Hold up

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******** ATTENTION: Hey guys :) Sorry it’s been too long since I have updated, the last time I updated I was at a pretty bad low but I still wanted to make the chapter. Then after that I went through a lot and I thought writing would help but a week after I was contemplating about it I had a pretty hard break up with my boyfriend. I thought writing a love story especially during these scenes where there is a lot of romance involved between Mayuri and Sasuke would make me feel even worse. I am super sorry but now that summer is here I want to get back into my zone and keep myself busy. Thank you for being so patient I am very sorry once again.

This chapter is going to be about Mayuri and Sasuke enjoying their little world together until a little secret is let out o: ENJOY!


I have been living with Sasuke for a couple more weeks now and I have to say that I am really liking this, I have no idea how much longer I have to be here but if it was forever I seriously wouldn’t mind. Well I might miss everyone else but… I am still happy as of now. Sasuke knows how to keep me content and he does everything he can to keep a smile on my face. All the little things he says and the actions show me that he really does care and love me. Just like back then, who knew it would work out again?

“May-san, you haven’t cuddled with me all day.” Sasuke whined. I stuck out my tongue playfully and ran away through the woods. Sasuke has been trying to spend time with me all day but he doesn’t get that I really want to train.

Suddenly I felt myself being lifted and Sasuke laughed while carrying me off back to the little house. “Sasuke put me down! I wanted to train!” I glared. He pouted and gave me his little puppy eyes,

“B-but you haven’t spent time with me in so long. Every time I ask you tell me to train with you.”

“I thought you liked training with me…”

“I do but a break every now and then isn’t so bad.” I lifted a brow and looked at him,

“You know, ever since we got here you have been acting so strange, I mean you don’t want to train with me? That’s a new one.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes and grabbed me closer, I closed my eyes and he whispered, “Then think of something else, something different that we both would like.” I pushed him off and thought to myself, hmm what else can we do that we would both like.

“Well it’s really hot here all the time for some reason, how about we go swimming?”  Sasuke grinned and dragged me outside to the lake. We had a huge land all to our self, like I said I am living in paradise. I got a beautiful landscape around me, a handsome guy who loves me and a small house but it has everything I would need to survive. The water looked clear and crisp, since it was so hot outside I was so sure this was the best option to cool off and plus I get to check out a shirtless Sasuke.

 He quickly took off all his clothes and jumped in the river with nothing but boxers on. He stared up at me with a blank expression.

“What are you looking at?” I asked.

“Strip” He casually said.

“Excuse me?”

“Strip for me.” He said with a grin, he started swimming towards me. I backed away,

“Um can you like shut up? I have a bathing suit you know, it’s like right in the house. I can go get it while you wait here and then we can swim. But I would really appreciate it if you would stop with the annoying weird comments. No offense but they make me feel a little bit uncomfortable..” I stopped talking once my back hit the bark of a tree. Of course Sasuke took this as an opportunity to get close and trap me between his strong arms. I gave him a ‘-_-‘ really?’ look and he just had a smug smirk on his face,

“Do I make you nervous?” He asked biting his lip. I gulped. Man it’s been so long since I have had those babies on my lips. “Why do you ask?” I asked sternly trying to hide the fact that I really wanted to jump him right now. Mayuri! Get a hold of yourself!!!

“You talk a lot when you’re nervous. Are you going to swim or stand there and look pretty?” I pushed him off and walked back near the lake. I removed my clothes leaving me in my matching zebra print under garments.

“Wow someone’s feeling wild today huh?” I glared at his remark, he would not keep his eyes off my body.

“Will you stop staring?” He put his hands up in surrender and gave me another smirk. I jumped into the lake and Sasuke joined in soon after me. We played around for a while, splashing each other with water and using water jitsus on each other, but of course I won because I specialize in that as my secondary skill. Sasuke was backed up against a rock and I was about to use a simple water jitsu trick on him to finish off the game.

“Oh come on this isn’t fair!” Sasuke complained. I grinned wickedly, I love winning B)

“Mwahaha you asked for it. I did a few hand signs and raised my fist to attack but then I stopped. Sasuke cringed and kept his eyes shut closed ready for the impact. He opened them and looked confused as to why I did not strike. I lowered my arm and looked into his coal dark eyes. He still looked at me with a confused yet amused look. Moments later I inched closer to him and ran my fingers through his hair. Sasuke’s breath hitched at my touch and he clenched his fists as if he was trying to resist touching me.

My forehead touched his and he looked up into my eyes shaking his head slowly, “No May-san… we can’t do this.”

I put my finger on his soft warm lips and whispered, “Speak for yourself.” I cupped snaked my arms around his neck and my lips landed on his giving him a soft yet passionate kiss. Sasuke relaxed and held me closer, deepening the kiss. He kissed back, and then groaned,

“Aye, Mayuri-san..” Wait…

All of a sudden Sasuke started glowing and his body was beginning to melt with the water around us and he began shifting his physique, morphing into another figure. I screamed, letting go and moving back a few steps.  Sasuke’s new figure turned into ice and then slowly turned into someone completely different. This was not Sasuke, I should have known. Why didn’t I see this before? Dammit.



******** I will be updating as soon as I can guys thanks again for being so patient <3 Till next time, READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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