Wedding Bliss and Ignorance Part 2 (Stickprice)

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A/N: Haha angst go brr. Channeling Rupert's emotions in the last part was so easy cause I know how he feels, being abandoned and all that crap.

I feel so bad for Rupert, he has issues but luckily he has Henry and others to comfort him.

Rupert ran to a clearing after the confrontation with his mother, he stopped and panted heavily while still feeling tears in his eyes. He then started sobbing loudly, he put his face into his hands to cover up his sobbing.

Why did his mother have to come here? How did she know he was here? How? Why? He hasn't seen his mother since he was little, the last time he saw her was when she kissed him goodbye while holding a suitcase in her hand. And she left his life for good after that, that's when his life became a nightmare for Rupert.

Rupert stopped sobbing and sighed sadly, he wiped his eye as he sniffled. He got a pack of cigarettes and got a cigarette light it, he puffed out a cloud of smoke. He felt a little better but not 100 percent, he sighed again as he leaned against a rock. His eyes were red and puffy from his sobbing earlier, his head hurts now because of it.

He never attended to feel this way now but life has other plans, and there's one thing that Rupert had learned when he was a kid, which is that some hurts never go away. They just...stay with him, he also never intended to shout at mother like that. But he had no choice, his mother abandoned him and left him with a prick of a father.

Rupert kept smoking until he heard footsteps coming towards him, he glanced up and smiled faintly when he saw Henry coming towards him. Henry looked happy and not stressed so Charles and Ellie must have taken him somewhere relaxing. Henry stood near Rupert and kissed him on the cheek.

Rupert blushed furiously and kissed Henry's forehead, Henry then noticed off about Rupert. He saw that his eyes were red and if he was crying, Henry immediately got concerned for his fiancee.

"Is there something wrong?" questioned Henry in concern.

"No...why?" Rupert replied, his voice low and wavered.

"Then why are your eyes red and look puffy?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Hen."

Henry studied him for a moment, Rupert didn't look like he had allergies but he knows something was wrong with him. Rupert was smoking while Henry kept looking at him, Rupert knows that Henry would not buy the allergies claim. Henry sighed as he grabbed Rupert's face gently, Rupert stared at him and Henry could tell he was crying.

"Rupert?" Henry whispered. "I know you're upset, what's wrong?"

Rupert didn't meet Henry's eyes, he wouldn't respond to his question.

"Rupert," Henry said firmly. "We are going to get married and I don't want secrets or bad blood between us. Now, what's wrong?"

Rupert still stared at Henry until he exhaled a sharp breath, " here." he replied lowly.

Henry blinked in bewilderment when he heard what Rupert said, "What? Your mom is here?" Henry questioned, still in bewilderment while Rupert nodded. "I thought you haven't seen your mom since you were little."

"I did but she knows I'm here."


"I don't know, but I bet it's probably to make amends. Which I'm not gonna let her do."

"I can understand why but don't you think you should hear her out?"

"No, why should I?"


Henry looked at Rupert who was starting to get angry, he understands why Rupert doesn't want to talk to his mom now. His mom abandoned him, leaving him alone with his dad who wasn't the father of the year. Henry then thought for a moment, if Rupert doesn't make amends with mom now...he never will.

"Hey," said Henry gently and softly. Rupert glanced at his indifference, he was still feeling anger.

"You gave me a second chance? Right? So why can't you give your mom a chance?" Henry said firmly and softly.

Rupert groaned in frustration, he hated to admit it, but Henry's right. He did give Henry a second chance and here they are, going to get married. Rupert thought for a moment and he sighed heavily. Rupert nodded ok and Henry smiled at him, Henry grabbed the cigarette and put it out.

Henry kissed him while Rupert blushed furiously, Rupert then kissed him back, making Henry squeak in the process.

Meanwhile, with the General and Rita Price, Galeforce gave Rita some coffee while she sat across from him. She stopped sobbing and now was depressed, Galeforce felt sadness and pity for her. Galeforce shook his head as he began to stand near her until two men walked into the tent.

Galeforce went over to the two men and they talked. Rita studied the two men while they were talking to the General, she noticed that these men looked familiar... were they in the Toppat clan? Galeforce finished talking to them and he turned around and saw Rita staring at all of them.

"Ah, excuse my manners." said the General sheepishly. "Miss Price, this is Mr. Suave and this is Mr. Radman."

Galeforce introduced Henry's dad to Rita Price, "And this young lady is Rita Price." Galeforce finished.

Randy smiled while holding up a hand, Terrence also smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. Rita noticed Terrence's smile was not genuine, she saw Terrence holding up his hand. Rita held up her and she shook both of their hands. Randy said hello to her while Terrence still stared at her, Randy noticed this and so did the General.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Suave?" Galeforce questioned.

Randy and Rita glanced at Terrence who was rubbing his arm awkwardly, Randy knows what was wrong with his husband. Galeforce and Rita do not know but they are going to now, Terrence sighed as he exhaled a sharp breath.

"Miss Price." started Terrence anxiously. "There's something I should tell you."

Rita blinked for a moment, does Terrence have something to say to her? How? She never met this man before today, so why should he have something to say to her?

"I...sorta...uh...slept...with your husband," admitted Terrence sheepishly.

There was a heavy silence after that reveal, Randy snorted while Galeforce shook his head, muttering about drama. Rita stared at Terrence for a moment with a blank expression, then she slapped him in the face. Randy and Galeforce were in shock while Terrence blinked owlishly, Rita looked angry.

She then left the tent in anger, leaving the three men alone. Terrence brought his hand to his cheek where it was red, Randy came over to him to comfort him.

"I suppose I deserve that," said Terrence lowly.

Galeforce nodded while Randy did the same.

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