Languor Part 1(Rupert and Henry)

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A/N: This is going to be a sad one-shot and I mean sad. 

Warning: Suicidal thoughts, and just sad things in general.

Rupert was coughing into the toilet.

Rupert woke up feeling like he was going to throw up a lung, he quickly went got up and went to his bathroom. He coughed and then threw up. He lifted his head and wiped his mouth. He looked at his hand to find blood on it, he gasped as he look inside the toilet. 

He saw the crimson substance in the toilet.

He sat up and leaned against the wall, he sighed heavily as his vision blurred with tears. He started crying as he coughed up more blood, he put a hand to his head as a headache brewing in his head.  

He hated this, and he wanted to end it. 

He has been sick for years and every year the illness gets worse, he was diagnosed with a terminal illness before he joined the Government, and no one knows about his illness. Not Charles, not Captain Victoria, even the General doesn't know about it, and he would like to keep it that way. 

He sighed in sadness as he stopped coughing, he ceased his sobbing. His golden glassy eyes stared at the blood that was still on his hand, he kept looking at the blood as his mind played him what the doctor told him the last time he went to the doctor.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Price," the doctor told him, "You don't have much time."

Rupert got up and cleaned up. After he was done, he went back to bed because it was 3 in the morning. 

When Rupert got up at 6:00, he showered and left his apartment. 

He had his head down as he walked to the base, he ignored everything around him as he thought over his life. He thought about his childhood, his parents, his friends, etc. He also thought about how he felt when first told about his illness. He felt angry, sad, confused, and weird. 

He got to the base and ignored everyone who said hi to him, they shrugged and went about their day. They got used to Rupert ignoring them or acting grumpy. Rupert has a reputation on the base as an excellent captain but with a prickly character. But can you blame him? He didn't have a great childhood and people didn't treat him well as he grew up.

Rupert passed Jose Gonzales, Howard Lipton, Hank Stockman, Hayden Brock, June July, and Sarah Conifers. 

Rupert passed by Charles Calvin, the greatest pilot and one of the few people he can stand. However, two people were talking to him that he despises the most. Henry Stickmin and Ellie Rose were former criminals who got pardoned by the General. They were trapped at the notorious prison The Wall that was in Canada, and they escaped.

They were rescued by Charles and they became the Triple Threat. 

Rupert didn't like them, not one bit. Henry was the bane of his existence and for good reasons, Henry was the one who got Dave fired and escaped. He also accidentally murdered his mentor and friend, Johnny Panzer.

Henry left his criminal past and tried to apologize to Rupert but Rupert refused to listen. 

Rupert and Henry would fight like cats and dogs or in some of the soldiers' eyes, like a married couple. The soldiers who thought they fought like a married couple didn't vocally admit it because they don't want to face Rupert's wrath.   

Rupert headed toward the cafeteria to get something to eat.

He got his food and sat down at an empty table. He ate in silence as the people watched. He likes to people watch, it gives him to be on his toes or see what kind of person they are. He saw the soldiers he passed by earlier inside the cafeteria getting food, he kept eating until he saw Henry with Charles and Ellie. He put down the fork as he crossed his arms in annoyance. 

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