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******** Heyyo (: So Sasuke meets someone special and important o:


I stood there staring at the entrance Mayuri-san walked out of; my arm was still reaching out, longing for her grip. But she wasn’t there; she went to fulfil my brother’s dreams. Her words played like a record in my head, my train of thoughts were disrupted when I saw the walls of the caves crumble down. I backed away and got into a fighting stance to see who was the cause, Suigetsu and Juugo were in front of me with a small grin.

“I found you!!!” Suigetsu exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”

“Stopping the reanimation jitsu,” I said casually.

“Huh? You are always like this, never explain anything.” He grumbled, I have to admit I am surprised to see them here. I simply pointed to behind them, revealing Kabuto stuck in a stiff position Itachi left him in. “Kabuto, he was behind the jitsu.” Suigetsu walked over to Kabuto and examined him from head to toe.

“He looks so gross, what’s that weird thing coming out of his guts? It kind of looks like a long, huge di-”

“Let him be.” I cut him off before he started rambling nonsense. Juugo was kneeling beside Anko-sensei who was flat on the ground.

“What do you want with me now? What made you look all over for me?” I asked curiously. Suigetsu turned back to look at me with a grin,

“Oh righ! You see, we found something awesome at the hideout.” He started digging in his robe/cloak for something, while Juugo stepped up.

“I don’t think stopping the jitsu worked on Madara.” Juugo said with a bird on his finger. My eyes widened. Will Mayuri-San be ok? I thought about how those two would give up their lives for Konoha, and closed my eyes.

“Oh? Well we will have to stop it for sure then.”

“Oi! Stop interrupting me. Ah now here it is!” Suigetsu yelled pulling out a scroll. Just as he was about to hand it to me, we heard a voice.

“Hellooooooo?? May-saann?!?!?”  The three of us looked shocked towards the source of the voice. It was coming from the huge hole in the cave that was made by these two guys. Who the hell..?

“Aye, this place looks unwelcoming.” The “aye” was enough for me to know who that was, a head poked in to the cave and he let out a sheepish chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.

“Heh hello, Uchiha Sasuke.. Aye, uh by chance have you seen Mayuri-san?” I did not say anything but just stare at him as if he was crazy, I didn’t even notice but I was even glaring, as I remembered May-san’s story of what he did to her recently.  He casually didn’t even wait for my reply but continued to walk around the cave looking behind and under rocks, calling out her name like she was a lost puppy.

“Yee-hoo! May-saaaann” Yee-hoo?

“Oi!!! Seriously how many times will I get interrupted, Sasuke you need to listen to me.” Suigetsu yelled, waving the scroll in front of my face like a maniac. I took the scroll away from him but narrowed my eyes at the strange Bijuu in front of us, who was observing Kabuto’s stiff body.

“Aye, well you’re not May-san…I mean I hope you’re not…” He said eying the long tube coming out of his abdomen, same thing Suigetsu was commenting about earlier.

“Daisuke..” I called, this stopped him and made him turn over to me with an uncomfortable smile. Suigestsu was once again angry for being interrupted.

“Oi!!!” I ignored his yells and stood up to face Daisuke.

“Mayuri-san is not here.” He blinked at me blankly, lifting an eyebrow up as if I said unicorns exist.

“That’s impossible, I just tracked her chakra after she knocked me out, it led to here.”

“Well she just left. I am sure she wants to be away from you right now, she told me all about it.” Daisuke glared at me a little,

“Aye, look I was just trying to keep her safe from the war…”

“Oh really? Hn. Kissing her and pretending to be me, is not really a method of keeping one safe.” I said coldly, as if I was challenging him.

“Yeah I did that because she loves you and would stay only if it was you. But I didn’t want her to know the truth” He said taking a step back with a smug smirk. I gave him a cold hard stare and glanced at the distance between us.

“The truth being?” I asked, taking another step. He gave me a smile of disgust, “That you don’t love her enough to stay with her; instead you are the one running away all the time.”  I growled at him, “You can stay out of our relationship. I love that girl, she would have never let you touch her like that if you weren’t pretending to be me.”

“Ayee but we all know you won’t touch her like that, because you are too busy playing the runaway bride. So I’ll do the honors FOR you, you should be thanking me, man.” I wanted to punch him in the face, I took another step and growled even more when I noticed he was a little bit taller than me.

“You stay away from her, she is mine!”  I roared.

“Ah but if I stayed away from her, she would die. If you really loved her, you wouldn’t want her dead. Plus since you’re always sharinGONE, you’re losing her and you don’t even know it.” I formed chidori in my hands and lifted my hand at his face but Suigetsu came between us.

“Sasuke! Gosh you’re so stubborn and annoying, Mayuri-san was right. Just take a look at this god damn scroll and you can continue your little cat fight later!” I huffed and turned my gaze to Suigetsu. Daisuke looked away all stuck up looking with his arms folded, “He started it.” Daisuke said pointing at me.

“Why you little..!!” My nostrils flared and right before I was about to attack Juugo grabbed me and held me back.

“For the record, I am taller than you.” Daisuke clarified, oh so smugly.” My glare deepened at his soul but Suigetsu was going to lose it if I didn’t listen to him. I sighed, making Juugo release me, while opening the scroll. My eyes scanned through the words and my eyes widened.

“This is it..” I muttered.

“I know right?!?!” Suigetsu said excitedly. “I need to leave, and meet up with someone.” I declared.


“Orochimaru.” All three of the boys looked at me like I was crazy.

“Aye.. I thought you meant like get over Mayuri-san and leave this world but I mean if you really love him…”

“Daiske.. don’t push it.” I warned, I eyed the curse mark on Anko-sensei’s neck.

“The scroll said, you need to meet the all-knowing. Orochimaru has connections he can help.”

“But who is this all-knowing?” Suigetsu asked.

“You don’t need to know, but these people hold information that puts every single piece together.” I made Juugo put the woman back down so I could begin, Suigetsu looked bewildered.

“Don’t underestimate Orochimaru, Suigestsu was it?” Daisuke butted in. Suigetsu hid behind Daisuke scared at the hand signs I made. Mayuri-san told me, to go find the answers myself. That’s what I will do.

******** Till next time, READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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