Bad thoughts (StickPrice)

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A/N: This has nothing to do with smut! I was having a bad day when this idea popped into my head, and I don't have a very good esteem. I suffered depression in the past and I think I still do. Also I have anxiety, so yeah. This fic would just be vent/ inner feelings, and yeah I headcanon Rupert and Henry having these issues.

Rupert was awake in the morning while Henry was still asleep, they were in Rupert's tent cause they spent the night there. Henry snuggled into Rupert's chest as Rupert was argument with his head, what kind of argument you may ask? The one where his head tells him that he is a stupid piece of shit.

"You're a stupid of piece of shit." thought Rupert to himself. "At least I know I'm a stupid piece of shit, that makes me better than all the pieces of shit who don't know they're pieces of shit."

Rupert paused in his thinking, "Or is it worse?" he thought bitterly.

Rupert sighed as he felt Henry stirred, Henry opened one eye and glanced up at Rupert who smiled down at him. Rupert whispered morning as Henry sat up, Henry's hair was messy and it made him looked funny. Rupert softly laughed as Henry growled, Rupert told him to keep sleeping as he got up. Rupert went to the showers and went to go get breakfast. Rupert was eating a donut and apparently his mind didn't like that, "This is not breakfast, you are eating a dount. Stop eating the dount or else you gonna get fat, fatass!"

Rupert went to take another bite to his donut but stopped when his inner voice decides to be jerk, "Put that dount down, put that donut, do not eat that donut." the inner voice said, annoyed. Rupert still had the donut close to his mouth, he then took another bite to spite his inner voice. "I can't believe you ate the donut!"

Meanwhile with Henry, his body was asleep but his mind was awake. "Hey...hey...hey you stupid idiot." Henry's inner voice spoke as Henry tried to fall back asleep.

Henry groaned in annoyance as he used his pillow to cover his head, he knew that won't work against his mind. "Ha! You are such a stupid idiot, did you really think putting a pillow on your head will work?" taunted Henry's inner voice. Henry sighed in defeat as he got up, he rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He stretched and headed to the showers, he then headed to the cafeteria to eat.

Henry spotted Rupert sitting by himself and headed over to him. He sat down next to Rupert, he leaned his head against Rupert's shoulder as he closed his eyes. He was still tired and Rupert could see that, it was peaceful for a moment until Henry's inner voice ruined the mood with his presence. "Hey, you're supposed to eat, not sleep dumbass! You're already skinny as it is, go eat some food dammit!" Henry's inner voice exclaimed, angrily.

Henry growled in anger as Rupert glanced down at Henry, Rupert was confused on what Henry was growling about. Rupert asked what's wrong and Henry said nothing cause he did not want Rupert to worry. Rupert was holding a donut and gave to Henry who ate it, Henry happily ate the donut. Rupert watched Henry as he put his elbow on the table and his face on his hand. Henry finished the donut and they both headed out of the cafeteria, they went walking to a clearing.

As they were walking, their inner voices kept putting them down. They tried to ignored it but they couldn't, they stopped at a white drywall and sat down next to each other.  Rupert got out his phone while Henry leaned against him and closed his eyes in content, they enjoyed each other's company as Rupert put his phone away as he closed his eyes too. They took a short nap for a little bit, Charles was trying to find Rupert for something important and he wasn't answering his phone.

Charles was grumbling when he spotted Rupert and Henry asleep together. Charles at first wanted to leave them alone but he needed Rupert at the moment, but how is he going to wake him up. Charles then had an idea, before he did his idea, he took a picture of the two together and then he yelled, "This is the greaaasst plan!" as he slapped Rupert's head. Rupert woke up with a yelp, starling Henry in the process.

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