Rupert doesn't have a grudge against Calvin Bukowski

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This takes place after the events of Foolish. Henry forgave Rupert for hurting him and forgave Calvin for using him but Rupert doesn't forgive himself or Calvin.

A/N: I'm so sorry for picking on Calvin so much...but at the same time it's kinda fun.

Rupert is many things, he's tough, he's loyal, he's a loner, he's an asshole, and he's petty. How petty you may ask? It depends on how you pissed him off.

Calvin learned that the hard way, after the whole debacle with him sleeping with Henry and Rupert using Henry, Calvin had gotten bad luck.

Ever since Calvin admitted he slept with Henry, Rupert had been giving him a hard time. Calvin apologized to Rupert so many times but he wouldn't listen, which pisses him off. Calvin also tried to avoid him but everywhere he goes, Rupert is somehow there. Calvin wondered if Rupert has teleportation powers, he doubts it but Ellie has the force so yeah.

Calvin was not sure how long he could take Rupert to be a jerk to him, he tried asking Henry to stop Rupert but even talking to Henry only flared Rupert's hatred for him. Calvin wondered if he should just go AWOL and just disappeared out the face of the Earth. Or he could jump off a building or let himself get captured by the Toppats. 

Calvin's POV

If Rupert hits my head one more time, I'm gonna strangled...a random bug or something. Gosh, I just want him to stop bugging me already.

I only slept with him once! 

I sighed sadly as I walked to find my brother, he was apparently with Victoria or Ellie or something, I don't know. I spotted him with Victoria and Ellie and they weren't alone. Charles was also with them along with Rupert and Henry. Which I silently cursed at, I noticed Rupert's arm was wrapped around Henry's waist. Possessive much?

I wanted to sneak away before anyone can spot me but my stupid brother had to look over and saw me standing there. He waved and shouted at me to come over to them, everyone turned to look at me. Everyone was smiling except for Rupert which I'm not surprised about,  

I sighed in defeat and headed my way over to them, I wanted to die. 

No One POV's

Calvin walked to the group and stood next to Ellie and Konrad, he was feeling very awkward. He could feel Rupert's glare burning into him, he wanted to go away. Charles was talking about one of his greatest plans to everyone but Calvin wasn't listening, he was panicking on the inside. Konrad noticed his brother's uneasiness, he saw how Rupert was messing with him ever since Calvin admitted he slept with Henry.

Konrad felt bad for him but it was his fault for doing something stupid...then again Rupert had messed up more than Calvin did. Speaking of Rupert, he was still glaring at Calvin. If looks can kill, Calvin would be 6 feet under already. He also had his arm wrapped around Henry's waist while Henry was smiling at Charles' antics, Ellie and Victoria were also laughing at his antics.

Konrad glanced at his brother again, Calvin looked like he wanted to have a breakdown. Calvin was about to when June walked by, she waved at him but quickly signaled him to come with her. He got the message and he quickly went up to her without saying goodbye to anyone. 

"Thank you for saving my life back there," said Calvin, relieved at being rescued. "Never leave my side."

"No problem," replied June happily. "I guess Rupert is still mad at you?"

"Yes! And I even apologized but he won't listen!"

"Maybe he wants to remind you that Henry is his."

"Yeah, I know that already. I wasn't even interested in him."

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