Secrets and Lies (Calmin and StickPrice) Part 5 Final

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A/N: This the last one, writing this one shot was so much fun. Adding all sorts of drama and conflicts.

Konrad was walking back to his tent with his head bowed, he doesn't want to hurt his brother but he has no choice. Keeping something like cheating a secret does bode well, especially since cheating is seen as one of the most scummiest shit to hurt someone.

He sighed heavily as he finally got to his tent, he took a deep breath and stepped inside. Inside the tent, his brother was scrolling through his phone, with a smile on his face. Konrad instantly thought he was talking to Henry, seeing his brother happy made this situation more difficult than it should be.

"Hey, Calvin." said Konrad, solemnly.

Calvin looked up at his phone and saw his brother, "Hey, Kon." Calvin said, in confusion. "What's wrong?"

Calvin furrowed his eyebrow at Konrad, Konrad turned away from him. Konrad was anxious about telling his brother what he just saw, but it's better to tell now then keeping it a secret.

"I...saw...Henry..." Konrad trailed, slowly.

"You saw Henry doing what?" questioned Calvin, suspiciously.


"Kon? What's the matter?"

"I saw Henry cheating on you with Rupert!" Konrad blurted out, quickly covering his mouth.

Calvin blinked for a moment, what? "Come again?" asked Calvin, still in confusion.

"I saw Henry cheating on you with Rupert." replied Konrad, slowly.

There was silence for a moment, neither brother spoke. Calvin stared at his brother for a couple of minutes before he chucked darkly. Konrad heard his brother and he looked at him in fear and confusion, okay what's going on? Calvin seems kinda okay but not okay at the same time.

"Gosh, that prick." said Calvin, lowly.

"What?" questioned Konrad.

"You know, Henry and I made an agreement that we wouldn't tell any one this but now I have to."


"Henry and I aren't a couple. We're just using each cause he has feelings for someone else."


Calvin groaned in frustration at his brother's slowness, "I'm saying that Henry is not my boyfriend, he's using me for sex and vice versa." he said, nonchalantly. "Henry has feelings for someone else."

Konrad listened to Calvin's explanation, that makes sense...but how? And why? "Okay, then how did your "arrangement" come into play?" Konrad asked.

" started when I first saw Henry crying and I asked what's wrong."Calvin explained. "At first, he didn't want to tell me but he explained that he has feelings for someone who will never go for him."

Konrad listened while Calvin was explaining, "I'm not gonna say who it was cause I think you have already know." Calvin continued. "I told it's gonna be okay and the next thing I knew, he kissed me."

Konrad gasped in shock while Calvin held up his hands, "I know what you're thinking but I kissed him back." he continued, again. "After we kissed, I suggested that I comfort him."

"By you putting your dick in him?" said Konrad, annoyed.

Calvin blushed red as he heard his brother speak, "No!" exclaimed Calvin, in embarrassment. "Yes..."

Konrad sighed as he shook his head, "Were you really desperate to get laid?" he questioned.

"No. Henry needed comfort so I gave it to him."

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