Susie's Jelly XD

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******** Sasuke follows Mayuri and is more than unhappy to see what she ran into.


I got up with a shaky breath, that’s why this place looked so familiar. I was here on a mission with team 7. “Who are you?” He asked staring deeply into my glassy, granite titanium black eye. “You don’t recognize me?” He looked at me quizzically as he cocked and eye brow. After examining me from toe to top I assumed he remembered.

“Kurochi Mayuri?” I smiled happily. “What are you doing here? I heard you were missing for three years? How have you been!? Can I get you something??” I almost laughed at his excitement.

“Yeah it’s me. I am here to uh, say hi and you know… catch up on things.” I lied as I walked around him looking at his office. “I was gone training for three years at the hidden mist so things have been good for me, and no thanks I ate before I got here.”

“Trained at hidden mist… Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“I just, something told me I had to get away from things and have some time for my own. I was getting tired of going on missions instead of having time to improve myself.” He nodded impressed. “Well glad you did, I never thought it would be possible for you to look better than you did back then. You proved me wrong.” I blushed avoiding my gaze towards his desk. “You too.” I chirped.

‘Ugh enough with the flirting aye.’ What is with you and ‘aye’? “I heard Sasuke left too… for almost the same reason.” I frowned and didn’t say anything in reply. That subject is always too hard for me no matter how mad I get at him.

“Er so how long is you stay here?” He asked changing the subject thankfully. “Until I feel that we have caught up enough.” I smiled. He wrapped his arms around me with a smirk and hugged me close. I felt his warmth and almost melted, well he is a prince alright. I was about to say something but our hug broke once the door slammed open.

“KAI!!! Where is the new diamond you promised me?!?! Ehh?? Who is that ugly girl?” A pinkett came bursting in. She was taller than me of course but just by a few inches and her pink long wavy hair was let lose right above her waist. She wore a pink and white puffy stress till he ankles and the heels she was wearing seemed to make her ankles swell but she barely cared.

“Kyoorie, do not be rude. This is Mayuri-san, that ninja that kept us safe three years ago.” Oh yeah, Kyoorie, I hated her.

“Ew! What are you doing here???” She pointer her finger irritably close to my face. I glared daggers at her and resisted the urge to bite her finger off and stuff it up her already stuck up nose. I growled which only made her scowl even more. “Don’t you show me attitude, you may be all ninja and muscle but I am still princess.”

“Kyoorie! She is our guest, until you show her respect you do not get any diamonds! No go to your room.” Kyoorie’s glaring eyes pierced through me. Good thing the kunais are far from her reach.

“See you around Kyoo-chan.” I smiled bitterly; in reply she stuck her tongue out and marched out of the room. I prayed she would trip over her dress or heels but she didn’t.      

“Sorry about her May-chan.” Kai apologized.

“Don’t worry about it.” I smiled back at him. “To make it up, May I escort you on a date by any chance?” I blushed deeply. His gaze was intense and his sweet smile was dashing. It is going to be hard to focus on my mission with his charm.

‘He is not that great.’ You are just like Sasuke…. -_-      


So Mayuri-san has been driving me crazy because she still is not here. But she must have been in a hurry because she didn’t bother covering her trail behind her. I could still sense the fading chakra of where she left. After training with Orochimaru he gave me a break so I decided to go out and look for her. He knows I will be back though, that freak thinks I still need him. I am going to kill him in a few but I just need to know where my lady is.

I followed the chakra trail but it was very long so where ever she went, she is nowhere near I wish she was at. I stopped a few meters away from the gates. Is this the hidden hale village? What would she be doing here? More importantly how would I be getting past the guards? After thinking about it a little I came up with something. I did a couple hand signs and in a poof I turned into Mayuri-san.  I strutted past some confused guards probably wondering why Mayuri-san would be coming in again. They were stupid enough not to inquire though.   

After I was out of sight of the guards I walked down the lane where her chakra line was still there. It led me to some hut where a girl with grey hair and green eyes looked at me suspiciously as she was collecting some clothes from a clothing line outside of the hut. I poofed back to my original self which made her eyes almost pop out of her head. Once I got close enough she was about to yell my name which was weird how she knew but I clamped my hand over her mouth.

“Say anything and you will die.” I slowly let go of her mouth and turned her around to face me. She looked at me with slightly flushed cheeks. I internally groaned, another inner fan girl. “A-Are you Uchiha Sasuke-kun?” I nodded with an emotionless expression.

“W-what are you doing here?”

“I am looking for a girl with black long hair. Black eyes, one of her eyes are kind of granite like. Have you seen her?” She stuttered a bit and nodded. “Kurochi Mayuri-san! I saw her a while ago; I think she went to the mansion where the royals live.”

I nodded and walked right past her. “W-wait!” She called back. I looked back at her with no emotion. “Why are you looking for her?”

“Who are you?”

“Usagi Ayame.”

“Well Ayame, I am just retrieving what s mine. Thanks for the info though.” She blushed and looked away. The rest of the way to the mansion I was getting weird looks, and by that I mean googly lovey dovey looks from girls all over.

I finally got close to the huge mansion; I hopped up onto a tree and crept to windows on the side of the mansion.  The first mirror I looked at showed an empty hallway with many paintings on the side of the wall. I shifted towards the next mirror which revealed pink open curtains. When I took a peek inside I gaped in disgust. Ew! Is that Kyoorie?!

She looked like the pink headed stuck up princess she was three years ago.  I looked closer and saw her gazing lovingly at a picture on her night stand. Was that a picture of me sleeping???? O.o dafuq?

I shuddered at her creepiness. Even though it was kind of creepy of me to be looking at people through windows but still!  I finally got to a huge window that was luckily slightly open. The only thing was I couldn’t go in because there were two people there. I felt Mayuri-san’s chakra in there so I poked my head in to take a look. It was an elegant office with Mayuri-san in there and a tall guy as well. Was that Kai? I hid my chakra quickly so she wouldn’t notice.

“To make it up, May I escort you on a date by any chance?”  Mayuri-san blushed and nodded. WHAT?!??! I almost fell but I got a good grip on the window sill. I glowered at the brown headed ass hole hugging my girl

 Hn. They are going on a date huh? Well let’s just see how that turns out. I smirked with an idea in my head; this date is going to be hell, with the help of me of course. 

******** OOOooo Sasuke is jelly! XD Till next time, READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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