Rekindled (StickPrice) Part 3 Final

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A/N: This is the final part of Rekindled. Man, I love writing StickPrice.

Rupert was sitting alone, leaning against a white, broken-off piece of wall. He was not in a good mood, he had his knees up to his chest and he buried his face into his knees. He was feeling worse than ever before.

He wants to talk to Henry but every time he wants to, he chickened out at the last minute. He cursed himself every time it happens, he can face criminals and Toppats but not Henry. Rupert wondered what was wrong with him.

He was still brooding when someone walked by him, he looked up and saw Henry walking past him. Rupert wanted to say something but Henry wasn't looking at him. Henry was looking straight ahead and his expression was blank.

Rupert sighed sadly as he saw Henry walk away from him, he wants to let Henry know that he was sorry for his behavior but how? He got up and brushed the dirt off his pants.

He slowly walked to the cafeteria to get something to eat until he felt a pair of hands grab him. He was about to fight who was grabbing when he saw a familiar face, it was Victoria.

"What the hell, Victoria?" exclaimed Rupert angrily.

"We need to talk," replied Victoria in a no-nonsense tone.

"About what?"

Victoria didn't answer but dragged him away from the cafeteria, Rupert was protesting the whole way. He tried asking what was going on but was ignored, she finally stopped in front of a storage unit.

Without a word, she opened and walked in with Rupert in tow. Once inside, he saw Charles with a bunch of documents and photos. Charles was looking a little bit angry and sad, he was sitting on one of the crates. Victoria let go of Rupert and went beside Charles.

"Okay, what's going on?" demanded Rupert. "And why do you have documents?"

"Did you and Henry date?" asked Victoria bluntly.

Rupert froze... how do they know? "" stammered Rupert.

"Don't lie," said Charles.

Rupert sighed heavily, "Yes." he replied sadly. "Why?"

"We were wondering what's going between you and Henry," answered Victoria.

"Yeah," added Charles sheepishly. "So we through your files."

Rupert blinked for a moment but was suddenly angry, "You. Did. What?" he said lowly.

"We went through your files," repeated Victoria.


"Cause we want to help you and Henry."

"That's none of yer business."

"But Charles and I want to help you."


Rupert was confused about why Victoria and Charles wanted to help him and Henry. He was about to protest but a thought came to him, if they help him, they can also help him win back Henry.

"Cause we care about you and Henry," replied Charles happily.

Victoria nodded in agreement, and Rupert smiled for the first time since forever."Aren't you guys gonna get in trouble for stealing my files." he teased.

"Nope," replied Charles. "If the General finds out, I can just explain it to him."

"Now," said Victoria. "Can you please tell us what happened between you and Henry?"

Rupert stared at them for a moment, if they want to help him, he's gonna have to tell them the whole story. Also, he needs their help cause he's desperate.

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