Sharing a moment

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******** Hey guys its time to focus on this story for a while, TODAY:  Mayuri hangs with the Konoha Krew XD today and she finds out her time with them is limited... Enjoy

Otou-san and I hung out at our house for a while; I walked out of the bathroom to the living room and saw the group of Jounin sensei’s, I gasped and they smiled widely at me.
“My my! Look at Kakashi’s beautiful daughter!”  Asuma sensei chuckled, leaving his arms wide for me to rush into and hug. “Asuma-sensei I missed you!”
“You are older than before, but your youth is fresh! Welcome back Mayuri!” I laughed and hugged Gai-sensei too.
“Aww am I the last one..?” I turned to Kurenei sensei who was pouting. “So pretty and wow I wonder how strong you are judging by your chakra level.” She patted me as we hugged.
We talked for a while which was really nice, I found out Asuma and Kurenei were now finally a long time couple.  I was happy for them; Gai was still trying to be as youthful as ever. Kaka-sensei, I stayed the same. The only thing that got older was his age, but that was barely an old age. I told them some of the advanced ninja skills I have and they were quite impressed.
They told me I would have definitely been an Anbu black ops member if I was still in Konoha, and if I wanted to; Hokage! But that’s Naruto’s job. Even Shimakaru-kun is capable of that. When the clock hit 12:00pm I told them I would go and meet up with my buds. They said they wanted to be there when I left but I wasn’t so sure if that was a good idea. I had to be with Itachi and Kisame-kun.
I will have to make a run for it later without them knowing.
When I got there every one jumped on me with a one big house. I couldn’t breathe so I somehow managed to push them all off of me panting heavily. I couldn’t comprehend anything they were saying because they were all talking at the same time.
“SHUT UP!” Sakura-chan yelled scarily. Damn girl.. “She doesn’t get anything we are saying let’s all just calm down and take turns talking… who is first?”
“I’ll go!” Out of the huge group I recognized a particular boy walk out with a smirk. “Hey cutie.” I smirked back adding a wink. He blushed madly and cleared his throat ready to speak. “May-san…. You have no idea how glad I am that you are here, even for a little amount of time. You being here is just…just incredible!  I know you have to go back but please come back and visit! I will absolutely kill myself if you leave again. Akamaru missed you too-Bark!- Anyways I always had a small crush on you but you love Sasuke so I understand.  You are still one of my bestest friends ever!” He ended with a grin. “Haha I love you Kiba-kun, I missed you too bud.” I hugged him.
“I will go next… That way I am not last like always.” Shino stepped forward. “My bugs and I missed you. I am glad I get to see you again because you know how to make me feel unforgotten.” Even though that was short, it was very meaningful coming from Shino-kun. “Thanks Shino-kun, you are never forgotten.”
“I will go! Hi again gorgeous! I was literally crying every day since you were gone! Ask anyone! (Everyone nods and sighs) Everything reminded me of you! Even the lamp in my room! (uhh thank you?) Glad to have you back youthful!” Hmm I wonder who said that.. “Right back at you Lee-san..” My eye twitched. I also patted him on the back awkwardly as he hugged me.. o.e
Next Ten-ten stepped forward and smiled widely as she saw me. “Mayuri-san! I missed you sooo much girlfriend, we were all so depressed without you. I got your letter and thanks for acknowledging my weapon skills. You showed me how to get stronger even though I may not be the strongest. And you told me to take new steps..(Blushes), and build courage to be happy..(Glances at Neji) I will try.” By the time she was done talking she was in a daze thinking about Neji-kun. I laughed and pulled her into a long hug. “You are strong, and I know you can do it T.T, love ya  girl.”
“I will be the next one up.” Neji stared at Ten Ten as he passed her walking in front of me. “ Hey May-san, your letter meant a lot to me. My destiny shouldn’t be so serious. It should also bring me true happiness (Looks at Ten ten), I will do that. Thanks and I’m so glad the rumors on what happened to you weren’t true.” I smiled at him, we were never really that close but it was nice to know he cared that I was gone. “You rock Neji-kun! I missed your destiny shit!” I hugged him as he glared at my destiny remark.
“Hey! I am the only rock here!” Lee yelled. Ignoring him Chouji-kun stepped up front munching on his chips.
“Wait (Munch munch), Who are you again?” I sweat dropped and so did everyone else. “Chouji-baka! Who do you think we were hugging??? And were’nt you paying attention? We said her name over and over.” Ino and Kiba yelled at the same time.
“(chew chew) I thought we all just wanted to share a moment…and no I was eating chips..” I still sweat dropped at the weird boy. “Hey chouji-kun.” I smiled.
“(gulps down the chips) That voice… Mayuri-san!” Kiba growled and looked like he was about to jump him but Naru-kun held him back. I just sighed nodding.
“Woah! I thought you died! We all did! (Hugs tightly) I missed you May-san!! You grew so much! I didn’t even recognize you. Even though you grew your kinda short but I can tell your super strong! And even prettier” I was blushing while I was running out of air.
“Baka! Don’t kill her!” Kiba yelled, as chouji released me from his death hug. “T-that’s really sweet of you, thanks Chouji-kun.” I responded trying to gain air. “My turn!” Ino-chan sung.
“Hey girlfriend! I missed ya even though I acted like I hated you before, well I kinda did..cause you stole my Sasuke-kun. But whatever. Speaking of him, have you seen him lately? How does he look now?! Is he hotter??” I just blinked while Shika-kun cleared his throat giving Ino a look.
“(sigh) Anyways, like I said before. I missed you and I wish you could stay longer.” “Thanks Ino-chan..that was very..erm, touching..”  She smiled before retreating to her spot in the cirlcle/line thing.
“I guess I will go now.. (yawn). Let me just start with the fact I was napping when you came here but once they told me you were here I got up. It took some effort but you made it happen. I was really depressed when you were gone and I am glad nothing happened to you. Unlike these people I knew nothing happened. You are strong. If you were here longer I would have been able to watch the clouds with you but I don’t know if we can. Let me know when we can though. (yawns again). But uh make sure you come when I am not sleeping because it’s such a troublesome getting up.”
I laughed super hard and hugged him. He chuckled a bit and then yawned. I pulled away before he fell asleep during the hug. “I love ya Shika! We should soo play shogi sometime bro!” He smiled and nodded.
“My turn! Finally!” Sakura groaned. “Mayuri-san! I told you this before but I really missed you. I should have known you weren’t gonna go down that easy. I wasn’t sure if you went to go get Sasuke-kun or something because remember… he is mine…(clenches fist) and even though you were gone for like 3 years just remember that. Love ya sis.” She hugged cheerfully at the end. How thoughtful..?
“Uh gee thanks Sakura-chan.” I felt a pang in my chest when she mentioned Sasuke, though I let it go waiting for this long meeting thing to end.
“I will go now” I heard two voices say. Hina-chan..and Naru-kun. My best friends :) Hinata blushed as she and Naruto said it at the same time. Ahh she still loves him.
“Y-you can go Naturo-kun..” She blushed, still shy too. “No, ladies first.” Naruto gave a small grin. She nodded and stepped forward towards me. In silence she stared at me square in the eye, and…Slapped me.  I hissed as I felt a red burn on my cheek. Everyone looked at her in true terror.
“..” We were left speechless, when I looked at her in shock her eyes widened and she stared down at her hand. “M-M-May-san!!!” Tears forcefully escaped from her eyes. “I am soo sorry! I-Its just I missed you so much! And your my best friend! Temari and me couldn’t see you for so long and we were so worried. We all thought you would be back soon but we never knew it would take this long for that moment!” She cried into my shoulder and I smiled wearily running her back as we hugged. “I am soo sorry Hinata-chan. I love you soo much sister It was hard for me too. But I promise I will see you guys much more often now.” She pulled away and looked at me smiling.
I smiled back before hugging her once more. “Ahem…” Naruto cleared his throat impatiently. Hinata blushed and walked back. Fist things first Naruto hugged me. One super LONG hug.

“I missed you. I told you to stay put but you didn’t. That’s ok, but… I just missed you.” He kissed my cheek and pulled away with a wide grin on his face. I grinned back ruffling his hair. I almost cried hearing that.
“Ok yay we are done!” We all laughed and talked for a while. It was really fun. It was around 4 or 5 pm and Kakashi wanted me to come over for a while.
While I was walking home I was stopped by Itachi-kun. “What is it Itachi-sensei?” I smirked.
“Sorry to end your fun but we have to go soon Mayuri. At 8, be ready.” He was about to turn away but I stopped him. “Woah woah woah! What do you mean at 8!? I thought we had till TOMORROW night!” He narrowed his eyes at me. “No. I said we had till TOnight.”
I groaned and tilted my head back. “Ughh!! Why! I just got here!”
“Sorry but we have places to be.” I sighed and nodded, there was nothing I could do to stop this so I just went with the flow.
~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~
“So yeah… Its time guys sorry..” I explained to everyone that I had to leave in a few minutes and how I was mistaken.
They did not take it well at all they were crying and angry but soon calmed down and understood.
“We understand you have work to do.” Tsuande sighed.
“We were just planning a sleep over party..” Naruto-kun pouted. I chuckled and tried to hide my sadness. “See you soon May-san.” Neji nodded.
“Sweetie.” Otou-san called, I turned back and looked at him. “We love you.” I smiled and nodded. “I love you guys too.”
I took one big sigh and hugged every one walking out the gates. I really didn’t know why I was still doing this. I regret not trying to escape the first time but walking out on them is even more painful. I am strong enough to stop this mentally..just not strong enough physically..
Bye guys…
I met up with Itachi and Kisame at the clearing Itachi told me to meet at. He was distracting Kisame while I was saying my good byes.
“Where the hell is she?!”
“I told you, she needed to shower she will be here any sec-see?” They turned to me and I put on a fake smile.
“Took you long enough Kisame grumbled. “Well now that we collected our information on the Kyuubi its time to move on.” What?????
I looked at Itachi-kun shocked. We were jumping from tree to tree with Kisame leading the way. I had no idea where we were going I was just following. I made my way closer it Itachi and whispered. “Itachi-kun..Is that why we were there?”
He sighed and nodded. But then he mouthed ‘everything will be just fine don’t worry.’ I wasn’t sure if it was because I was very concerned at the moment. Why did the Akatsuki need that kind of information.
“Mayuri-san, put on you rAkatsuki Kimono.” Kisame-kun ordered, I did what he said while asking; “where are we headed to?”
“To Suna, We need information on the one tails kid.” My eyes widened in shock..They want something from Gaara-kun too?

******** Sorry that was long and boring. Yeah a lot of talking and crap but I felt that each character should have a moment to say something…. So yeah sorry if you hated it :( I understand. Till next time READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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