Et Tu Dave? ( Dave and Rupert)

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A/N: This is inspired by @flicktional on Tumblr and Twitter. The art above belongs to them so blame them for this fic... nah you can blame me 100%

Everyone was gathered around the General before they went to stop the Toppat Clan. The Toppat Clan was once again, causing trouble for the Government. The General told them the plan and everyone was eager to capture them, especially Rupert. 

He was the most jittery out of the bunch because he heard Dave was captured by the Toppat Clan and wanted to rescue him. The General finished explaining and ordered everyone to get moving. Rupert hopped on the helicopter with Jose Gonzales and Captain Victoria. Charles was piloting the helicopter Rupert and the others were in and the General was with them.  

Rupert was coming up with worst-case scenarios on how this mission can wrong and how someone can get hurt. If someone does get hurt, it will be one of the Toppat Clan members. He hopes it would be one of the Toppat Clan members. 

Rupert sighed as Jose sat next to him, Jose was one of the soldiers that looks up to Rupert and consider him a mentor. Jose was also someone who was new and Rupert was the one assigned to him. Rupert taught him everything about gun safety to combat. Jose will always come to him for advice and Rupert will provide him with some. 

Rupert closed his eyes for a second and soon fell asleep.

Jose didn't bother him, he was looking at his gun and inspecting it. He didn't want to bother him; he knew Rupert has anger issues, and he did not want to deal with an angry Rupert. Jose also knew Rupert was having sleeping problems and he didn't want to disturb him. He, Rupert, and the other soldiers were in the helicopter for several hours.

"Price... Mr. Price!"

Rupert jolted awake, making Jose also jump but from Galeforce's shouting. Rupert grumbled about being awake, he rubbed his eyes and stretched. "Wake up, Price," Galeforce said firmly, "This is no time for sleeping."

Rupert nodded tiredly as Jose gave him his gun, he thanked him and stood up. 

"Okay, everyone," said The General, "We are here, now does everyone understand their assignments?" 

Everyone nodded as Charles landed the helicopter, then the General ordered everyone to go.

Everyone obeyed.

Rupert and Jose were the first to get off the helicopter. They looked around and saw a Toppat base, it looked deserted but according to their sources, they were still inside. The Toppats were planning to ambush them but thanks to a certain bounty hunter by the name of Gordon Banks, the Government can ambush them instead of the other way around. The General got off and gave everyone brief instructions and then dismiss them.

Everyone split up including Rupert and Jose. 

Rupert kicked down as he and Jose search the rooms and found either useless things or Toppats. They quickly dispatch them and kept searching. They found more Toppats and like before, they dispatch them. Rupert was getting more irritated by the second, and Jose can sense that.  

"As I walk through the valley of shadow and death," Rupert thought as he watched Jose hit a Toppat with his gun, he then followed Jose to another room. They stumbled upon a room filled with cells, they quickly search the cells to see if there were any prisoners but most of them were empty. 

However, Rupert stumbled upon a cell that looked odd. 

Rupert broke the lock with his gun and went inside. He saw the cell has tally ticks like someone was counting the days. He has seen them before because Henry Stickmin had done them before. Rupert growled when he thought of Henry, he was the bane of his existence. After all, he was the one who got Dave fired.

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