Inner Demon part 5 (Henry and Rupert)

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Henry is questioning what happened with Rupert last night when he finds Rupert missing, he has to find out where Rupert is and make sure Briar doesn't hurt him or anybody else.

Henry was panicking as he searched Rupert's tent for a note but didn't.

He kept searching until he felt exhausted and sat on Rupert's bed. He was thinking up a plan to find Rupert when he heard Charles and the others outside the tent, he panicked some more since no one knows he left without a word. The voices became faint while he was thinking of a plan, the voices were gone.

Henry sighed heavily as he thought over last night's events.

He remembered Briar using Rupert's body like a puppet and it was disgusting to Henry because Briar was influencing him in ways he never imagine Rupert would do. Henry also has some questions in his mind about Briar and his control of Rupert. Briar mentioned Rupert was full of sin. He knew Rupert has anger issues and Briar stated he used Wrath on him, but something else is bothering him.

Why is Briar making him lust after Henry?

Henry shivered in disgust when his mind played what Briar almost did in Rupert's body, his face went bright red as he covered his face with his hands. He has to stop Briar from hurting Rupert before he completely influences him but... how?

He doesn't know how to stop demons and heck, he didn't even know demons existed until Rupert was acting off.

Henry heard a ping from his phone, he checked what it was and it was Charles texting him to come to the cafeteria to eat. He stood up as he put his phone away, went outside, and headed straight for the cafeteria.

Soon he was in the cafeteria, everyone looked at him and then went back to eating.

He furrowed his brow in confusion as he search the cafeteria for his friends, he kept searching until he spotted Charles's red headphones. He went over to them and sat down next to Charles, Ellie sat on the other side of them. Calvin, Konrad, and June sat with her. They were eating and talking. They greeted Henry and Henry greeted them in return. They resume eating while Henry didn't eat anything, he wasn't hungry anyways, and he was worried about Rupert.

"Hey, Hen, what happened with Rupert last night?"

Everyone at the table went quiet as Charles stared at Henry, he was crossing his arms and patiently waiting for Henry to answer. Henry blinked at him in confusion as he felt a bunch of eyes staring at him, he felt uncomfortable telling them the real reason. If he tells them about Briar, they're going to think he's crazy. He avoided meeting everyone's eyes as he was trying to come up with an answer, he was beginning to panic and was about to blurt out a dumb reason when Victoria came over to them.

"Hey, guys," she said, her brows furrowed in confusion, "Have you seen Rupert? He's not here and he's usually here before anyone else."

Everyone said no while Henry felt his heart drop.

"Hmm," Victoria said thoughtfully, she was thinking. Henry felt his blood pressure rise when he saw Victoria was thinking, he knew what she was going to do next. "I'm gonna go fin-"


Everyone stared at Henry who blinked in embarrassment as his face was red, he avoided meeting everyone's eyes again as he stood up, and looked at everyone. "I'm going to go find him, Captain Victoria," he said.

Before Victoria can say anything to him, Henry left without another word.

Victoria and the others stared at Henry's hasty exit in confusion. "Okay, that was weird," Ellie said slowly.

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