A New Light (Rupert and Henry and eventual StickPrice)

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A/N: Since some of you guys were upset at my last one-shot which I don't blame you for, I decided to make it up by making this oneshot.

Rupert watched Charles and Henry joke around as he leaned against a weapon storage unit.

Rupert kept watching them until he got bored, he sighed and went to his tent. Once inside his tent, he took his boots off and lay down on his bed.

Lately, he's been thinking about his relationship with Henry.

Before, he would scowl at Henry or just glare at Henry because he used to have a grudge against him. However, after getting evidence to take down the Toppat clan and save one of Rupert's old co-workers, Rupert started to let go of his grudge toward Henry. But Rupert wouldn't call them friends or anything... just mutuals.

Rupert saw Henry waving goodbye to Charles and saw Henry heading toward his apartment. Rupert stopped watching Henry and went to his tent. Rupert sat down on his bed as he thought more about his feelings for Henry, he doesn't know why he was questioning them, and why does he care?

Rupert took off his boots and lay down on his bed. He then fell asleep.

Rupert and Charles came out of the General's tent when they saw Henry walking past them with a tote bag and holding a small piece of paper in his hand.

"Hi, Hen!" Charles said happily as he waved, "What are you doing?"

Henry stopped and turned around to face Charles, "Oh, I'm going to the store," he replied.

Rupert raised an eyebrow as Charles asked, "For what?"

"For ingredients,"

"Ingredients for what?" Rupert asked, joining the conversation.

Henry smiled and Rupert doesn't know if it was for him or it was about the conversation.

"To make cupcakes," Henry responded.

Charles and Rupert stared at Henry in confusion. Baking? Henry's making cupcakes?

"You can bake?" Rupert asked.

Henry nodded, "Yes, but I don't have a lot of time for baking since I joined the Government."


"That's good. Be careful and don't get kidnapped," Charles joked.

Henry chuckled, "I'll try, bye Charles, bye Rupert,"

Henry resume walking, Rupert stared after him, and Charles noticed it. Charles bumped his shoulder and Rupert glared at him.

"What?" he whispered to Charles.

"Go with him," Charles said quietly.


"Go with him,"

Rupert was dumbfounded. Why did Charles want him to go with Henry?

Before Rupert could ask why, Charles went up to Henry. "Hey, Henry," Henry glanced at Charles, "Rupert wants to go with you to the store,"

Henry blinked and glanced over his shoulder to see Rupert glaring at Charles. Henry looked back at Charles with concern, "Are you sure? He looks...angry,"

Charles laughed as he wrapped a shoulder around him, "Relax, he always looks grumpy," Rupert made a sound like he was offended by Charles's comment.

Charles glanced over at Rupert who was now wearing a scowl, he stared at Rupert like he was waiting for an answer. Charles began using sign language to try to convince Rupert to go with Henry.

Henry Stickmin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now