A Wedding (Calvin x Henry)

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A/N: This is a sequel to my other fic "The Proposal" because I couldn't leave it unfinished. 

Warning: There are going to be sexual themes but not explicit ones. 

Calvin and Henry are in a bit of a pickle, they've planned a prank and it went awfully wrong but at the same time, it went awfully right. 

After the "proposal", everyone was either confused, excited, or suspicious.

Konrad refused to believe Calvin was engaged to Henry because Calvin and Henry weren't dating. He was right, but Calvin will not let him ruin his fun. However, the "couple" have to be with each other since they want to keep the charade of being engaged and they have to plan their "wedding."

Calvin and Henry didn't want to do it because they are not a couple, and two, it was stressful work. But they are not going to let someone else do the wedding planning for them, they also don't want someone ruining the prank. However, things are even more complicated that they don't realize yet. 

After their "kiss", their feelings changed for each other.

The more time they have spent together, the more their feelings have grown.

Calvin learned Henry is a great singer, and artist, and can bake. Henry learned Calvin can cook, can play the guitar( specifically bass and electric), and is excellent at making Henry laugh. They also found out that love to do certain things together. They like to beat each other in video games and talk to each other. Calvin noticed Henry is more expressive when he's comfortable with someone and has certain quirks he loves. 

Calvin enjoyed looking at Henry when he was thinking and making facial expressions at certain things, he loves Henry's small height, and Henry's beautiful voice when he sings. Yup, Calvin has it bad. Henry also noticed certain quirks about Calvin as well. He noticed Calvin gets into a video game and was good at planning even when it's not about pranks. He also loves Calvin's need to impress him even though it's not necessary. Oh yeah, Henry has got it bad too.

 The problem was that Calvin and Henry both don't know they have feelings for each other. It was even more complicated that they thought this was a prank and feelings weren't supposed to play a part in it. But life is full of surprises. 

Calvin and Henry were talking to June and Victoria who wanted to help with the wedding. Calvin was trying to tell them that they got everything they needed but they wouldn't listen, Henry wasn't much help since he kept quiet. 

"Ladies, c'mon," Calvin said sheepishly, "I have told you, we got everything covered."

"No you don't," June replied with a smirk, "You're stalling."

"We're not," 

"Are too,"

"Oh, what do you know about wedding planning anyways?" Calvin asked.

"Oh just enough that you need help," June responded smiling.

Calvin groaned as Henry giggled which made his heart flutter a little, Calvin's face went pink. Unconsciously, he wrapped an arm around Henry's waist. Henry's heart started beating faster as his face was red like a tomato, both boys were feeling fuzzy and warm inside. The girls squealed in delight when they saw the couple. Henry was feeling quite embarrassed and hid his face with his hoodie. Calvin noticed this, "Sorry ladies, my fiance and I have work to do," he winked as he led Henry away from the girls.

They have gotten away from the girls and Calvin breathe a sigh of relief, Henry took off his hood but his face was still red. He glanced at Calvin who was staring at him in concern, at first, Henry was happy that Calvin cared about him but his expression turned to anger. Calvin saw this and frowned, "What's wrong?" 

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