Joystick ( Henry x Rupert x Johnny)

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A/N: You read the title and I know what you guys are thinking... Why yes, this is the kinkiest thing I have ever written.

Rupert was walking down the halls of the police station, he was trying to find Johnny. He's been missing for several hours and Rupert was worried. Johnny never been missing before, if he has to do something or there's an emergency, he always inform his boss. So Johnny being missing is just weird, Rupert kept searching for Johnny while asking his co-workers where he is. Rupert walked past the cells where they kept the prisoners, he stopped when he spotted one of the cell being suspiciously empty.

Rupert went inside the cell and looked around, where's the prisoner? Rupert checked the cell more than two time but didn't find them, he started growling in frustration.

"Damn it, where are you Henry Stickmin!" Rupert thought.

Henry Stickmin was the bane of every cop's existence, especially Rupert Price. A couple months earlier, he tried to break into a bank but that didn't end well. Rupert loved to tease him with bad jokes on him being release early, he loved seeing Henry's face light up and then fell when Rupert laughed at him. He knew it was mean but he couldn't help it, he was an asshole and Henry's a criminal.

Rupert wondered where could have Henry had gone? There was no alarm triggered, no cop has said anything in their walkie talkies, and the boss hasn't said anything about him being transfer to another jail. Rupert thought for a moment as he left Henry's cell, he then went to his desk to sit down and think. He looked to his side and saw his other friend, Dave Panpa was looking through some paperwork.

"Hey, Dave." Rupert said as Dave glanced at him. "Where's Johnny?"

Dave had a thoughtful look on his face, "I think he's at the " secret" room." he replied as he blushed.

Rupert smirked as he thought about the "secret" room. The "secret" room was a private room that only him, Dave, and Johnny knew. They used the room for...urges. Mostly Rupert and Johnny uses it, Dave only uses occasionally. Whenever they get urges and they need to release them, they will go to the room. It was better than jacking off in a closet.

"Thanks, Dave." Rupert replied as he stood up to go find Johnny.

"No problem."

Rupert headed for the "secret" room, no one knows about the room. Not even their boss Rebecca Pippa, knows the room. Rupert found the door to the secret room and open the door quietly. Once inside, he quietly closed the door and went to find Johnny. The room was big and it almost look like a a storage room. Rupert then heard moaning, Rupert smirked as he recognize the moan is from Johnny.

He was about to head over to Johnny when he heard another sound, a sound of sucking. Rupert perked an eyebrow as he headed to Johnny, he saw Johnny's back was towards him and he was saying soft words to someone. He took a closer look and saw a person with a bright orange suit at Johnny's crotch area, what are they doing to Johnny?

He took another closer look to see whom was with Johnny, he saw short, white hair, and a familiar figure. Rupert's eyes widen when his brain told him whom was with Johnny, no...oh no...oh fuck no!

"A-Ah...y-yeah, Henry." Johnny moaned.

Johnny glanced down at Henry whom was sucking his cock, they didn't realize Rupert was watching them. Johnny gently used his fingers to play with Henry's hair, Rupert was still watching them. Rupert's eye twitched as his mind scrambled to come up with answers on why Henry was sucking Johnny's cock.

"What are yer doing!?" Rupert bellowed.

Johnny and Henry froze when they heard Rupert's voice, Henry stopped sucking as Johnny turn his head to glanced at Rupert. Johnny smiled sheepishly as he did not like the look on Rupert's face, Rupert was glaring at him and Henry. Johnny waved a hand at him, "H-H-Hey...Rupert." he said as voice cracked nervously.

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