Helpless (StickPrice)Part 1

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Rupert was sitting at his desk, working on his paperwork when he gets a call that involves someone who he thought is the last person to call the police.

Rupert was at his desk, working on some paperwork when the police chief walked in. She saw that Rupert was still here when everyone else left, it was 6:00 p.m. and mostly everyone left except for a few people.

"Hey, Price?" she asked.

Rupert glanced up from his paperwork and saw the police chief staring at him, "Yes Miss Pippa?" he questioned.

"What are you still doing here? Everyone already left."

"Oh! Um...just thought to finish this paperwork," replied Rupert sheepishly. 

"Don't you want to go home?" 

"Not right now."

There was a heavy silence after the exchange, Miss Pippa was glad that Rupert is finishing some paperwork but it was late. She was wondering why he couldn't just go home to his significant other, did he even have one?

"Don't you have someone at home?" questioned Miss Pippa gingerly.

Rupert stopped for a moment and glanced up at the police chief, he was not seeing anyone at the moment. He's too busy for that stuff anyways, at least not yet.

"No," he replied tiredly.

"No girl? No guy?"


Miss Pippa nodded and was about to head out when she heard her phone ring coming from her office. She went over quickly and answered the phone, she talked while Rupert was watching and listening.

"Okay, we will be right there," she said firmly. She put down the phone and headed over to Rupert.

"What is it, Chief?" questioned Rupert curiously.

"We got a call from the hospital," said Miss Pippa firmly. "There's  a case of domestic abuse in a victim."

"Who's the victim?"

"Don't know but I'm taking you with me so let's go."

Rupert nodded and they both went in the police cruiser to head for the hospital. Once at the hospital, the hospital was bustling with activity. There were doctors, nurses, and staff members doing their jobs like helping the patients and making sure they are comfortable.

Miss Pippa went up to the front desk where there was a nurse typing on the desk, Miss Pippa asked about the victim that was called in and the nurse told her the room.

She thanked the nurse and she gestured for Rupert to follow her, they got to the room where the victim was.  Rupert's eyes widened when he saw who was the victim sitting on the hospital bed, he stopped Miss Pippa who stared at him in confusion.

"What are you doing, Rupert?" whispered Miss Pippa angrily. "We need to speak with him."

"That's Henry Stickmin," said Rupert lowly. "He's a criminal, what's he doing here?"

"He's here cause of the call."

"But...why? He's a thief, we arrested him so many times and he's escaped so many times."

"Thief or not, he needs our help."


They walked into the room and Rupert got a good look at Henry who was trembling in fear, he did not look good, to say the least. Henry had a black eye, split lips, bruises all over, and dried blood on him.

Henry glanced up at them and quickly turned away from them. Rupert suddenly felt...weird for some reason, he always felt hatred and irritation at seeing Henry but now he was feeling something else.

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