Mayuri vs. Gaara

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******** Thanks for waiting guys :P See this is why  I love you all! Anyways for today: Mayuri goes undercover to do her mission.  



I was on Deidara-kun’s clay bird. I am only doing this because they promised they just need something from him. This won’t really hurt him.  For now I just have to go with this… Gaara I am sorry. I realized that everyone in Suna knows me so that would cause a lot of chaos. That’s why I used a jitsu to turn me into some other random girl who is supposedly a ninja. I just hope no one recognizes my fighting style.

“What is up with your new look un?”

“So no one notices me.”

“I don’t like it, you don’t look as pretty.” I didn’t reply, Deidara only chuckled and controlled his bird to dive down. He grabbed my hand and jumped off the bird landing on a balcony like surface.  Just as Deidara mumbled something under his breath we looked up and saw Gaara.

He crossed his arms and stared down at us.

“Don’t use my name.” I whispered to Deidara-kun. My eyes stayed focused on Gaara-kun. His lips moved but I didn’t hear anything. I was too much in thought to hear or say anything. I still had no idea what was going on but once again Deidara-kun’s hand grabbed mine and we jumped off the surface on to his bird thing again. I looked back and noticed Gaara’s sand chasing us.  My head started to spin after every turn. Why do I not know what’s going on?

“Damn it!” Deidara growled.

“What is going on?”  He gave me a glare which confused me even more. I saw Gaara-kun jump up and launch more sand at us. All Deidara-kun did was dodge.

“Do something un!” I rolled my eyes and created a water shield every time sand came towards us. Gaara-kun got stronger so his sand pierced right through. Cursing under my breath I created small electric sparks that filled the air.

“What the fuck is that supposed to do?!” Tired of his whining I hit Dei-kun on the head and said,

“It will come in handy now shut up and distract him.” When Gaara-kun wasn’t looking I hid my chakra and jumped off the bird to prepare my jitsu.

“How did you know I was here?” Deidara asked Gaara. -_-‘ oh come on Dei-kun how many  giant clay birds that explode do you see?!  I began gathering my chakra but heard a noise behind me.

“Whose there?” Behind me I saw a sand ninja looking at me curiously. I took fighting stance but he didn’t seem to move.

“I am Captain Yura, relax I know you are helping the Akatsuki.” My eyes narrowed at him.

“Uh yeah, exactly.. You’re a sand ninja-“

“A sand ninja whom is also helping the Akatsuki.” I looked at him disgustingly.”

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