Inner Demon ( Henry and co.)

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A/N: Now for something different; demon possession! You guys know my OC Briar Bloodsworth, right? Well, I decided to combine THSC Briar and Canon Briar into one character. Briar in this one shot or part is a demon who has THSC Briar's personality. That is not a good combination.

Rupert grumbled upon seeing Henry talking to Charles and Ellie. He doesn't know why he's been feeling so angry lately upon seeing Henry. Well when Henry first joined the Government, he wasn't happy at all. He had protested, told Charles about his history, and even told Charles Henry murdered his childhood best friend. However, that didn't work as Charles continued to be Henry's friend. It even got worse when Ellie joined the Government and she, Henry, and Charles became the Triple Threat.

Rupert huffed as he went to his tent, he hated feeling angry all the time. He went inside his tent, the tent was dark, Rupert gritted his teeth as he thought again about why he was so angry now, "Dammit..." he said quietly.   

He was about to turn on the light when he felt a chill coming into the tent, he shivered a little. Then he heard a voice, "You're hurting...aren't you."

Rupert's eyes widen upon hearing the voice, he looked around the tent to try to pinpoint the source of the voice. Also, he noticed the voice wasn't a regular, human voice. The voice sounded...unnatural, like it wasn't even a was more... demonic sounding. "Who's there!?" Rupert exclaimed in confusion.

As if on cue, there was black and red smoke coming up from the ground. The smoke then started transforming into something, Rupert covered his eyes with his hand as the light came into view. The light dissipated as the transformation was done, Rupert can now see that the smoke was now a person. Well, it looked like a human, but they weren't. Rupert saw long, lusciously black hair, features that were feminine but too feminine, red eyes, and black clothing.

If it weren't for the black color scheme and the red eyes, Rupert thought he was looking at an angel. However, he saw demonic wings, a demonic tail, and demonic horns. He wasn't looking at an angel... he was looking at a demon.

"Hello, my name is Briar Bloodsworth." said the demon smoothly. 

"Who the hell are you!? And what the fuck are you doing in my tent!?" Rupert bellowed at Briar.

Briar smirked at Rupert's apparent anger, "I came here because you needed my help." he replied calmly. 

Rupert's golden eyes flared up with rage, "I. Don't. Need. Your. Help." he answered as he gritted his teeth. 

"Oooh! A spitfire, I love that in a man." Briar thought as he silently giggled. "He reminds me of my last victim."

Rupert was staring at Briar when he felt the fire within him died out, he sighed as he slump down to the floor. Briar saw this and studied Rupert's body language just as Rupert started to think about the happier times before he went into the Government. He then felt himself choke up as tears started to brew in his eyes, "He's really in a lot of pain..." Briar thought as he raised an eyebrow. 

"Sorry...just...tired," Rupert commented, his voice cracking.

Briar nodded in agreement as he went down to Rupert's eye level, he gently lifted Rupert's chin so he can look at Rupert. "I know that you're very hurt and stressed," he said soothingly.

"I was happy before she left... I was happy before he hurt me... I was happy before HE came along." Rupert growled as he emphasized the word. 

"You're angry, aren't you?" Briar stated as he smiled warmly, but it didn't reach his eyes. "You're angry at your mother for abandoning you... you're angry at your father for hurting you, and you're angry at a certain Stickmin for ruining your life."

Rupert nodded solemnly as Briar's smile widen, "Don't you want to get revenge?" he questioned coldly. 

Rupert stared at Briar for a moment, does he want revenge? He's above revenge and was about to decline when he felt a strange feeling occurring in him, "You will feel so much better when you get your revenge." Briar continued lowly. "Won't you?"

Rupert's eyes started changing from gold to blood red, "Yes." he replied in a monotone voice.

"Excellent," Briar said as he started to chuckle darkly, he let go of Rupert's chin and crossed his arms. "We are going to have so much fun!" he chirped. 

Henry was humming a random tune in a clearing, he was playing with the shrunken Tunisian diamond. He kept playing with it when he heard footsteps coming towards him, he then spotted a shadow over him. He looked up to find Rupert Price staring down at him, he sighed as he stood up and put the diamond in his pocket, wondering why he was talking to him. It's no secret that Rupert and Henry hate each other guts. So seeing Rupert talking to him is surprising to him.

"Okay, Rupert," Henry said in annoyance as he crossed his arms. "What do you want?"

Rupert didn't respond to his question, he kept staring at him. Henry was waiting for an answer when he noticed Rupert is, he saw Rupert's eyes weren't his usual golden color, they were Henry was about to ask again when Rupert shot forward, Rupert punched Henry. Henry was confused but quickly punched him back. They kept punching each other until Rupert pinned Henry down to begin to strangle him, Henry tried to get Rupert off him, but he was stronger than him.

"R-Rupert... Please s-s-s-stop...s-strangulating me." Henry pleaded as he started to show signs of asphyxiation. 

Rupert didn't hear him or even care because of Briar's influence on Rupert. 

Before Rupert can kill him, he was pulled away by two hands. Calvin and Konrad were holding Rupert back while Charles and Ellie helped Henry up. Victoria came over to the commotion, she saw Henry coughing to get air into his lungs, his eyes were red with tears, and she noticed bruises starting to form around his neck. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Rupert!?" Ellie bellowed at Rupert.

However, Rupert didn't listen to Ellie cause he was still influenced by Briar, Briar decided to stop his influence for now. Briar disappeared into Rupert's mind, Rupert shook his head just as his red eyes went back to normal. "W-what?" he murmured in confusion. 

"Well, Rupert!?" Ellie yelled at Rupert in disgust. 

Rupert blinked at Ellie's question, he then looked around the area, and wince at the sight. He saw the Bukowski twins holding him, he saw Charles and Ellie comforting Henry, and he saw Henry's whole reaction. He saw Henry has bruises around his neck, his eyes red and wet, and he saw Henry looking at him with sadness. Rupert felt extremely guilty just as the General came over to the scene. 

"What the hell is going on here!" Galeforce demanded. 

No one responded to him, Galeforce looked around the scene to determine what happened. He saw Henry's neck and his state. Then, he saw Rupert was being held by the twins. He closed his eyes as he exhaled a sharp breath, "Calvin and Konrad...bring Rupert to my!" he commanded. 

The twins nodded vigorously as they started bringing Rupert to the General's office, Rupert didn't protest in any way. Victoria watched the scene with worry look on her face, after the twins and Rupert were gone, she went over to Henry who was now shaking. "Henry? Are you okay?" she asked gently.

Henry didn't answer as he hugged Charles, Charles hugged him back as Ellie whispered soft words to him. She sighed as she stared out to the exit of the clearing, she rubbed her temples as a  thought came into her mind.

What the hell is wrong with Rupert?

A/N: I wrote this before class started, tried to finish during class, and now I finished even though I'm supposed to be doing homework...

Shut up, I'm distracting myself. 

There will be more parts to this.

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