Secret date (Calmin and others) Part 1

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A/N: Not gonna lie, Calvin x Henry is starting to grow on me. And I wanted to make more people ship this...why? I don't know, maybe I'm just glad people started to ship Stickprice cause of reading my stories. 

Calvin was whistling a random tune when he got a text from Henry, he smiled at the text. They are planning on going on a date, yes you read that correctly, a date. How you may ask? It all started when Calvin asked Henry to help him on a prank, Calvin asked him to pull off a prank on his brother but needed to be sneaky about it. Henry was confused on why Calvin come to him but Calvin told him that he wanted him to teach him about being sneaky. 

Henry taught him a few moves on how to be sneaky, and Calvin used them to his advantage. Calvin successfully prank his brother and he thanked Henry for that, Henry blushed and told him you're welcome. Calvin smiled at him and his mind told him Henry looks cute blushing, Calvin suddenly had a panic moment. Did his mind just tell him Henry was cute? Yes. Yes it did. Why? Calvin didn't know but he has been feeling lonely lately, Konrad was hanging out with June more. 

How did Calvin managed to ask Henry on a date? He didn't know either but he was surprised that Henry said yes, Calvin texted him the details and continued his whistling. Calvin put his phone away as he walked back to his tent while smiling, he walked past Charles and Rupert who looked at him in confusion.

"I wonder what's that all about?" Charles asked, still confused. "I never seen Calvin that happy."

"Yeah..." Rupert replied. "Maybe he's plotting a prank."

"But he usually plans pranks with Konrad."

"Well Konrad has been all his time with June."

"Yeah, I noticed."

"Something's going on with him."


Charles and Rupert were suspicious of Calvin's behavior, Henry came over to them as they thought of Calvin's behavior. Henry waved at both of them, they both waved back at him. Rupert was on better terms with Henry and Charles was glad for that, Henry glanced at them in confusion. "What's going on?" asked Henry, in confusion. 

"Calvin's acting...strange." replied Charles.

"Yeah..." added Rupert. "He seems happy...too happy."

"Too happy?" Henry questioned, still confused.

Charles and Rupert nodded, Henry was about to ask what they mean when he felt his phone vibrate. Henry got his phone and blushed on who texted him, Henry answered the text while Charles and Rupert watched him. Henry put his phone away while still blushing, he then glanced at the duo who stared at him in shock. 

"What?" questioned Henry, his face was still blushing.

"Who were you texting to?" asked Rupert.

"Someone." replied Henry.



"I feel like you're lying."

"I may lie a lot back when I was a criminal but I'm not lying now."

Rupert stared at him while Charles was observing him, he noticed that Henry was blushing and smiling. Charles never seen Henry like that before, he knows Henry was not a sociable person by nature. He was cold to Charles at first but slowly warm up to him, he also made friends with everyone in the Government. Rupert also made peace with him and there's a rumor that Rupert slept with Henry, but Rupert neither confirm or deny the rumor. Then Charles piece together what smiling and blushing means, his eyes widened as he got an answer in his head.

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