Authors Note

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******** Hi (:

Hello all, this is May. It's only been like a few years hahahah and this feels really awkward writing but this is something I had to do. I want to take this time to let you know this story will continue, where I have been, what's coming, and basically reconnect with all of this.

First of all, I want to thank all of you. Whether you're over the story now, or still waited, or just now learning about this story today. I want to thank you for your support, your time, and just everything. I never imagined this story would go where it is right now, I never thought any one would read it or anything like that. I am still so shook that something I casually, lazily wrote at 13 years old got so much love from Naruto lovers across the world. I am almost 21 now and to me personally this is still one of my biggest accomplishments (: and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

I would also like to sincerely apologize. I kept you waiting for years, I never came back with a note, I never gave a heads up, I abruptly left. It was never my intention to do that, I just was growing, and didn't realize or keep track of time. I had no idea people still cared or wanted to finish reading. I am so so sorry and I completely understand if you are over it,  but if you're not allow me to make it up to you and finish this story the right way.

You guys may know I followed the plot to Naruto very very closely and towards the end there were a lot of arcs. I tried and tried to stall my chapters and come up with content until the arcs ended but eventually I ran out of ideas and decided to wait. My waiting period however ended up being too long, and by the time I remembered I was caught up with the busy high school life with SAT, college apps, and graduating. Believe it or not, I still to this day have not watched or read the ending or the last few episodes to Naruto Shippuden. It has been years and I have waited for that day so I can peacefully finish this book. But I refused to watch it out of guilt knowing I didn't didn't finish writing. I promised myself the next time I watched it, I would be writing. Which never happened. 

Now I'm older, I'm more tired, more busy, have so much on my plate with new surprises every day. I keep forgetting to take time for myself and do something that makes me happy, and that's how I decided to come back on this and talk to you guys, motivate myself to write again. I want to remind myself that I'm not a boring tired adult, but still creative, still a weeb, and still have a passion to write this stuff. 

I know my excuses sound very very lame and basic, because they are but hey I guess that is a life lesson to me, and a part of growing up. And I sincerely apologize for making you wait due to my poor time management.

I have grown so much since I stepped away from writing it scared me to get back into it because I was afraid my style would be different, my language, my opinions and feelings, etc. In another five years, I plan to finish medical school, hopefully be married to my loving boyfriend of a few years now, settle close to my large beautiful groups of family and friends, and show everyone this wonderful amazing achievement I made here on Wattpad, with an amazing community of followers and avid readers.

I think despite my change in style or however I end up writing this story, it will demonstrate my growth and life experiences. I can now say that I am confident in writing and describing a love story effortlessly, with the love that you all have shown over the years and love I've received outside of Wattpad.

That being said, I am rereading my poorly written chapters that my cringe, middle school mind wrote, from ALL of my stories. So hopefully I remember the kind of flow each story had, where I left off, and how I want to do things. It will be a work that will require patience because I have some more big transfer applications to complete and more. But coming back to this story would be the biggest relief and way to get my mind off of the stressful life I have beyond Wattpad. I also hope everyone  can use this as a way to get out of their real world for a minute and put themselves in the creative stories written by amazing authors all over this place.

I have been telling all my loved ones lately how bad I want to go back to my middle school self, as cringe as I was, I loved that phase. I was so much more confident, strong, and my own biggest fan. So in honor of that, I put my Naruto posters back up in my room, getting myself back in the groove of who I am deep down. Consequently that also includes writing fanfiction in my early 20's now lmfaoooo get litt.

So yeah anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this note. I wanted to dump some feelings here, I won't give a estimate for time yet other than soon lol for the next chapter. I can probably guess around next month since I will be out of town for a bit as well. It feels good to communicate with you guys again and if you're new here, welcome (: hi i love u.

Before I end this long ass note that nobody asked for lol. I want to take the time to bring awareness to certain things:

1. The Amazonian rainforest is on fire. As a student studying biology it is painful to see our earth crumble beneath us in so many ways. This fire is disastrous to our ecosystem and responsible for CO2 emissions.

If you copy and paste that link it takes you to a petition where you can sign urging the Brazilian government to take immediate action in putting out the fire, and stop deforestation. Donations may be a lot to ask for some, but signing your name only takes a few seconds to help.

2.  Spread kindness on and off the web. The last time I sent a message out a few years ago on here I was talking about how I noticed so much cyber bullying and such on other people's stories, etc. Thankfully this has never happened on any of mine. However the world has changed so much the last few years, there is so much hatred, genocides, ruthless actions of violence, it is a scary time to grow up in. Most likely if you're reading this story and new here I am older than you, and I want to emphasize the dangers of your words on any platform, or someone else's words. It's really important to stay together during scary times like this and show constant kindness to others with no discrimination. It's a new age and it's our job to keep this world going no matter what (:

Thanks again for the love and support guys, I hope you keep me motivated to come back with a new chapter and eventually finish this story as promised.

Till next time, READ, VOTE, COMMENT! :P ********

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