Inner Demon part 3 ( Rupert and Henry and others)

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Rupert is acting more strange and off than ever, no one notices his strange behavior, but someone does. A certain former thief notice Rupert is acting stranger than usual, so he tries to figure out what's wrong with him.

Rupert was watching Henry talk to Charles and Calvin.

He was still on probation as he lean against a storage unit. After he saw Henry on the beach, Briar has been giving him inappropriate thoughts about Henry, and he's not happy about it. He doesn't need or want Henry. He and Henry are enemies, and there's nothing Briar can do about it.

He kept watching Henry until he heard Briar commenting, "This is so boring!"

"Why are you still in my head?" Rupert asked, irritated, "Shouldn't you be off doing God knows what?"

"As I said before, I'm here to help you," Briar responded airily.

"How?" Rupert said incredulously, "I nearly tried to kill Henry by strangling him and you're making me lust after him! How's that helping!?"

Briar laughed, "So feisty! I love that! Calm down and let me help you," he responded, "Just trust me."

Rupert grumbled as he saw Charles get a little too close to Henry to his liking, he raised an eyebrow at that. He knew Charles and Henry were close, but he's sensing something more in them. For some reason, he didn't like it. He doesn't know why, though. "Am I sensing a hint of jealousy?" Briar teased.

"No," Rupert replied, tone cold and clipped.

"Then why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend when they see a guy talking to their girlfriend?"

Rupert shook his head as he tried to get Briar to stop talking, then he felt himself being influenced. "Look at Charles, getting all cozy with Henry. And Henry being cozy to him as well," Briar stated in a smooth, seductive tone, "Doesn't that make you green with envy?"

Rupert's eyes started to turn green as Briar continued, "That's not fair, isn't it? You know him much longer, and what Charles is doing is not fair...right?"

Rupert nodded.

"Now, what are we going to do about it?"

Henry was sure something was going on with Rupert, he's been acting strange since the day he almost killed him. Rupert was acting off and no one seemed to notice. Henry noticed Rupert's eyes weren't his usual golden yellow, they were red like blood. Then at the beach, Henry noticed Rupert was watching him, and saw his eyes were blue. Henry was so confused, he was wondering why his eyes were changing colors.

Meanwhile, with Rupert, he was in his tent, brooding. Briar was still influencing him, it was getting annoying. His eyes were still green, he buried his face into his arms as he brought his knees to his chest. He was feeling so angry, bitter, and sad. Why is Briar tormenting him? Why him? Why him specifically? 

"The reason I torment you is that your soul is full of sin," Briar responded, "And I'm not tormenting you, I'm helping you, big difference."

Rupert shook his head as he put his hands on his ears, "Please stop talking."

Briar disappear for a moment which gave Rupert a small sense of relief until he saw red smoke, he groaned as Briar appear in a human form. Briar crossed his arms as Rupert gave him a death glare. "Also, I looked through your childhood. Did anyone tell you feeling helpless won't make it hurt less?" Briar stated with his eyebrow raised.

Rupert turns away from him as felt tears started to brew in his eyes, he wiped them off quickly. "So you decided to change your point of view, I get it, but pathetic if you ask me." Briar continued, he went up to Rupert who still wouldn't look at him. 

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