Say what now?

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******** Finally! Mayuri gets back to the Akatsuki base, and as soon as she does she is assigned ANOTHER mission! Enjoy :D


Finally at the Akatsuki base after countless potty breaks from Kisame, jeez I get it he likes to drink water. But too much isn’t cool man. As soon was got back we had time to shower, and eat a little bit, the rest napped and I was called in to Pein-sama’s office.


“Ah I heard your mission was a success, do you agree.” It’s not really a mission to have fun with your best friends but whatever.

“Sure, even though we did nothing. I want a harder mission if you are going to be my ‘leader’.’ He just looked at me in deep thought and sighed.

“Very well, if you want a ‘hard’ mission you can go join Sasori and Deidara on their mission.” Why would the leader give THEM the hard missions instead of Ita-kun and Kisame, they are pretty much the best and most skilled together!

“Fine, when do we leave?”

“Tonight.” I groaned and glared before I marched off to the hallways of the base. I stopped in front of Deidara-kun and Sasori Dana’s door to knock. Deidara-kun opened the door letting me in.

“What can I do for you beautiful?” I ignored his flirty comments and turned to Sasori Dana.

“It’s what I do for you. I am joining you on your mission. I will be getting ready.”

“Wait!” I turned back and faced Deidara-kun. “You need to know our plan-“   Before he could continue Sasori threw a piece of wood at him.

“Deidara! You know how she would feel about that if you told her.” It’s like I wasn’t even here or something.

“Relax, I was just going to let her know that she will be at my position during the mission, not to impress you or anything but I am at the battle field position, things might get a little crazy so you might want to stay behind me and maybe hold me tight if you get scared…and even if you don’t, still hold me.” The disgusted look I had on my face also transferred on Sasori-dana’s face. Well he is my friend so I am glad he feels my pain.

I can’t believe I had to go on a mission with two art freaks. They both are passionate but still, freaky. While walking back to my room Itachi-kun bumped into me. Right as I was about to apologize he dragged me into the room.

“Pein told me you’re going on a mission?” I know he meant it to be a statement but he was basically asking me.

“Yeah.” He sighed heavily as I said my answer so simply.

“Mayuri, why? I don’t think I like having you go on a mission with other people. You may not like what the others are up to.” I lifted my eyebrow up and pursed my lips.

“Oh, and do you know what they are up to?” He shook his head and gave me a strict look warning me not to talk back to him again.

“Don’t worry I will be fine, and I promise if they don’t come back alive it will be because they got killed by the enemy, not because of me. And by ‘they’ I mean Deidara-kun.” He patted my head and gave me a sushi to nibble on. Did I mention Ita-kun can cook? And I mean cook real good! I wonder why he was so worried about me going on a mission with other members, maybe he didn’t want me to get hurt.. Then again I am the one that’s going to be doing all the hurting around here.

“Just be careful Mayuri” I grinned an assuring smile that I would be ok. I was just about to start packing but he grabbed my wrist.  “What?”

“I read the scroll Gaara gave you, are you sure you read it right? You really agreed?” I bit my lip looking down, oh yeah. I showed him that scroll, only Gaara, I, the elders of both Suna and Konoha, as well as the Hokage, and Ita-kun know about that. I nodded slowly not facing him. He brought my head towards him with his fingers on my chin.

“Mayuri, what about you and…”

“I know, but you read the terms and conditions. I still think Naruto can succeed.” He paused in thought for a while but I knew he trusted me. After packing up Sasori Dana called me to the lobby room so we can leave.

“Good luck Mayuri!” Kisame called out walking into the kitchen. Itachi gave me a little hug patting me on the back.

“Do good, love you.”

“Love you too.” Of course we didn’t mean it that way but we did love each other as like best friends. Like how I love Gaara, Naruto-kun, and all my friends! I will always have a special love for some one that no one can take away from me, even if they themself take themselves away from me.

~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~

We got to where Sasori said was where we stop. I think this was Suna, what were we doing here again?

“Deidara. I am asking this again, are you SURE you can handle this? And you will be quick right?” I shivered when Sasori’s gruff voice spoke from his puppet.  I hated when he used his puppets.

“Don’t doubt me un! I will use my art yeah! This guy will stand breathless after he sees my work.”

“I don’t think he is going to worship your crap that you call ‘art’ Deidara, not when he is getting killed.”

“Guys!” They both stopped their refute to finally realize I was still there. “Can someone explain what’s going on?”

“Sasori-dana is staying here while me and you go and do our thing un.”

“What exactly is our thing?” He grinned wickedly and glanced at Sasori who remained emotionless.

“We are going to go kick that scrawny, freaky kazekage’s butt!”

“Lets go kick some ass then! Wait.. did you say K-kazekage?”

******** Sorry it was short, boring and too much talking L I will make it better in the future. Till next time, READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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