All for one shower

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******** Continuation of the last update so please read :)


I flinched at his touch and slapped his hands away. “Don’t touch me.” I spat and then scooted away. All of a sudden without even trying my eyes shifted its form into the amugan. The only thing is it hurt to shift my new eye into the amugan, I could feel more blood trickle down my cheek, but it also felt a lot stronger. I looked down at my painful wounds and slowly they started to disappear. I gasped, is this power of my eye? Now that it is revealed I wonder what else it can do.

‘Mayuri-chan, be careful. We do not know what you eye can do, also you are tired so go rest.’ I pursed my lips and frowned. Aww I really wanted to explore my powers. I heard Sasuke clear his throat and when I looked up at him he was just staring at me. It was really creepy.

“Can I help you?” I asked glaring at him for hurting me; I didn’t even care how hoarse my voice was. He remained silent which irked me really bad. I stared back using my amugan trying to read his thoughts.

Sasuke’s Thoughts: Why does she want to distance herself from me? It was her fault for betraying me and going to the Akatsuki. Otherwise we wouldn’t have hurt each other.

I scowled at him even more. “You know I could kill you right now Uchiha! I can’t believe you still do not get the mistakes you made, instead you blame me for doing something totally irrelevant to everything!” I groaned and got up to go to my room.

‘Aye, that boy really is dumb.’


I watched as she left me in the giant ditch we created. I am pretty sure she was reading my mind, but still. I am doing nothing wrong, I am just fulfilling my goals and so I left to do so. Now I know what it is, I know exactly what is going on. She doesn’t feel that way about me anymore. If she really did love me she would support my life long goals and be there with me, instead of joining the gang that I am going against. She even said it herself, she wants to kill me. And hell we all know she can.

But the only thing I am wondering is, why didn’t she kill me yet? Whatever it is I am pretty sure it has to do with that dude we heard ‘within her subconscious.’  That dude hated me too! I got up after my long rant and stepped into the base. Since my room was nothing anymore, I simply walked into her room and sat down on her bed next to where she was lying down at the moment.  I felt her stiffen. “Get. Off. Or I will kill you.”

She wasn’t kidding I could feel it, I gulped and stood up walking around the bed to stand in front of her. She opened her eyes and glared.

“Can’t you see I am resting?”

“Sorry to interrupt, but you can’t sleep anyways.” She groaned and flipped me off. Ouch…

“You asshole, I broke my ribs so both ways I need to lie down. Kabuto came in just a few minutes ago and took a look at them-“

“HE WHAT!?!” She jerked a bit at my loud tone. “What the fuck is your problem? At least he cares if I get hurt…” She pouted and turned her head away from me. I kneeled on the floor next to her bed and stroked her hair. “I do care, it is just he cannot look at your abdomen. Or any part of you. She turned back to me with the most clueless confused expression ever. How can she be so oblivious? -_-

“Um… I think you should leave before Daisuke comes out and eats you.” I stared back at her with a confused expression this time. That name… Daisuke; was that the guy we were talking to before? The one that hates me?

“Who is Daisuke?” I glowered, and demanded for an answer.


‘He wants to know who I am, should I show him Mayuri-chan?’ Do not be stupid Daisuke, I will not let you out. ‘But he can use his Sharingan to see me right? He did that to Naruto.’

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