Wedding Bliss and Ignorance (StickPrice) Part 1

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A/N: I have already made a Stickvin wedding, might as well make a StickPrice wedding! Also, someone wanted to see a StickPrice wedding.  

Rupert wants to propose to Henry, and for the wedding, he gets a surprise from his past that he never thought he would see again.

Rupert has been acting strange lately, and Henry can't figured it out why. Henry tried to get a word out of Rupert but he wouldn't budge, Henry tried doing some detective work but Rupert was so good at hiding that it scared Henry a little. Henry gave up cause he wouldn't want to invade Rupert's privacy, and he knows Rupert still has trouble telling people his feelings.

Henry as far as he knows him and dated him, Rupert is not exactly the most stable guy. Henry knew he has anger issues and abandonment issues thanks to his parents, Rupert didn't exactly have the most stellar childhood. His dad was a jerk while his mom left with no reason, all Rupert can remember about her is that she was kind and beautiful. Rupert never forgave his mom for leaving him behind with his dad. After she left, Rupert's dad, Rodney Price; started emotionally and physically abused Rupert. 

The only escape Rupert had was school and friends. He had little friends but the ones he will hung out were concerned about his bruises and so did the teachers, the principal tried having a meeting with his dad but his dad would flake or just ignore the principal in general. The teachers couldn't even get the police involved cause he was the police chief at the time, Rupert eventually started to hate his dad. But he did like one thing about his dad, he was a cop and he wanted to be one.

Rupert joined the police academy after high school and got away from his dad, he hadn't spoken to his dad since high school. Which Rupert was glad for, he never told anyone about his childhood to anyone. Not even Dave or Johnny knows, but only after dating Henry that he told Henry everything. Henry felt so bad for him, no wonder Rupert is the way he is. 

Henry was walking to find Rupert when he got a text from him, Henry went to his apartment where Rupert was at. Henry went to his apartment door and found it was unlock, Henry went inside and saw it was dark expect for a few candles. There were also a few rose petals scattered along the floor, Henry's face became warm when he saw the candles and roses. He followed the petals and stopped when he saw Rupert sitting on his couch, there was two glasses if wine and Rupert looked...nervous?

"What's all this about?" asked Henry, smirking while he was crossing his arms.

"Oh! Um...uh... I...." stammered Rupert, blushing. 

Henry giggled as he walked over to the couch and sat down next to Rupert, Rupert covered his face with his hat to hide his blush. Rupert grumbled as Henry giggled some more, Henry kissed him on the cheek. Rupert's face became more red as he blushed furiously, "So...what's all this about?" asked Henry, again.

 "I...wanted...this to go...perfectly but I'm too nervous." Rupert replied, bowing his head down in shame.

Rupert pulled a black, small box from his jacket and gave it to Henry. Henry took the box and opened the box, he gasped in shock on what he saw in the box. There was a blue, sapphire ring with a black band. It was the most beautiful ring that he ever seen, it was like the Tunisian Diamond but in smaller form. Henry then realized that the ring was no ordinary ring, his face became warm and scarlet. He then glanced at Rupert who was now looking at him, Henry then smiled and put on the ring.

"Yes, I will marry you." said Henry, happily. 

Rupert blinked for a moment, "R-Really?" he replied, anxiously. 

Henry nodded as he kissed Rupert's cheek again, Rupert chuckled as he hugged Henry, smiling that he said yes. The hug lasted for a few minutes until Henry stole Rupert's wallet and escaped to the bedroom, Rupert ran after him and got his wallet back. Henry stealing Rupert's wallet led them to having amazing sex, and Henry not able to walk the next day. 

Rupert and Henry announced to the whole Government, and everyone congratulated them. Of course they needed a lot of time to prepare for the wedding, Rupert and Henry needed to see who will be best man, woman of honor, groomsmen, "bridesmaid", etc. Henry was getting stressed out so Rupert made Charles and Ellie take him somewhere quiet and peaceful while he'll handle the wedding. 

Rupert was starting to get annoyed at everything, he was now getting stressed out. Calvin, Konrad, Dave, and Johnny were helping plan the wedding but they could tell that he needs to relax. Galeforce ordered Rupert to take a break while he and the others handle the wedding, Rupert wanted to argue but remember that he almost killed Calvin so he decided to take a break. 

Galeforce was writing on who gets to do what when someone came in, he glanced up and raised his eyebrow at the person who came in. She was a young woman with long black hair with yellow eyes, she was medium height, and she was wearing a black business suit. 

"Can I help you, ma'm?" asked Galeforce.

"Yes." replied the woman, in a Russian accent. "I'm here to see my son."

"Your son?"


"And who may I ask is your son?"

"Rupert Price."

The General's eyes widened when the woman said that, the General never knew Rupert's mother. When Rupert first signed up for the army, he listed his dad, Rodney Price as his only parent. Galeforce just assumed that his mother was dead or Rodney was a single parent, Galeforce stared at woman in suspicion. 

"May I ask what's your name, miss?" Galeforce questioned, suspiciously.

"My name is Rita Price." she replied. "Price is not my last name, Petrov is my maiden name."

Galeforce cleared his throat when he heard the name Petrov, that's the last name of the warden in the notorious prison called the Wall. Is she actually related to him?  He didn't hear any news that Dmitri Petrov had kids, well...this new information was certainly interesting. Galeforce got his walkie talkie and paged Rupert to come to his tent. Moments later, Rupert came in all confused.

"You wanted to see sir?" Rupert said, confusion.

"Yes, Rupert."  said Galeforce, firmly. "There's someone to see you."

The General pointed towards Rita Price as Rupert turned around, he gasped in shock as he saw who was here to see him. His mom looked at him in sadness and in guilt, he hasn't seen his mom since he was little. He was heartbroken when she left him and his dad that one day, he never forgave her for leaving him with his asshole of a dad. 

Rupert still stared at his mom, "Hello, Rupert." Rita said, sadly.

Rupert turned away from her and crossed his arms, "What are yer doing here?" he replied, lowly.

"I'm here to see you." 



"No." scowled Rupert. "You don't get to call me that after all these years you abandoned me."

"Rupert." said Rita, voice wavered.

The General watched the scene unfold as he watch mother and son reunite bitterly, Galeforce noticed that Rupert trembled and his fists was shaking. 

"Rupert...please..." Rita tried, again.

Rupert finally snapped, "NO!" he bellowed.

Galeforce and Rita both flinched from him, Rupert was starting to release all his pain, rage, and resentment towards his mother.

"NO! YOU LEFT ME! YOU LEFT ME WITH THAT PRICK OF A FATHER!" yelled Rupert, trembling.  His eyes slowly start to become bloodshot, and a sharp intake of breath follows his lips.

Rita started sobbing quietly as she watched Rupert explode in rage and sadness. Before she can try to speak, Rupert ran out the tent in hurry. Galeforce stared at Rupert's retreat blankly as he saw Rita turned to him, Galeforce shook his and sighed heavily.

"Oh dear." muttered Galeforce.

Oh dear indeed.

A/N: I almost cried while writing this! And yeah, Blue_Fanlady and I came up with the headcanon that Rupert's mom, Rita Price is the daughter of Dmitri Petrov; thus Rupert is the grandson of Dmitri Petrov. 

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