Birds and the Bees! (Henry and co.)

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A/N: I had this idea for a while now and I thought this would be funny.

The General and Dr. V stared at the baby in front of them.

The baby was cooing at them like they were trying to talk to them, and the baby was smiling at them.

"So..." Galeforce started, "What's going on exactly?"

"When I went to my lab this morning, I found this baby on one of the lab tables," Dr. V responded.

Galeforce nodded as he took a closer look at the baby. The baby was a male by the looks of it, he has messy black hair that looks familiar to him and his eyes were a sapphire blue. He kept staring at the baby until it hit him.

He glanced at Dr. V, "Do tests on him. I want to know who his parents are,"

Dr. V nodded, "Yes, General," she replied.

"Good. Let me know the test results as soon as possible,"

The General left the room, leaving Dr. V alone with the baby. Dr. V looked at the baby, who was trying to eat his foot. She sighed as she prepared the tests for the baby. She went over to the baby who was in a car seat and was drooling over his blue onesie.

"Okay, little one," she said firmly but gently, "You're not going to like this,"

To her surprise, the baby took the needles like a champ. He was just wondering what Dr. V was doing to him, he wasn't scared or anything, and he cooed at her.

After the tests were done, she waited for the results while she was taking care of the baby.

Dr. V was singing in Russian to calm the baby down when she heard her computer ping. She went over to the computer to look at the results, she read over the results, and her eyes widened.

She slowly picked up a phone with her remaining hand to call the General.

"General?" she said, stunned, "I think you need to come to see this."

The General stared at Dr. V in confusion as the baby started clapping happily, Dr. V had a blank look on his face.

"What?" Galeforce said.

"Yes, I was surprised too," Dr. V responded," I had to check the results again but they all have given me the same results,"

The general shook his head and looked at the baby. Yup. No mistake about it. He knew he recognized that hair from anywhere. He glanced at Dr. V, "How?"

Dr. V smirked, "Well, Hubert, when a man and woman love each other very mu-"

"I know about that! It's how my late wife gave me my children!" Galeforce exclaimed, scaring the baby in the process. Galeforce calm down a bit, "I mean, how is he here in the first place?"

Dr. V chuckled and she smiled, "That I'm not sure of," she responded.

"All I know is that it is possible," Dr. V held up the baby while the baby was still clapping.

Galeforce smiled at the baby and took his tiny hand to hold his finger. The baby cooed as he babbled, Galeforce smiled some more.

"Looks like I got to tell the parents about their new son they didn't plan," Galeforce said.

Dr. V snorted as the baby laughed.

Rupert was grumbling at the sight of Henry talking to Charles. Rupert always hated Henry and he doesn't understand why Charles was friends with him. Henry was a criminal or former criminal but that doesn't matter to Rupert. To him, once a thief always a thief. Henry helped the Government and joined them after his pardon from the president. Rupert was not happy about this. He vocally stated his opinion that Henry should not be here, but the General ignored or dismissed him.

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