Distrust Bad Ending: Death of Hope

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A/N: I know I have to write the good ending to Distrust and it's been forever since I updated that story but I'm in the mood to write torture so I'm going to show you guys the bad ending to Distrust.

This ending takes after the events in Chapter 21.

Warning: Cold-blooded torture and blood. If you don't want to read that, I suggest you turn back now.

Briar was just finishing up some stuff when his phone rang, he check the caller id to see who it is and he smiled.

"Hello?" Briar answered with a chirp.

The person on the phone was talking and while they were talking, Briar was grinning like a madman. "Excellent," he said happily, "Now I leave the rest to you and bring everyone important."

The person on the phone replied and they hung up.

Briar hummed as he got a hunting knife and started playing with it. He smiled with a wave of giddiness washed over him, "Let the fun begin!" he exclaimed as his crimson eyes glowed with a mischievous look.

The Government and the Toppat Clan were scrambling to get everything under control.

After a couple of mistrials and errors, they've got everything under control. Reginald and Right Hand Man decided to head back to headquarters along with the other Toppats. But they told the General to give them updates on the leader and his whereabouts.

Everyone was at the cafeteria either eating, talking, or just sitting. Charles, Victoria, Ellie, Johnny, and Dave were sitting together as the Bukowski twins came over to them. Charles, Johnny, and Dave ate while Victoria and Ellie talked about random girl stuff. The Bukowski twins were about to eat when they notice someone was missing, "Hey, where's Henry?" Calvin asked.

"And Rupert?" Konrad added.

Everyone look around to search for them but they didn't find them.

"Weird." Charles said in confusion, "Where are they?"

"And Henry doesn't like to skip meals since he's so skinny," Ellie added.

"Probably they're off making out somewhere or more," Johnny stated with a snicker.

Calvin giggled as Victoria smack Johnny in the head, "Ow!" he responded with a cry of pain. "I was just kidding."

Victoria shook her head as Charles groaned in annoyance, they all went back to what they were doing but were still wondering where Rupert and Henry were at. The peace was disturbed when everyone heard a shout.


Charles and the others recognized that voice, it was Henry's.

Charles and the others stood up as Henry came into the cafeteria, he was panting as he was just finished running. His hair was messy and his eyes were filled with panic, Charles quickly went up to him. "Hen? What's wrong?" he demanded gently, "Where's Rupert?"

Henry was struggling to speak and Charles noticed he was now crying, "H-he w-w-was c-captured by the leader of the Cult of Desperatinois!" he exclaimed.

"What!?" said everyone in unison.

"How!?" Victoria questioned angrily.

Henry stop his sniffling to look at Victoria, "W-we were walking i-into town when we were ambushed by him." he explained, "And we tried to fight him off but couldn't."

"The leader then captured Rupert but let me go." Henry finished as he buried his face into Charles's chest and sobbed some more.

Everyone felt pity and sadness for Henry, Charles rubbed Henry's back as he whispers comforting words to him. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Calvin asked as he had a determined look on his face, "Let's go save him!"

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