It's your fault! (Stickprice)

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A/N: This was inspired by the movie Spider-Man Far From Home, the scene with Mystero messing with Spider-Man's mind. Also, this place after Regretful, the Stickprice story I wrote after Valiant Hero ending. If you haven't read that then go read it now or if you are rereading it right now, then I hope you enjoyed the story again.

It was night time and Rupert, Henry, and Charles were sleeping peacefully. Charles was asleep in his crib while he was holding a stuffed lion that Victoria got him earlier, Rupert was sleeping soundly while Henry was also sleeping soundly until he started to have a nightmare. Henry was doing pretty good on the nightmares, he's still attending therapy, Rupert has been helping him, and he has friends to help him. 

Henry's Nightmare

Henry was sitting next to Charles at the bar, they were talking and laughing. Charles was talking about one of his great plans, Henry smiled as he watched Charles rambled on. Henry loved hearing Charles talk, Henry didn't like to talk as much but he loved hearing other people talk especially Charles. Charles was still talking about his greatest plan when the whole bar and it's patrons disappeared. Henry was now standing in a black void, Henry was confused on why he was here.

Henry was looking around when he heard a voice, "Heh...heh..." said the voice, in a dark tone.

Henry jumped in surprise as he heard the voice, he looked around some more but still found more darkness. The voice laughed again, Henry was getting annoyed at that laughter. It was mocking him, he growled in frustration. He was about to shout at the voice until someone walked out of the darkness, Henry was staring at the person who was walking towards him.

The person was wearing a fancy black suit with a cape, they were wearing a tophat with a golden chain around it, and a giant dollar sign in the middle. The tophat was covering the person's face so Henry couldn't see the face, the person kept walking until they stopped in front of Henry.

Henry was still confused, who is this person? How did they get here? How did Henry get here? The person then looked up and Henry gasped in shock. This...This... Henry!'s that possible!? Henry was standing right here! Henry stared at the other Henry in shock and confusion, what the heck is going on here?

"Who are you?" Henry asked, still in shock.

The other Henry glanced at him but then laughed, "HAHAHA!" he laughed. "I'm you! Silly!"

"What..." said Henry, in confusion.

The other Henry sighed in annoyance, "I'm you from another timeline, idiot." he explained, still annoyed.




"Look, it's hard to explain so just go with it."

"Ok...then who are you exactly?"

The other Henry blinked for a moment, he then smirked evilly. Henry didn't like the smile on the other Henry's face, " I'm you from the Toppat King timeline." Toppat King Henry answered, happily.

Henry felt sick to his stomach when Toppat Henry admitted that, why would he be leader of a crime organization that killed his best friend?

"'s not possible." Henry said, in denial.

"Hehehe..." snickered Toppat Henry, loving the despair look on his counterpart's face. "Oh it is."

"No!" shouted Henry. "It's not possible!"


Toppat Henry stared at Henry who was having a breakdown, Henry felt his vision blurred with liquid. He was breathing heavily, he was shaking, and he felt he couldn't breathe. Toppat Henry shook his head as he watched Henry having his breakdown, he snapped his fingers to get Henry's attention. Henry glanced at him, Toppat Henry smirked again.

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