A Completely Odd Encounter (Konrad x Henry)

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A/N: Since I wrote a pairing with Calvin x Henry, might as well write a Konrad x Henry that no asked for. Also, I need to give Konrad some more love.

Konrad groaned as he woke up, his head pounded as he got up. He knew drinking too much would have some hard consequences in the morning, but it was the New Year's. He groaned again as he rubbed his temples while he rubbed his eyes, he then turned to his side to peek at something but did a double take.

What was Henry Stickmin doing here? Konrad shook his head as he studied Henry as he was still  asleep, his hair was messy and he noticed bruises on his neck. Konrad took a better look and found that Henry had more of those bruises on his shoulders, Konrad then took noticed of the room they were in. It wasn't back at the base nor it was at his tent that he shared with his brother, it was some place else. 

He also took noticed that his clothes were strewn all over the floor, he then realized that he was naked. He blinked for a moment while his brain was trying to process what happened last night. He turned to Henry to look at him again to see that he was also naked.

What the hell?

He looked around some more and silently panicking, he quietly got up and started putting on his clothes. As he put on his uniform top, his phone vibrated. He cursed mentally in his head as he checked Henry to see if he was awake, he wasn't...which was a good thing.

Konrad checked his phone and saw that he had missed text messages from his brother, he sighed heavily while putting away his phone. He glanced at Henry and was debating on whether he should wake him up or let him sleep.

Konrad just realized something, that they are in a hotel room. That's why the room seems unfamiliar to him, he now has stuff to think about. Should he leave Henry to pay for the hotel room or should he do it himself. Konrad head hurts from all this thinking, he grumbled quietly as he made his decision.

He walked to the door quietly and left the room. He went out of the hotel and headed back to the base, he put his hands into his pockets as he walked to the base. How and why did he sleep with Henry? Konrad's head pounded cause he didn't take pills or drank water.

He got to the base finally, he went back to his tent that he shared with his brother. Calvin wasn't there which means that he was gone doing...something, he grabbed aspirin and a bottle of water. He took the pill and headed out of his tent.

He searched for his brother and found him with Charles, Ellie, and Rupert. He went over to them while they were talking, Calvin asked him where he was and Konrad lied that he was...somewhere. The others didn't look convinced but drop it, then they all went back to the conversation.

"Oi, has anyone seen Henry?" asked Rupert, in confusion. "He's supposed to help me with something later."

"Yeah." added Charles, in concern. "He's usually here with me and Ellie."

Konrad froze for a moment, he knew he should've woken Henry up. He just left him there at the hotel room like an asshole, Konrad was panicking on the inside while the others were wondering where Henry was.

Calvin noticed his brother acting...off to him, "Hey, Kon?" asked Calvin, quietly. "Are you okay?"

Konrad nodded yes but was lying on the inside, he wanted to throw up. Charles and Rupert decided to look for him while Ellie went to go find Victoria, leaving the twins alone.

"Are you sure you're okay?" questioned Calvin, again.

"Yup! Never better." squeaked Konrad.

Before Calvin can questioned Konrad further, Konrad ran away from his brother. Konrad went back to his tent and exhaled a sharp breath, he put his face into his hands while groaning in frustration. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know how he ended up sleeping with Henry, he knew that he was drunk and probably so was Henry. But, it was blurry after that. He grumbled again and he lied down on his bed, he closed his eyes and took a nap.

A couple hours later, Henry came into the base. He did not look happy to say at least, he looked sad and tired. He was limping while he was walking, he had his head bowed. Charles and Rupert found him and they asked where he was, he didn't replied at first. He just gave them a blank stare, they both frowned at him. He then gave them a vague answer, hoping that would convinced them to lay off the questioning.

Charles and Rupert didn't look convinced but they saw Henry was acting kinda strange. The trio then headed off to do what Henry promised them to do, Charles and Rupert kept an eye on Henry to see if he was okay. 

A couple days later, Charles, Henry, Ellie, and Rupert were hanging out. Charles, Ellie, and Rupert were mostly talking while Henry was being quiet as usual. They tried to get Henry into talking to them but wouldn't budge, Henry decided to leave and said his good byes to everyone. Henry was walking back to his apartment while in a broody mood, he was feeling sad and angry. Ever since he woke up alone in the hotel room, he's been feeling like shit.

Why did he sleep with Konrad anyway? 

Why did he have to drank so much? He sighed sadly as he walked back to his apartment, he remembered certain details of his one-stand with Konrad. His face flushed red when he thought of it, at least he knows Konrad is good at something besides pranks. Henry put his face into his hands as he thought that, what the fuck wrong with him?

He was so busy thinking about Konrad that he bumped into someone by accident, they both fell to the ground with an oof. Henry sat up to rubbed his head while he gasped in shock on who he just ran into, Konrad groaned in pain while he was also rubbing his forehead. Konrad glanced up at him in surprise.

Their faces became red when they looked at each other, they was a moment of silence until Henry gave Konrad a glare. Konrad blinked at him until he cringed in guilt, yeah...he probably deserves the glare. He did left Henry to pay for the hotel room.

Henry got up to leave but was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist, he turned around to find Konrad holding his wrist and staring at him blankly. Henry struggled for a bit but Konrad's grip was strong, Konrad still stared at him blankly.

Henry sighed and resigned to his fate, he glanced at Konrad who slowly let him go. They both stood there for a moment, Konrad step forward a little and sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry." apologized Konrad, sincerely.

Henry's eyes widened when he heard Konrad, did he hear that correctly?

"What?" said Henry, in confusion.

"I'm sorry about last night and for this morning." apologized Konrad, again.

Henry bowed his down and turned away from him, Konrad was apologizing but he's not entirely to blame. Henry was drunk too and he participated in the drunk tryst, Henry exhaled a sharp breath.

Konrad looked at him for an answer, "It's not entirely your fault." replied Henry, softly. "Sure leaving me alone to pay for the hotel room was shitty but last night was kinda my fault too."

Konrad was shocked at the statement, he wasn't expecting that. Their faces were still red and the scene was awkward as fuck, Konrad cleared his throat and Henry looked at him.

"Why don't I make it up to you by having dinner with me?" suggested Konrad.

"I like that." answered Henry, smiling.

They both smiled and Konrad left Henry but not before giving Henry a date.

It was a couple weeks later when they became an actual couple and everyone found out but the way they had found out was...well...um...embarrassing to say at least.

Calvin walked in on his brother fucking Henry and it was fucking hilarious!

Let's just say everyone in the situation was embarrassed and wanted to die. Charles, Ellie, Rupert, and Victoria were in shock but laughed at everyone's expense.

A/N: Can I be normal for one second...nope! Hope you enjoyed this.

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