Secrets and Lies (Calmin and StickPrice)Part 4

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Rupert feels heartbroken after spying on Calvin and Henry. Rupert wants Henry so he decides to steal Henry away from Calvin but things might get more complicated...

Calvin walked into the cafeteria and sensed something wrong, he searched around and found some soldiers eating. He then found the table that he usually sit with his brother and with the others. Charles, Ellie, and Victoria were laughing at Johnny's jokes while Dave shook his head at his antics. Calvin then spotted Rupert among them, he then shuddered when he saw looked at Rupert.

Rupert gave him the most hostile glare Calvin had ever seen on him, if looks can kill, he will already be dead. "God, what did I do I wrong this time?" thought Calvin. He swallowed as he watched Rupert staring at him, he didn't see his brother anywhere while he was searching around the cafeteria. He was busy panicking when Henry walked in, Henry almost bumped into him but stopped. Henry looked confused until Calvin grabbed him and pulled him to the side, "What's up?" asked Henry.

"Rupert's looking at me like he wants to murder me." whispered Calvin, pointing towards at Rupert.

Henry went to glanced at the direction where Rupert was at, Henry recoiled in fear when he saw Rupert's face. Rupert definitively looked like he wanted to murder Calvin, he was holding glass and Henry saw that he was squeezing it, making little cracks in the process. Henry cringed as he felt Calvin shake a little, "Why is he glaring at you?" whispered Henry, in confusion and in fear.

"I don't know." replied Calvin.

"Did you pull any pranks on him?"

"No! I just so busy with you, lately."


"Yeah so it can't be that."

"Did you annoy him some way?"

"Again, I've spend all my time with you."

"Then what did you do?"

"I don't know! He's always in a bad mood."


Henry and Calvin went silent after the exchange, Henry's face was red after Calvin admitted that he spending all his time with him. Well...all they do is either talk or fuck, after they have a friends with benefits relationship. They are not even a real couple, they weren't in love or anything...but it's like Rupert knew that. It was still silent save for the soldiers eating and talking, then out of no where, there was a glass breaking. 

Calvin, Henry, and everyone else turned to the source of the sound. Everyone saw that Rupert broke the glass that he was holding, his hand was now bloody and full of glass shards. He now had a blank expression on his face, Dave and Victoria immediately came to his aid. Seeing how Dave was near Rupert, Henry felt a pang of jealousy and quickly left. Charles saw that his best friend quickly left as he just came in, he ran after him. Calvin saw Ellie helping Dave and Victoria Rupert, Calvin decided he had enough of Rupert glaring at him.

Calvin left the building and while walking back to his tent he shared with his brother, he bumped into someone. Calvin quickly caught the person and he saw that June July was holding onto him, June was blushing when Calvin caught her. June let go of him and she was still blushing, Calvin noticed that she wasn't looking at him, he was confused. "Uh...June?" said Calvin, tentatively.

"Yeah?" said June, anxiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Why?"

"You're red."

"Am I?"


June was still red as Calvin stared at her closer, June was feeling warm as she felt Calvin's eyes on her. She quickly made up an excuse and left Calvin alone, Calvin wanted to stop her but didn't. He rubbed his head in confusion, what's that all about? He got to his tent and once inside, he saw his brother scrolling through his phone. Konrad looked up from his phone and saw his brother coming in, Konrad put his phone down and glared at him.

Calvin furrowed his brow, "What?" he asked.

Konrad sighed heavily, "Where have you been lately?" he questioned.

"I...have been...spending time with Henry."

"Henry? Why?"

"Cause I want to."

"But we haven't pulled off any pranks lately."

"I know but Henry needs me at the moment."

"What for?"

Calvin froze for a moment, should he tell him about his sexual relationship with Henry?, that would go over so well.

"I can't tell's complicated." replied Calvin. 

"Okay..." said Konrad, he didn't look convinced but dropped it which Calvin was relived about it.

A couple hours later, Rupert's hand was bandaged up. Dave and Victoria stared at him while he was getting scolded by the nurse, Rupert wasn't listening to the nurse, he was thinking about Calvin and Henry talking to each other. He knows he should be happy for Henry but Calvin doesn't deserve him, but...did Rupert deserve him? Rupert was an asshole to him before he joined the Government. Yet, Rupert developed feelings for Henry in the process.

Well, if he wants Henry...he's gonna well damn get him!

The nurse finished scolding when Rupert got up, he ran out of the medbay. Victoria and Dave tried to call him back but he didn't listened, he was busy coming up with a plan to steal Henry away from Calvin. "He will be mine." thought Rupert, smirking evilly. "Even if I got steal him!"

Meanwhile with Henry, he was sitting on a rock, contemplating his life choices. He was still feeling jealous from Dave getting close to Rupert, he then felt sadness washing over him, he also felt tears starting to brew. "What does Dave got that I don't." thought Henry, bitterly.

He then felt a tear streaming down his cheek, he then put his face into his hands and cried. He wished he wouldn't fall in love with Rupert, he kept sobbing until he heard someone walking up to him. He glanced up and gasped when he saw Rupert staring down at him, Rupert held out a hand. Henry hesitated for a moment but took his hand, Rupert pulled him up and to his chest. Henry blushed while Rupert smirked, Rupert wiped the tears off Henry's face. 

"What's wrong?" Rupert asked, softly and gently.

Henry didn't answer him, he looked depressed. Rupert then got an idea, he grabbed Henry gently and led him to a secluded area. 

"H-hah! Ag-Aggh!" screamed Henry, as he was on his stomach while Rupert was on top of him. 

Rupert thrust deeper inside of Henry, Rupert had a smug grin on his face when he thrusted deeper into Henry. "H-H-Heh, d-do you love this?" Rupert questioned, tone smug.

"G-g-gah! Yes! I do!" moaned Henry, he was panting.

Rupert brought Henry's face close to him and kissed him, their tongues fought for dominance but Rupert won. Rupert then put bite marks on Henry's neck, Henry moaned again. Rupert smirked again, looks like he won Henry over. However, Rupert and Henry were busy having a special moment that they were being watched. 

Konrad spotted them and he saw them going into the bushes, he saw them fucking and his face became warm. He then had a realization, Calvin said he was spending time with Henry lately. Are they a couple? For how long? Konrad then felt a twinge of anger coursing through his veins. 

If they are dating...why's Henry cheating on Calvin with Rupert?

A/N: I should remind everyone that Calvin and Henry don't have feelings for each other, they are just using each other. But Rupert, June, and Konrad don't know that. So yeah things are getting more complicated...

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