Halloween Party (Stickprice and others)

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A/N: This takes place after Regretful and Charles Júnior would be known as CJ in this one-shot and other one-shots containing him.

Also, since last year I didn't do any Halloween theme Stickmin fanfic, I'm going to do a few Halloween/ Horror one-shots this time.

Henry was washing dishes while CJ was playing with a squeaky toy helicopter that Victoria got for him, Rupert was on base, helping the General. Ever since they've gotten CJ, they have agreed for Henry to stay at home to take care of him. After all, Henry isn't technically in the Government.

Henry didn't mind it; he didn't plan on going back to the Government.

Henry was finishing up the dishes when he heard Rupert at the front door, he wiped his hands on a towel as Rupert came into the kitchen. Rupert ruffled CJ's hair and went to kiss Henry, Henry blushed a deep red. Rupert sat down next to the highchair CJ was in, he groaned as he stretches.

"So how was work?" Henry asked curiously.

"Fine," Rupert replied, annoyed.

Henry noticed the tone and he frowned, "What's wrong?" he asked in concern.

"The Bukowski twins are pulling Halloween pranks and I don't like it," Rupert answered as he took the helicopter toy from CJ to play with him.

"Oh. Halloween is coming up soon."


Henry went over to Rupert to sit down next to him with another chair, "Did they pull any pranks on you?"

Rupert shook his head as CJ laughed at him happily, "They know better than to prank me." he said as he smiled at CJ.

Henry stood up to pick CJ up and he hold him, he bopped his nose. CJ giggled as he hugged Henry, "This will be CJ's first Halloween." Henry said happily. Rupert stood up and went over to them, he ruffled CJ's hair as he smiled.

"Oh, before I forget, the General wants to throw a Halloween party," he said, "And he wants you and CJ to be there."

Henry thought for a moment, he was never a big fan of parties, but it would be nice to go to a Halloween party. After all, it's CJ's first Halloween and it will be a fun experience for CJ. He also needed to have some fun because he needs it. Henry glanced at Rupert who was wrapping an arm around his waist, "Yeah, I will go and so will CJ." Henry said happily.

"Great," Rupert replied.

"When's the party?"

"In two weeks."

Henry's eyes widen at the answer, "Two weeks!? That's not enough time to pick out costumes!" he exclaimed; CJ got a little scared from Henry's outbursts. He started to fuss, however, Henry calms him down.

"I know, but let's not panic," Rupert said, "I have an idea."

"Oh? What is it?" Henry asked curiously.

"We are going to do a family costume theme."

"What kind of costume theme?"

Rupert went close to him to whisper something in his heart, Henry listens to what Rupert was saying, then he smiled. Rupert glanced at Rupert as Rupert stepped back, "That's perfect." he said.

"Ya. We can work on the costumes tomorrow." Rupert responded as CJ started to fuss again, he was getting irritated. Then Rupert and Henry heard a tiny growl coming from CJ's stomach. Rupert chuckled as Henry gave him CJ to go make his bottle, "Looks like someone is hungry." Rupert said as Henry went over to them.

Henry held CJ as he fed him his bottle, Rupert started to cook dinner for both him and Henry.

After everyone was fed, Rupert put CJ to nap as Henry sat down on the couch. Rupert sat down next to him as Henry put on a horror movie, they were eating snacks as they watched the movie. The movie wasn't too scary, well at least for Rupert, Henry was scared out of his mind. He cling tight to Rupert, Rupert didn't mind though.  Once the movie was done, it was time for bed. CJ was still sleeping, and they got ready for bed.

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