie.

Charles lost the snowball fight and he was upset about that, Ellie cheered him up by offering to get him hot chocolate. Charles nodded while Rupert and Henry went to get hot chocolate themselves. They all headed to the cafeteria where most of the soldiers were inside with either food or a warm drink, they got their hot chocolate and sat down at a table.

Henry was glad to get out the cold while Rupert was not, he actually like it when it was cold. Cause he gets to cuddle with Henry to keep him warm, Rupert sipped his drink while Henry still leaned against him and sighed in content.

Ellie gushed how cute they looked while Charles giggled at the couple's reactions, they have forgiven Rupert for breaking Henry's heart. Well mostly Charles, Ellie still doesn't trust Rupert with Henry but she didn't show it. She still thinks that they are a cute couple.

"Hey, it's almost Christmas." said Ellie, happily.

"Yeah, so?" said Rupert, nonchalantly.

"What do you mean so?" added Charles, excitedly. "It's a special holiday where we give love and joy."

Rupert scoffed at Charles while he drank his hot chocolate, Henry was watching every one with keen interest. Also, why was Rupert grumpy for some reason? Charles and Ellie looked at Rupert as if he just had insulted them.

"What's with the attitude, sourpuss?" asked Ellie.

"Yeah." added Charles, curious.

"It's...nothing." replied Rupert, lowly.

"Are you sure?" questioned Charles, gently.


Everyone stopped talking when they saw Rupert's expression on his face, he looked like he was to explode. Henry was worried for Rupert since he knew Rupert has anger issues, Henry put a gentle hand on Rupert, making him calm down in response.

"Hey, guys!" exclaimed, a random voice.

Everyone turned around to see Calvin calling over to him, his brother, June, and Victoria. Charles, Ellie, Rupert, and Henry went to the group to see what's going on.

"Ok, Cal." said Charles. "Tell us why we're here."

"Ok, listen up." said Calvin, cheekily. "Each one of you is gonna pay me 100 bucks each."

"But I'm poor." said June, sadly.

"Why do we need to give you 100 dollars?" questioned Rupert, annoyed.

"Yeah." added Konrad.

"I'm just joking." chuckled Calvin. "I don't need 100 dollars."

Rupert was about to strangle Calvin but Henry stopped him with a donut, Henry had a donut somehow and gave to Rupert. Rupert ate the donut while still glaring at Calvin, Calvin sighed in exasperation.

"Look." continued Calvin. "I just want you guys to participate in a secret santa."

"Oh, okay." said everyone in unsion.


Everyone nodded but Rupert who was still glaring at Calvin, he finished eating the donut. Henry sighed as he shook his head, Rupert was sure grumpy today. Calvin got out a couple pieces of paper and pens for everyone to write their names. He then used his hat to put everyone's names in the hat, everyone chose their secret santa.

Rupert got Henry, Henry got Rupert, Charles got Ellie, Ellie got Victoria, June got Calvin, Konrad got June, Victoria got Konrad, and Calvin got Charles. Everyone was fine with their choices and headed off, Rupert wanted to give something special to Henry.

Rupert still felt guilty for hurting Henry but Henry tells him he's forgiven him, Rupert sighed as he walked into the town. He wanted Henry to join him but as soon as the group dispersed, Henry vanished from him. Rupert still wants to know how he does that, Henry sent him a text that he would be doing some errands.

Rupert searched around the town for a gift until he spotted something that caught his eye, he walked into the store and bought the gift. Henry on the other hand, was having trouble finding Rupert a gift.

He wasn't very good at this stuff, he only had one relationship but it was a bad one. Henry was walking while scrolling through his phone, he wanted to give Rupert something special. He pondered for a moment, he then had an idea.

Everyone else also had trouble getting gifts but it would be worth it for their secret santa. It's been a couple of days and Christmas was around the corner, everyone was giddy but there ara some people are being grumpy about it.

Rupert wasn't too happy about Christmas and Henry wondered why, Rupert tried to pretend to be happy for Henry but he failed. Henry tried to ask what's wrong with him but Rupert gave him vague answers, Henry was sad for Rupert but try to stay positive.

On Christmas Eve, Rupert and Henry went to go meet up to rest of the gang. They went inside the cafeteria where everyone else was waiting, Victoria and Ellie were drinking hot chocolate while the twins were eating chocolate coal. June was organizing the gifts and Charles was eating a candy cane.

Rupert and Henry put their gifts on the table and sat down next to each other. Henry shivered cause he was cold but instantly felt warm, Rupert hugged him to keep him warm. June then announced the Secret Santa, she gave everyone their gifts.

Charles got a mini helicopter keychain, Ellie got a leather jacket, Victoria got a new pair of boots, Calvin got a new video game, Konrad got a new watch, June got a new earrings, Rupert got a new gun thanks to Henry which suprised him; he asked Henry where he got it but Henry didn't say.

Henry opened his gift and he gasped when he saw the gift, it was a black choker with a blue sapphire pendant in the middle. Henry put it on and he gave Rupert a hug which Rupert blushed but was happy that Henry loves the gift.

Everyone spend the rest of the night having fun and drinking hot chocolate, Rupert still didn't like the holidays but he's glad he get to spend it with Henry and everyone else.

A/N: Happy Holidays Everyone!

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