Valentine's Day(Stickprice)

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A/N: Since I have done a Valentine's Day one-shot for Stickvin, it's Stickprice's turn.

Rupert was lifting weights while Henry was doing push-ups, and the couple decided to work out during their free time. Rupert put down the dumbbells as he saw Henry stretch, Henry was only wearing his camo pants and black crop top, and black combat boots. Henry got out a water bottle and drank it. He got another water bottle and gave it to Rupert.

"Thanks, Hen," Rupert said, he took the cap off and drank the water.

"You're welcome, Thorn,"  Henry responded, they both went back to their workouts.

Later at Henry's apartment, they were watching a tv show about a group of detectives solving crimes, specifically sex crimes. Henry was munching on chips while Rupert was hugging him, Henry leaned his head on Rupert's shoulder. Rupert went to go grab a chip but felt the air, he looked down at the bowl they were using for chips and find it empty. "Time for more chips," Rupert said to Henry. 

Henry nodded as Rupert took the bowl and went to the kitchen. He searched the cabinet for more chips and found some spicy chips to put in the bowl. While he was pouring the chips into the bowl, he looked over at the calendar. He saw the month was February and he saw a date circled with a red marker. He took a closer look and his eyes widen in shock. It was almost Valentine's Day! 

He cursed under his breath as he went back to Henry who was patiently waiting for him, Rupert sat down next to him and gave him the bowl. Henry noticed Rupert was now in a bad mood, he put down the bowl and paused the show. "Thorn, what's wrong?" Henry asked as he glanced at Rupert.

Rupert at first didn't want to say anything but he can't give Henry the silent treatment. Rupert looked at Henry, smiling at him, "Damn it, don't smile like that," he thought with his face blushing, "It makes you look cute."

"Uh, nothing," Rupert replied, face still red.

"Are you sure?" Henry asked in concern, seeing Rupert's face was red, "You look red."

"I'm fine, Hen. Just waiting for the two main characters to realize they love each other and they fuck."

Henry giggled which made Rupert breathe a sigh of relief, "Me too, Thorn," Henry responded after he finished giggling, "When are they going to admit their feelings to each other? It's so annoying."

"It almost sounds like us," Rupert internally thought.

Henry and Rupert went back to watching the show, however, Rupert wasn't paying attention to the show. He was thinking of a gift he could give to Henry.

The next day, Rupert was leaning against weapon storage. He was watching Henry talk to Charles and Ellie. He wasn't jealous or anything, he wanted to be left alone, which is not why you think. He was still thinking about what to get Henry for Valentine's Day, he was getting frustrated when June and Sarah walked right past him. He was eavesdropping on their conversation, he heard bits but he hear June complimenting Sarah on her new barrettes. He perked up as his brain hatched an idea, he smiled to himself as Henry came over to him. 

On Valentine's Day, Rupert and Henry slept in. 

A couple of hours later, Rupert woke up and stretched. He looked over to Henry who was still sleeping, and he chuckled to himself. "It's time to wake, you brat," he said in a teasing tone. 

"Ugh, five more minutes," Henry responded in a tired voice.

"Okay, then I guess you won't able to get your Valentine's day gift,"

Henry immediately sat up and saw Rupert holding a small box, he also saw Rupert smirking at him. He rubbed his eyes as Rupert got closer, Rupert held up the box in front of Henry. Henry looked at the box and then at Rupert, "Happy Valentine's Day, Hen," Rupert said in a whisper.

Henry smiled as he took the box and open it, he gasped at what he saw. Laying in the box was two custom barrettes, the barrettes had what looked like Tunisian diamond on them. Henry looked at Rupert who was blushing and rubbing his arm awkwardly.  "Do you like them?" Rupert asked.

Henry kissed Rupert on the cheek, "I love it, Thorn," he replied happily.

Rupert blushed some more, he was feeling so embarrassed. Henry chuckled as he got out a medium-sized box, he gave it to Rupert who opened it right away. Rupert's eyes widen in shock and awe, inside the box was a leather jacket that fits his size. It was beautiful and leathery. Rupert stared at Henry whose face was red as a tomato, "Before you say anything, I didn't steal it," Henry said firmly, "I bought it... Do you like it?"

Rupert kept staring at Henry, making Henry nervous but quickly disappeared when Rupert kissed him. Henry closed his eyes as he kissed Rupert, and after a few minutes, they pulled away. Henry and Rupert touched foreheads, they put away their gifts and went back to sleep.

They have planned the night anyways so they decided to sleep some more. 

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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