Father-Daughter moment

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********I was actually supposed to do like 4 updates by now, but I fell ill suddenly yesterday and tomorrow school starts, which means good bye break :( Even though I am super sick I will update before I go to bed!!! BTW Happy New Years!!! I hope you all have a wonderful year, I want to update more often this year, and I also want you guys to love them <3 Continue reading! :P


“I don’t know who Uchiha Obito is.” I don’t either, “I am not your father, Mayuri. I am the ten tails jinkchuuriki.”

“Oh please, you regret not being there for me, Obito. I saw it in your eyes.” I said with a stern tone, “You grew up with no parents, so did I. Let’s face it; you would have kept me if I was Rin’s daughter. But I wasn’t, and as you got older, as you started watching me grow up you regretted that. You regretted giving me up because it gave Kakashi one more thing that you lost.” Obito up at me in shock and I put him in another illusion. I wanted this talk to be more private so I casted an illusion of us being in my mind. However I shut off communication with Daisuke.

“I know my mother means almost nothing to you, but if Rin came back and saw all this… she would never want this. You’re doing this only for yourself, but there are so many other ways to go about. Instead of talking about how the fourth was not there for you, or how you were invisible, you kept me in the shadows forever. You left me like they did, what does that do? Look where that brought us.” He finally spoke after my little speech.

“No, I will tell you what it does. I wanted you all to see the despair in this world; I wanted myself to feel again. None of this is a mistake, Mayuri.” I scoffed at his words.

“I’ve seen despair, I’ve lived it forever, you’ve been watching me shouldn’t you know?” I snapped.

“We are similar, daughter like father, we have felt despair, you don’t want to feel that despair though, you just hide it.” I rolled my eyes, “Are you serious? I don’t feel it because I try and move on from it, you’re running away from it that is different!”

“How would you know? You know nothing about me.” He said looking up at nothing.

“I can see it; my eyes let me do that. I know what you’ve been through and it looks like you’re a lot like Naruto. You were a trouble maker jealous of Kakashi. I get it. I have already seen that with Naruto-kun and Sasuke’s rivalry growing up. That is not how a true Hokage thinks.” At this point I was gritting my teeth with every word while he just casually looked back down to meet my gaze.

I just noticed how similar his eyes are to mine. My eyes were also a dark shade of onyx, Uchiha trademark. They weren’t as cold as Sasuke’s though they were closer to Itachi’s; which is a more bored, emotionless look than anything else. I glared at his calm, collected face. So much for a father-daughter moment, I wish my dad was here, and by him I mean Kakashi. He noticed the look on my face and rose an eyebrow curiously.

“You and that Uchiha boy, Sasuke… it wasn’t easy for you when he left right?” now it was my turn to raise a brow, but I slowly nodded. “Of course, why do you ask?”

“What would it be like if he left… forever, in front of your eyes?” I blinked a few times, stunned at the question. A sad smile grew on my face after a light chuckle.

“Well technically we have almost killed each other-” I was cut off by another question.

“What if you saw Naruto kill him?”

“…” I looked down at my feet thinking carefully before answering, “I wouldn’t be doing what are right now.” He leaned closer and crouched down to my level making me look at him in the eyes.

“How can you be so sure, hm? How do you know won’t want to avenge his death?”

“I would be angrier at myself, because I promised Itachi-kun I would do whatever it takes to protect and care for Sasuke. But at the same time, I would want an explanation from Naruto-kun. I know how much Naruto-kun cares about Sasuke we were teammates like Kakashi, you and Rin were. I am sure there was a reason behind it; why else would he decide to do such a thing?” His eyes showed no emotion; instead he moved to the side, closer to my ear and whispered,

“Because some people break promises”, I took a step back and narrowed my eyes at the ground replaying his words.

“Did Naruto promise to bring Sasuke back?” He continued to ask me, I nodded in reply. “Sasuke did not come back because Naruto brought him back, Naruto did not fulfill his promise. Sasuke came for you, Sasuke came for the reason I came. He came to fight for the love he lost from you, and wants to change this world. That’s why he wants to be Hokage, and likewise I am trying to do the same thing, change this world for the love that I lost.”

“Sasuke didn’t lose my love for him..” I said with a hint of confusion.

“Then why are you scared of him?”

“I am not.” I said trying to sound confident,
“But you don’t trust him anymore, to Sasuke your trust means everything because he loves you. And wants that back, losing your trust to him is like losing a little bit of your love, it’s the same for every lovesick teenage boy.”

“You’re not a teenage boy anymore, this could just be a phase for Sasuke, and it can still change. You’re holding on to your past and claiming you don’t have one anymore, that’s contradicting yourself.” I retorted. This argument is getting long. I closed my eyes and saw a bit of Obito’s past, his conversation with Rin.

“I’m always watching, that’s what Itachi-kun said to me too, that’s real love.” Of course I meant a different kind of love, more like a brother-sister love but it’s still a type of love. “You can’t suppress your emotions, you know? It’s one of the curses of being an Uchiha. Love is too strong, takes over our bodies, whether you’re Obito or even the ten tails jinkchuuriki am I wrong?” I walked past him but stopped when my shoulder brushed his, “Just because you are upset you can’t control your emotions, doesn’t mean you should bring us all down your path. You may not have the same ability as I do to communicate with the lost lives that were once close to you. But even now I know for a fact Itachi-kun is watching over me, telling me he is proud of me, cheering me on. It’s because I can hear him, I know he is watching over me, I believe that now, and I also believe that Rin is actually watching over you, even if you cannot hear her. Don’t you want to make her proud? Staying immortal will be boring later on, don’t you want to grow old and one day gets a chance to see her again, and actually hear her tell you herself, that she is proud of you?” My eyes softened at his sad eyes, I’m going to regret calling him this but this could change something…

“Turn back around, and move on with us, Father.”  That word was enough to make him snap out of his sad thoughts and instead look at me with a shocked expression.

Of course, I don’t think of him as a true dad, like I do with Kakashi. Sure Kakashi was only a dad for a little while and most of the time I was out and about doing my own thing and I actually have no idea where he is right now, but biologically Obito is my father. And I know deep, deep down he wanted to be my father all along, even now. I know that because my eyes told me, and my eyes never lie.

******** This chappy was kind of boring sorry, the entire thing was dialogue haha my bad. I will try and make it more interesting next time, I am so ill this lighting hurts my head. And it’s also past my bed time don’t tell on me please. Have a wonderful first full week of 2015, I hope I update soon :D Be sure to comment your new year’s resolution! You might just inspire me, ;) Till next time, READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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