The Bet (Calvin x Henry) Part 1

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A/N: Btw, Calvin is going to be an extra jerk in this one shot.

Warning: Mentions of manipulation and sexual harassment.

"W-wait, I changed my mind," Henry said as he was laying down on his back. He was naked, his and bottom half was covered with the blanket on the bed.

"Oh, come on," Calvin responded, he was on top of Henry and he was also naked. His bottom half was also covered with the blanket, "You want to have experience when you start to date Charles, right?"

Henry nodded as he blushed a cheery red, he has a crush on Charles and wanted to ask him out, but there was a problem. Henry has no experience in the dating game, and he felt weird for not knowing a whole lot about dating. He felt weirder when Calvin, of all people, wanted to give him dating advice. Henry was confused about why Calvin was giving him dating advice, he and Calvin tolerate each other. They don't like or hate each other, they just tolerate each other.

Henry doesn't like Calvin because of his crush on a certain pilot, and it's even more awkward since, as stated above, Henry has a crush on Charles.

And Calvin knows Henry has a crush on Charles, so why is Calvin helping him? Also, Henry's a virgin. Don't laugh or judge him, as said above, he doesn't have a lot of dating experience.

"Then we have to do this," Calvin responded, "There's no going back now."

"And I have to fulfill my bet with the guys or I will have to pay them each 50 bucks," he added mentally.

What Henry didn't know is that Calvin has friends outside of the Government, only Konrad knows. Konrad hates Calvin's friends, his friends are a bad influence on him. Konrad has told him countless times to stop hanging out with them, but Calvin doesn't listen. Calvin and his friends are having a bet to see who can get laid first. The friends chose someone they know or barely know to get laid while Calvin chose Henry.

Calvin chose Henry for specific reasons. One, Henry is a virgin. Two, Henry wants to have a relationship with Charles and experience to make it seems he has experience. And last but not least, Calvin wanted to get back at Charles for rejecting him. And what makes a perfect revenge plan is by sleeping with Charles' best friend?

"Hey, before we get started, I have to do something real quick," Calvin said as he got up.

Henry nodded as Calvin put on his boxers because he didn't want to be butt-naked, Henry went to his side as Calvin got out a camera. He looks over at Henry to see if he was looking at him but he wasn't, Calvin hid a smirk as hid the camera and turn on the recording button.

"Okay, I'm done," Calvin said as he rub his hands, "Let's get it started."

Henry nodded as he lay on his back again, Calvin climbed on top of him. Calvin glanced down at Henry, he smiled as he lift Henry's chin and kiss him softly. Henry's face was pink, he was not good at kissing either.

"Now I want you to relax, and I will do all the work," Calvin stated softly, "Okay?"

Henry nodded as a wave of giddiness washed over him.

The next day, Henry was on cloud 9 and was sore.

Henry was walking in town as he recalled last night's events, he went inside a store to look around. While he was looking around, he was oblivious to the people in the store. Some guys were watching him and snickering at him. The guys were saying unsavory stuff under their breaths, looking at his body, and making wolf-whistling sounds at him quietly.

Henry was smiling as he got a text from Calvin, he walked out of the store to head back to the base. However, the guys in the store started to follow him. Henry was whistling a random tune when he felt uneasy feeling or like someone is following him. He turn around to look behind him but there was no one following him, he shrugged and continue his merry way.

Rupert and Charles were hanging out in the clearing.

"How many times do I have to tell Calvin that I don't want to date him because I don't like him that way?" Charles said in an annoyed tone.

"You know how he is," Rupert responded with his arms crossed, "He always had a crush on you since the first day he met you."

"I know but I'm not interested in him and the only reason he wants to date me is that he wants to take my last name so he will be Calvin Calvin," Charles stated.

"Pfft! Really?" Rupert replied with a snicker.

Charles nodded as he laughed, they both laughed. They stopped laughing, Rupert then glanced at Charles. "Oi, I think Calvin might be moving on from you actually," he said.

Charles blinked in confusion and glanced at Rupert. "Really?" he asked, curious.

"Well, I'm not sure but I did see him talking to Henry,"

"Why Henry? They don't get along very well,"

Charles was deep in thought, he knew Calvin is not a big fan of Henry, and they don't usually hang out.

"I don't know," Rupert responded thoughtfully, "But I have seen Calvin hanging around Henry a lot lately."

Charles was asking questions now, what's Calvin planning? Why is he talking to Henry? What's going on between them? Rupert was watching Charles who was still coming up with questions, it was quiet save for a few birds chirping in the trees. However, the silence was broken by a shout.


The birds that were in the trees chirping flew away in fear as Rupert and Charles glanced at Henry who was running toward them. Charles heard the distress in Henry's voice as Henry got closer then he saw Henry look... terrified. Henry was now with Rupert and Charles, he was trembling as he was rubbing himself. Charles wanted to ask what was wrong when he saw Henry's red puffy eyes, so he immediately went to go hug him.

Henry buried his face into Charles's chest and he began to sob.

"Hey, Hen, shhh," Charles said in a whisper, "What's wrong?"

Henry didn't respond as he kept sobbing, Rupert went up to them and put a comforting hand on Henry. "Henry, what's wrong?" Rupert asked gently.

Henry still wouldn't respond.

Rupert was about to ask again when he spotted what looked like a bruise on Henry's neck, he made a clicking sound with his teeth to signal Charles about the bruise. Charles checked the bruise on Henry's neck and he growled. Rupert's eyes widen in shock as Henry ceased his sobbing, "Henry, what happened?" Charles demanded gently.

Henry then proceeded to tell Charles and Rupert what happened.

Henry was sexually harassed by a couple of guys and they were calling him all sorts of nasty names and was even groped by one of the guys. Henry tried to stop them but they were so many, he was grabbed and held down by two other guys and one of them gave him that hickey. Rupert and Charles were listening to Henry and they felt their blood boil each second. After Henry was done telling them what happened, Henry started sobbing again.

Charles kept hugging him tighter as Rupert was trying to comfort him, Henry ceased his sobbing again but he kept his head buried in Charles's chest. Charles rubbed his back soothingly as he looked at Rupert, Rupert was staring at him. They were having a wordless conversation, and they both concluded.

They are going to catch who has done this to Henry.

A/N: Calvin is just the worst here.

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