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A/N:  This a little thing I want to try out, and this will be part of a story I'm planning. I should warn you this has blood and gore in this. I have been itching to write blood and gore for Henry Stickmin.

Hubert Galeforce has called everyone in the Government for an emergency meeting, a grave emergency meeting. The General stood in front of every soldier in front of a podium, standing behind him were Victoria Grit, Rupert Price, Henry Stickmin, Ellie Rose, and Charles Calvin.

"Everyone." Galeforce said, firmly as he got everyone's attention. "I gather you all in for some very important news."

Everyone watched Galeforce in keen interest, "There has...been...some...devastating news." He continued, still firmly. "There's a terrorist group called The Cult of Desperationis."

Everyone murmured and whispered quietly among themselves, Charles, Henry, and the others behind Galeforce were confused. Who's the Cult of Desperationis?

"I see some of you are confused on what I just said but Desperationis is translated to despair. And the terrorist group is what the name implies, they cause despair."

Everyone gasped in shock and confusion, "Not only that the group causes despair." Galeforce continue. "They cause death, destruction, and pain."

Victoria went up to the podium to speak as Galeforce move to the side, Victoria cleared her throat and got everyone's attention. "Behind me is a picture of the terrorists' mugshots." Victoria said, as she pointed to the projection screen.

Everyone turned to look at the projection screen, displaying mugshots of the members of the Cult of Desperationis. There were sixteen mugshots, fifteen members were male while one was female. They all were wearing sinister grins as their eyes were red, and they were wearing evil-looking outfits. Everyone studied the mugshots as they whispered and murmurs among themselves. "These people used to be ordinary people just like us until they were brainwashed by their leader." Victoria explained, grimly. "We don't know how they were brainwashed but what we gathered...it's very effective."

Galeforce watched Victoria explained the details about the group while turning to look at Charles, Ellie, Henry, and Rupert. Henry and Rupert were fighting...well they were arguing as they whispered, Charles and Ellie tried to stop them but to no avail. Galeforce shook his head at them, it's no secret to everyone in the Government that Rupert and Henry hate each other.  Galeforce understands why Rupert hates him but on the other hand, carrying a grudge for a long time is unhealthy. 

Watching those two and thinking back to the situation that they are dealing with right now is just too much, Galeforce looked over to the reports he had in his hand and back at Rupert and Henry. He then had an idea.

Galeforce went to Victoria as she was just finishing up explaining about the Cult of Desperationis, she step to the side for Galeforce to take the podium. "Thank you, Captain Grit. " Galeforce said, smiling. "There is some good news though."

"We have discovered a location that we believed to where the leader of the Cult is hiding." The General continued, firmly. "Before we can take him down, we need evidence in order to take him down."

Everyone stared at Galeforce who glanced at everyone including Charles, Ellie, Henry, Rupert, and Victoria. "So two volunteers are going to go check out the leader's location, and who are the volunteers going to be?" 

Galeforce looked around while everyone avoided his eyes, it was like if the teacher asked a question and the students don't want to answer the teacher by avoiding the teacher's eyes. Galeforce knew sending two soldiers at the leader's location would be risky but he has no choice, they have to take down the leader before he corrupts more innocent people. Without looking at Rupert and Henry, he had to force back a smirk when he now told who's gonna be volunteering. 

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