Sweet Lies( Past Stickvin, one-sided Stickprice, other ships)

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A/N: I had this idea from reading FuchisaPaper's end call from AO3. Go read it if you haven't read it yet, it's so good. 

This takes place during the post-VH timeline... Why do I keep writing about this timeline when I do not like that ending?

Henry listened to Charles's final message one more time before he went to go meet Rupert Price. 

He knew it was unhealthy. 

Ever since Charles's sacrifice in taking down the Toppat Clan in the orbital station, Henry has been in a slump. 

Henry met Charles at a tavern when he saw Charles shooting some Toppats. Charles was surprised when he saw Henry at the tavern. Charles thought he was dead which made Henry look at him in shock. Charles got over supposed Henry's death and quickly explained to him about taking down the Toppat clan in space.

The General tasked him and Henry to take down the Toppat Clan. 

The mission was almost successful until Henry and Charles got into an escape pod since Charles did one of his greatest plans. It worked but the orbital station was counting down to explode, they got into an escape pod, and were about to escape the station but, fate had other plans. 

A random Toppat opened the hatch and tried to get the duo out but Charles was two steps ahead. Charles took care of the Toppat while saving Henry in the process, Henry was shocked Charles did that. Charles kept holding the Toppat down as the pod's doors closed, Henry was worried about Charles, however, Charles told him he will find another way out.

But... Charles didn't.

Charles didn't find another escape pod... He knew this and told Henry his final message. Henry didn't want to hear the message, he pleaded for Charles to get out or find another pod.

Alas, the orbital station exploded with the dead toppats and Charles with it.

Henry was devastated, and so was everyone in the Government.

General Hubert Galeforce and Rupert Price were especially devastated. The General saw Charles as a son, and Rupert was one of Charles's closest friends. The General had a funeral and a memorial for Charles. It was sad and heartbreaking.

Henry sighed as he left his apartment to meet with Rupert, bowed his head down, put his hands in his pockets, and thought about what happened after Charles's death.

Henry still stayed with the Government and helps out with missions and stuff. 

Before Charles's death, he and Henry were a couple. Nobody knew this except for the General and Rupert. However, while Galeforce was happy for the couple, Rupert was not.

Henry and Rupert have a history and it's not a happy history.

Before Rupert joined the military force and Henry joined the Government, Rupert was a cop and Henry was a criminal.

As you were expecting, they didn't get along. 

Henry got caught trying to steal from a bank and was put in a cell in a police department where Rupert worked. Rupert would always play jokes on Henry with his best friend and co-worker Dave Panpa. Henry didn't find the jokes to be funny but to Rupert, it was hilarious. Dave sometimes participated in the jokes but he looked like he was forced, Henry thought Dave was too nice for the police force because he was a bit of a doormat.

However, although Dave may be nice he does have his limits. There was this one time that Henry was still in his cell when he saw Dave putting a criminal away next to the cell Henry was in, the criminal was being uncooperative and Henry saw Dave looking annoyed. Then Henry saw what he considered the most aggressive he had ever seen on Dave; Dave said something awful to the criminal and threw the criminal into the cell hard.

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