This Is A Mistake Part 4 (Stickprice)

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Rupert and Henry have been sleeping together for a while. They still don't know what's their relationship, but to make things more complicated, unknown feelings are coming into the picture. Is it lust? Or is it something else?

Rupert was lighting up a cigarette as he sat down on the edge of the bed, he was wearing only his camo pants and his black tank top. He blew out a puff of smoke as he felt someone wrap his arms around his shoulders. He sighed and shook his head, "What did we say about hugging me, Henry?"

Henry smirked as he kept hugging, "Not to touch you unless asked?" he responded.


"But you're so warm, Thorn," 

Usually, Rupert hates it when someone calls him by that nickname but he had gotten used to it. He shook Henry off and Henry landed on his back on the bed. "I don't care, just don't touch me again," he said firmly.

"Okay, fine," Henry replied. 

Rupert heard Henry and he thought he heard a hint of sadness in his tone. He shook his head, he shouldn't care about Henry's well-being, and he shouldn't be staying here. He took out his phone to check the time and saw it was late, he needs to get back to his tent for tonight. He stood up and finished getting dressed while Henry was watching him. He was about to leave when he heard Henry saying, "Don't go,"

Rupert turn around to see Henry sitting up, covering himself with the blanket, and he looked kind of... sad.

Rupert contemplated for a moment then he shook his head, "Sorry," he said in a dismissive tone.  

He went out of the bedroom and out of Henry's apartment. 

While Rupert was walking back to his tent, he thought about how cute Henry looked then vigorously shook his head. "Why did I just think that brat was cute!?" he thought as he was at his tent. He went inside his tent and got ready for bed. He turned off the light as he sat down on his bed, put his uniform on his nightstand, and went to sleep.

Rupert was putting on his uniform when he heard some shouts, he quickly ran out of his tent to see what was going on but only to find a large crowd was gathered a few feet away from him. He furrowed his brow as he went over to the crowd. As got closer, he noticed the shouts weren't shouts of help or shock, they were shouts of cheering and names. Rupert saw Calvin, Konrad, June, and Sarah in the crowd. He stop fully and was looking over at the center where two people were holding onto a large rubber band.  

He saw Charles and Henry were the ones holding onto the rubber band. Rupert also saw a rusty trash can with Charles and Henry. Rupert had more questions as he made it through the crowd, he stood next to Victoria while he saw Henry dodge the trash can. "What's going on?" he asked Victoria. 

Victoria glanced at Rupert with a smile, "Hi, Rupert," she said, "It's an activity,"

Rupert kept watching Charles and Henry trying to make each other touch the trash can. "What kind of activity?" he asked in confusion.

Victoria giggled as Charles jumped over the trash can, "It's just a fun activity where whoever touches the trash can loses."

Rupert nodded as Charles pulled Henry against his chest which made him flush in embarrassment, Rupert's eye twitched upon seeing their position. Henry suddenly had an idea, his face quickly turn into a mischievous grin. Henry used his right hand while keeping his left hand on the rubber band, he touched Charles's crotch which made Charles squeak, then he somehow got Charles's wallet. 

"Hey! Give that back!" Charles exclaimed as he tried to get his wallet back but Henry wouldn't let him, Henry smirked at him.

"You want this?" Henry said smugly, "Then come and get headphones boy."

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