Wedding Bliss and Ignorance Part 3 (StickPrice)

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A/N: Btw, Rupert already met Terrence Suave way before he met everyone. You'll find out in this chapter how and why. Also Rodney would probably be in this chapter, I'm not sure. 

Rupert and Henry were still at the clearing, Rupert didn't want to go back to the base just yet. Rupert was laying his head on Henry's lap while Henry was stroking his hair, Henry loves stroking Rupert's hair. Rupert's hair was soft, spiky, and messy. Just the way he loves it, Rupert was smiling as he had his eyes closed. They were talking for a little bit, but there was a comfortable silence after their talk.

Rupert was enjoying laying on Henry's lap when he felt Henry's pants vibrate, he opened one eye and frowned. Henry took out his phone from his pocket while Rupert was still frowning, Henry got a notification from his dads. They were here for the wedding, Henry smiled at the text. Henry texted them there location and put his phone away, Henry then went back to playing with Rupert's hair. 

"Who was that?" Rupert asked, contently. 

Henry giggled, "My dads are here for the wedding." he replied.

Rupert opened his eyes when he heard Henry's dads are here, he groaned in annoyance. He sat up and turned around to glanced at Henry, "Really?" Rupert asked, annoyed.



"What's wrong?"

"Sorry, it's just I feel like your dads don't like me."

"They do! They're just...iffy about the Government and Police."

"Yeah...right." Rupert scoffed.

Henry shook his head at Rupert's stubbornness, Rupert smirked as he lay back down on Henry's lap. Henry was still playing with Rupert's hair when they heard footsteps, Henry glanced up and saw his dads walking towards them. Henry lifted Rupert's head as he got up to greet his dads, Rupert frowned as his pillow went to greet his future in laws. Terrence and Randy hugged Henry as Rupert got up and dust the dirt off his pants. Rupert went up to the family, he took noticed of his in laws and for some reason, looking at the man who dressed all in black looked...familiar.

"Hey, Henry." said Terrence, happily while hugging Henry.

"Hi, Henry!" exclaimed Randy, happily.

Henry blushed while being hugged, Rupert heard Terrence's voice and it was deep, husky. Rupert suddenly had a memory played back into his mind, the one time he caught his dad having an affair.


A young Rupert, probably about 6 or 7, was standing in front if his dad's office. He was holding a container with a post it note on it, inside the container was dinner for his dad. He didn't come home for dinner again, his mom decided to bring some dinner to him. Rupert knocked on the door while holding the container, but there was no answer.

"Um...hey, dad?" Rupert said, tentatively. "Mom brought you some dinner since you didn't come home again." 

No response.

"And she says "I hope you like meatloaf". Rupert continued, while reading the post it note his mom wrote.  

There was still no response but there was a crashing noise in his dad's office, Rupert raised an eyebrow at the sound. What's going on in his dad's office? Is his dad okay? Rupert raise his hand towards the doorknob, he grabbed the doorknob and turned it. He was expecting to be lock but to Rupert's surprise, it was unlock.  Rupert opened the door but it was dark, he could only see two shadowy figures in the room. Rupert also noticed there was moaning in the air, he stepped inside the office. He then heard more moaning, but the voice was unfamiliar to Rupert. 

"O-O-Oh Rodney!" moaned, the voice.


"Heh. That's right, Terry." said, the other voice seductively.

Was that his father's voice? Rupert thought in confusion. 

Rupert then noticed there was figures on the desk, one was on top of the desk and the other was looming over the other one. Rupert took a step closer to the desk and saw his dad was on top of someone...a man to be exact. He saw his dad pushing against the person on the desk, making the other moan again.

"Daddy?" Rupert said, in concern.

The figures both stopped what they were doing when they heard Rupert's voice, Rodney and Terrence both turned heads around to see Rupert staring at them. "R-Rupert!" exclaimed Rodney, in fear.

He got up and pulled away from Terrence, Terrence sat up to put his pants as Rodney tucked himself. Rupert watched the two men get dressed as he kept holding the container, Terrence finished putting on his pants and muttered apologies as he left the office. But before he left, he blew a kiss to Rodney. After Terrence left, there was heavy silence. Rupert put down the container on the desk as his dad sat on the desk, "What were yer doing, Papa?" Rupert asked, in confusion.

 "It's nothing, Rupert." growled Rodney, lowly.

"Oh..." whispered Rupert. 

Rodney then sighed as he stood up from his chair and went to his son who trembled in fear, Rodney stood to his level, and ruffled his son's hair. Rupert stared at his dad in confusion, he was expecting a scolding.

"Hey." said Rodney, softly. "Let's keep what happened between us."

"What?" said Rupert.

"I don't want your mother to know about this." said Rodney, oddly smiling. "Okay, buddy?"

Rupert still stared at his father in confusion, why would his dad tell him to lie to his mother? Didn't they taught him not lie? Rupert nodded yes and his dad smiled. Rodney got up and went to his desk, he opened the container and ate the food. 

End of Flashback 

Rupert shook his head as he snapped back to reality, Rupert went up the family as they were finishing their hugs. Rupert said hi to Terrence and Randy while Henry was watching them. Rupert was still studying Terrence while saying introductions, the memory that just played in his mind was still on his mind. He was frowning at Terrence while Randy and Henry were talking, Terrence noticed that Rupert was frowning at him, he also took note that Rupert looked...familiar to him. 

Oh wait! Now he remembers where he had seen Rupert, he's the son of his old fling, Rodney Price. And Rita's ex husband...that he just told her he's gonna have to tell Rupert, that conversation would go so well. Randy and Henry noticed Terrence and Rupert were quiet. 

Henry went up to Rupert, "Hey, what's wrong?" Henry asked, softly.

"Terry? What's wrong?" questioned Randy, in concern.

Rupert's eyes widened when he heard Randy's nickname for Terrence, it was the same nickname that he heard his dad called the person he was having an affair with.

"Yer the one I saw that night." whispered Rupert, making everyone confused.

Terrence was panicking while Henry was confused, Randy suddenly realized what Rupert was talking about. Terrence told him about a fling that one time, and there was a son a minute.

Did Rupert caught Terrence and his dad having an affair?

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