Revealed eye

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******** Today: The fight ended  O: Enjoy :)


“Mayuri-san, Mayuri-san?”  I opened my eye, I saw white.  As I scanned the room I was in there was black, it totally stood out from all this white.

“Sasuke….” I breathed out. “Mayuri-san are you ok?” Sasuke ran got down on his knees since I was lying on the floor, he slowly shifted me up and I was lying on his chest. “Yeah…where are we?”

“I don’t know, are we dead?” Everything froze… Am I dead? I began to shake and my lips started to quiver. Sasuke looked panicked and concerned. “Shhh please calm down, please. Hold tight baby please.”

“Shut up! Do NOT call me that! If you never left me, we wouldn’t have killed each other!” I yelled at the top of lungs shooting out of his grip. I glared at him and we remained in silence until the echo cleared.

“Mayuri-san, I am sorry. I am so sorry. I-I didn’t mean to kill us both… I just…”

“How could I die? How? I trained for so long, I-I worked so hard and one damn Uchiha took my life away. One damn Uchiha…one damn.. YOU!” I was literally losing it, my blood was boiling and Sasuke was shaking in fear. “First you steal my heart, now you steal my life! Is this some sort of joke to you?!?”

“Relax! Maybe you didn’t die! You are special May-san you don’t die that easy!” Psh I am only special because of…Daisuke!!

“Daisuke, are you here? Damn it you must have let him free once you killed m-“

“Aye, I am here Mayuri-chan…” I heard a getle, husky voice echo the room. Sasuke flinched, that’s weird… normally I am the only one who can hear Daisuke, and he would be within me. “You didn’t die.” Daisuke’s voice rang again. “Who the hell are you? Why can’t we see you?” Sasuke yelled at pretty much nothing.

“You can’t see me because I refuse to show myself at the moment, I would but if I do… I might kill you.” I gasped in horror and took a few steps back, Sasuke just stood there growling. What an arrogant bastard, he is still cocky when it comes to a bijuu. “Aye, Not you Mayuri-chan, the young Uchiha. He is getting on my nerves. Anyways, you are not dead. You both are in Mayuri-chan’s self-conscience.”

“Erm..why?” I asked shuddering a bit; it is kind of weird having two boys basically within me and my mind. Why can’t I have that place for myself just for once?

“Once you both collided your powers, you pretty much destroyed everything around that area but yourself. Sasuke, Mayuri-chan’s jitsu however did harm you. The water seeped through your chidori weakening the bones of your arm. You will live. Mayuri-chan, even though you barely got a scratch on you the air pressure changed from the collision and… let’s just say something’s flew off.”

I gasped and almost fell back. I blushed deeply and looked down at my feet. “Aye, if you think your clothes flew off, that’s not it.” I sighed in relief and Sasuke watched me curiously with some red across his face.  Pervert. “Your eye patch did. Sasuke saw it, and you were adjusting to it, you both ended up here.”

Oh my kami. That was a lot to take in; my eye patch flew off, meaning my eye was exposed for the first time ever. I didn’t even know it but I was hyperventilating. Sasuke once again wrapped his arms around me which made me stiffen, I swear I felt so confused with him, he was trying to kill me a few minutes ago and now he is acting like this. I liked it, but I didn’t like how I felt confused.

“Get off of her.” Daisuke’s voice growled. Sasuke growled back at him. “She is MY girlfriend I will do what I want.” He hissed. Wait..Sasuke said I am his girlfriend…

“I don’t remember us talking about that at all.” I said in a matter of fact tone.

“I don’t remember breaking up.” He stated simply. “Mayuri-chan!  Wake up now, I feel Orochimaru coming this way.” I started panicking agai. “HUH?! How do I get up!?” My eye started to hurt and I felt light headed.


Once again I opened my eyes and my entire body was sore. This time it hurt, my eyes hurt so much. I felt something wet all over my face, and I recognized the burnt landscape as the place I was fighting Sasuke at. I felt a heavy weight crushing me and a groan on top of me. Whatever it was, it shifted and rolled off of me. “Damn you’re heavy.” I mumbled to Sasuke.

He rolled from his stomach to the side and his jaw dropped. I stared at him confused, what…I looked deeper into his black coal eyes and saw the reflection of my face. My heart began beating rapidly, ignoring the immense pain of my body I pounced on Sasuke’s bruised body and pinned him to the ground. I straddled him and leaned in closer to look back at the reflection. Sasuke’s face turned red beet the closer I inched. Soon enough I was able to see my face, my full face. With my eyes, not eye but eyes.

The one eye that had been bounded up tightly my entire life, covered by various materials, hidden from everyone including myself was beautiful. It was as dark as my other eye but different, it twinkled liked granite. As if my eye was the sky with little stars scattered all throughout my pupil, like my eye was literally made of glass.

Sasuke stared back at my eyes completely lost. Then I got lost, I stopped looking at my reflection and my own eyes and focused on his eyes. Kami…why can’t I stop? I heard some ones throat clearing and which made me jump. I turned and saw Orochimaru smirking a VERY perverted and creepy smirk.

“Am I interrupting something? Because I came here to tell you, that you two kids are getting a little too crazy.” I will admit it, our fight got kind of out of hand, the entire area looked horrid and smelt burnt.

Anyways I realized I was still in an awkward position so I tried to get up but Sasuke held me down with his hands on my thigh, he avoided eye contact from me and glowered at Oro.

“This is between us leave us alone.”  Oh now I get it… I gave the Uchiha a…um you know..

‘Aye, that’s disturbing get off of him!’ I wish!

Orochimaru stiffened and looked directly into my eye. He dropped to his knees with some slobbery drool running out of his mouth. Not in that way but because he was in a trance. His eyes started to bleed and Kabuto had the same reaction. “Sasuke are you done now?”

“Y-yeah.” Sasuke let go of me and we both kneeled beside the two whom were knocked out.

‘Your eye is way too powerful, it’s been saving up so much power see that it has done?’

“It’s my eye…” I muttered. Sasuke looked up at me and frowned wiping all the blood that came from my eye. “It’s beautiful.”

******** I am not proud of this chappy but it will get better I promise. Also I have to say, Mayuri will be leaving to go back to the Akatsuki base soon :’( so Sasuke will be gone for some time but there will be his POV’s. just letting you know. Till next time, READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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