Rekindled Part 2 (StickPrice)

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A/N: This is part 2 to my Rekindled Part 1, I love this pairing so much, I just wish there was more fan art and fanfics of this pairing...I guess I'm gonna contribute more just like some other writers and artists.

Victoria was worried for Rupert, he was acting more cold and distant towards everyone. He also wants to be alone all the time, every time she tried to talk to him, she gets ignored. Charles even tried to help but got ignored too, she also noticed Henry's attitude towards Rupert. Henry was always quiet but he's now more quiet than usual, she also noticed the expression that Henry gave Rupert depending on the situation.

He mostly gave him an indifferent look or a bored one. But on one occasion, he will give him a sad or angry look. Victoria wants to know what's going on with Rupert and Henry, it had to be something...right? She grunted as she walked into the cafeteria, she saw Charles, June, Calvin, and Konrad sitting at a table. She furrowed her brow in confusion, where were Rupert and Henry?

She walked over to them, June noticed her and waved. Everyone waved at her while she sat down, she looked around to find Rupert and Henry but they weren't there. 

"What's wrong, Victoria?" asked June.

"Have you guys seen Rupert or Henry?" replied Victoria.

"Nope," answered Calvin.

"Yeah," added Konrad. "Haven't seen them."

"But Rupert has been acting strange lately." continued Calvin. 

"So is Henry," said Charles, contributing to the conversation.

"They also have been acting very awkward around each other," said June. "Like they were exes or something."

Everyone stared at her while she said that, Victoria had a theory about that. Were Rupert and Henry a thing? Charles was also thinking of that theory, could it be true? Everyone goes through breakups but not every breakup is as amicable, some breakups can be messy and sometimes even deadly. 

If Rupert and Henry did date then their breakup must be a messy one, which would explain their awkwardness with each other. Victoria was thinking while the others were eating, she wants to find out Rupert's and Henry's past. She knows it will be invading their privacy but she wants to help her friends, she decided to come up with a plan. 

"Hey, Charles," said Victoria tentatively. "I need you to do something."

Charles looked up at Victoria while she was eating, "Sure." he replied happily. "What's up?"

"I need you to help me with what happened between Rupert and Henry."


"Leave that to me."


Charles went back to eating while Victoria watched him in amusement, he cares for Henry and Rupert. He wants to help them cause he hates seeing them sad, she decided to eat once her stomach started growling. 

Meanwhile, with Henry and Rupert, they were both sitting in their tents. Rupert wanted to go eat but didn't want to bump into Henry, he didn't want to see Henry's expression anytime he sees him. Usually, Rupert's the one looking at him and other criminals, not the other way around. If looks can kill, he will be 6 feet under.

Henry was in his tent that he shared with Charles, he wanted to eat too but doesn't want to see Rupert. Skipping food is a no-no for Henry cause he needs to eat more but again, he doesn't want to see Rupert. Henry was laying on his bed while scrolling through his phone, he was looking through his photos. He had pictures of his dads, his pet frog whom he had as a kid, and old lovers. 

He stopped on a picture of him and Rupert, he remembered that day. They were on a date and Rupert was acting strange, Henry was confused about his behavior until Rupert told him to close his eyes. He did as he was told, and while he had his eyes closed, he felt something wrapped around his neck. Rupert told him to open his eyes which he did, he got out his phone and turned on his camera. 

He gasped when he saw he was wearing a choker with a blue sapphire in the middle, he loved it. He kissed Rupert while he smiled, and he also gifted him a pocket knife. They were both very happy that day. However, all good things must come to an end and Henry got his heart broken. Henry sighed sadly after he closed his phone, he turned to his side and he felt warm liquid streaming down his face.

He started sobbing while he was hugging himself, he missed Rupert. He still has feelings for Rupert but he doesn't want to get hurt, so he kept sobbing until he fell asleep. Charles walked inside the tent and saw Henry asleep, he quietly walked over to him. He sat down next to him quietly, he studied Henry's sleepy expression and saw dried tear streaks. Charles got angry...who made him cry?

A couple of days later, Rupert and Henry were still acting strange around each other. Charles and Victoria were a bit frustrated at their antics but they are doing some digging to find out their pasts.

Victoria and Charles tried asking again about their pasts but either got ignored or got depressed altogether. Charles was getting frustrated and worried for Henry, Henry was acting more reclusive and it was bothering him.

Charles' POV

I want to help Henry but why was he pushing me away every time I asked him about Rupert? I know Rupert was a cop and he was a thief but I get the feeling they were more than that...

I secretly went inside the General's office to look through the files, I know that Galeforce will get mad at me but I won't get in trouble too much.

I quickly found Rupert's and Henry's files and I scanned through the files quickly. But, I didn't find anything useful just the usual cop chasing thief thing. But, I did see some kinda suspicious reports.

I saw that Henry let himself get captured so many times, and Rupert was the one to put him away. But for some reason, Henry never stayed in jail for long. It was like...he had inside connections, did Rupert let him out?

I had more questions than answers, I also found some photos that made me want to talk to Rupert and Henry. The first photo was Henry being handcuffed by Rupert but neither seem too bothered by it.

The second photo was Rupert talking with Henry, they both looked annoyed but not really. Then the third showed something very interesting, Rupert was taking Henry somewhere more "private". Then the last photo showed them coming back all disheveled and red.

I noticed the time stamp on the last two photos, it showed them being gone for a while. Rupert took Henry away for a while and they came back all disheveled and red...

Wait a minute... did Rupert and Henry have sex in a random place? God...that's just wrong and weird. But, why do I feel it made sense for them?

I grabbed the photos and hid them in my jacket, I put the files back and made my way out of the General's office before he came back.

I got to talk to Victoria about this.

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