You Are Not Alone (Rupert Price with implied Stickprice)

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A/N: This was inspired by an ask on my Tumblr by Mourningmad, they asked what would happen if Henry stumbles upon a drunk Rupert. And after answering the question, my mind immediately came up with an idea. Thus, this story was born!

Rupert was in Brody's bar having a drink, he doesn't usually drink but sometimes he needs to drink to forget all of his problems. Usually, when problems arise in him, he smokes but this time, he didn't feel like smoking. He took a shot and he set the glass down, he then glanced down at the wooden table. He exhaled a sharp breath as he put a hand to his head. 

He shouldn't be drinking tonight cause the General had work for him to do the next day, but he didn't care. He needed an escape from his troubles and dark, troubled past. Lately, he's been getting flashbacks from his childhood and he was not happy in the slightest. He memories of his dad hitting him, verbally abusing him, emotionally abusing him, and telling him he was a waste of space.

Ever since his mom abandoned him and left him with his dad, his life has been a living hell. And it didn't help by a certain Stickmin came into his life, Henry Stickmin was the bane of his existence. He first encounter Henry Stickmin back when he was still a police officer, when Henry was caught, it made Rupert's life worse. Rupert drowned another shot as Brody came over to pour him another shot, Rupert thanked him and Brody went back to the bar. 

Rupert felt a headache coming in as he buried his face in his arms, he hated feeling like this. Why did he have to suffer? Who did he piss off in another life? Who's idea was it for him to get kicked down? Just then, the door to the bar was open and someone walked past him to the bar area. The person sat on one of the stools, he asked Brody for a glass of tea. 

Brody gave the person the tea, "Here you go, Henry." Brody said happily.

"Thanks, Brody," Henry replied as he grab the tea and drank it.

Rupert stiffen when he heard Henry talking to Brody, he lifted his head to glance at Henry who was drinking his tea peacefully. He saw Henry put his tea down as he started talking to Brody, Body replied to him. Rupert watched them as they kept talking, and he noticed Henry wasn't using sign language. Rupert only saw him using sign language cause he has selective mutism, he only talks to certain people.  

Then Rupert saw Brody start flirting with Henry, Rupert never expected that. Henry's face was red as he politely turned Brody down, Rupert was oddly surprised at that for some reason. Henry drank the tea silently as Brody went to help the other customers, Rupert shook his head as he grumbled. Brody came over to him to pour him another drink, Rupert stared at the drink as Henry looked over at him.

Henry's eyes widen when he saw Rupert drown the shot, he rarely sees Rupert drinking. He only saw Rupert smoke, Henry himself never drank regularly but he only does it on special occasions. Henry wondered why Rupert was drinking, is there something wrong? Henry wanted to ask but he knew Rupert wouldn't tell him cause of their history, but...Rupert probably needed help at the moment. Henry got up from his seat and walked over to him, Rupert blinked when he saw Henry was now in front of him. 

"What do ya what?" Rupert demanded as he slurred. "The last thing I want is to see yer."

Henry held up his hands as if to defend himself from Rupert, "Hey, I don't want to fight you." Henry replied. "I just want to talk."

"About what?"

"Your drinking."

Rupert stiffen when Henry told him about his drinking, he stared at Henry who looked... concerned for him. Why? Rupert has always treated Henry with disdain, and Henry always treated him with annoyance. So why is Henry acting all concerned with him?

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