Stickvin Week 2021 Day 4: AU

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A/N: I wish I could do more of these but I can't cause of reasons. So I decided to do one more. This AU is gonna be tame but just a little spice, I have other AUs but I'm saving those for separate stories.

In this AU, Henry was pardoned by the Government but he went rogue. He hadn't committed crimes, he wasn't on the Toppats' radar, and the Government had no contact with Henry. 

Charles was grumbling while playing with scrolling through his phone, he still had no contact with Henry. Ever since Henry was pardoned by the Government, he went rogue. He hadn't committed any crimes, he hadn't started the trouble, and the Government had no contact with him. Even the Toppats don't where he is, it is like he disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Charles sighed and rubbed his eyes, he was tired. He hates to admit but he missed Henry, they bonded a little bit when he got them some evidence with the Toppats. After he was pardoned, he and Charles hung for a bit but just one day...he vanished. He disappeared without saying goodbye to him, he also left no contact information.

Charles decided to head off to bed and he got ready for bed, he lay down on his bed and closed the lights. He dreamed of Henry, his smile, his ability to make sheep noises, his quiet nature, and...Charles woke up before he can finish the dream. He groaned tiredly and he put his face in his hands, he needs to find Henry.

The next day, he woke up and got ready. He got out of his tent and put on a positive face, he went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. He sat next to Rupert who was also eating, he was also looking for Henry but was doing it secretly. He also wanted to know what happened to Henry. He tried asking his old coworker and friend, Johnny but he hadn't seen him. 

"Still no luck?" asked Rupert. 

"No," replied Charles tiredly.

"Where could he have gone?"

"I don't know."

"I know he was sneaky but I didn't think he could go this far."


They both fell silent, Charles finished his food and got up to leave. Rupert also finished and went with him, they both walked to some random place.  They both walked out of the base and into a clearing, they kept walking until they stumbled upon the town that was near the base. They entered the town, still walking until they spotted a grocery store.

They both went inside, Charles wanted to get a snack so he searched for a snack while Rupert was staring at the candy. Rupert was getting a craving for candy when someone walked past him with a kid, he glanced up and saw the stranger that walked past him. For some reason, there was something familiar about the stranger.

He observed the stranger and their kid, the stranger seemed male. He was wearing a blue jacket, black cargo pants, and black combat boots. He was wearing black fingerless gloves, with a black choker, and was wearing a ring of some sort. His kid was wearing a blue hoodie with a brown teddy bear on it, blue jeans, and red tennis shoes. 

The stranger looked up from where he was looking and Rupert got a good look on his face. Is that who he thinks it is? The stranger looked like Henry! Rupert texted Charles to come over here and waited, Charles went over to him with a confused expression on his face.

"What's up?" asked Charles.

"Do you have a picture of Henry?" replied Rupert. "I think I may have found him."

"What? How?"

Charles got out a photo of Henry on his phone, he showed it to Rupert. Rupert saw the photo and studied it, Charles was watching and he saw the stranger that Rupert was looking at. that Henry? Charles studied the stranger while Rupert did the same, and after a while, they both came up with the same conclusion, that guy was Henry Stickmin.

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